Sangharakshita Memorial Space
Sangharakshita Memorial Space

Bhante's Departure (from Suratna by email)

By Centre Team on Wed, 31 Oct, 2018 - 20:30

Bhante's Departure (from Suratna by email)

By Centre Team on Wed, 31 Oct, 2018 - 20:30

With sad and heavy heart we celebrate the death of our beloverd and cherished teacher and friend Bante Sangharákshita he who gave us the Dharma and inspired us over many many years.

May his next life be as spiritually inspiring as the last. R.I.P.

Amitavati, Spain  

Sangharakshita Memorial Space
Sangharakshita Memorial Space

Sharing to the Remembrance Page

By Sadayasihi on Tue, 30 Oct, 2018 - 13:18

Sharing to the Remembrance Page

By Sadayasihi on Tue, 30 Oct, 2018 - 13:18

If you would like to share your memories of Sangharakshita, or your response to his passing, you can choose + post something above and your contribution will be shared on the remembrance page. We’ll keep them here as an archive too. 

You can add video, favourite talks by Sangharakshita, photos or other media that communicates your thoughts and feelings.

Your post should appear shortly after you send it to us.

Read Sangharakshita’s obituary

Contribute to the printed Book of Gratitude

Triratna International Gathering 2017 - What The World Needs Now
Triratna International Gathering 2017 - What The World Needs Now

August 26th, 2017: Bhante's birthday!

By Mokshini on Fri, 11 Aug, 2017 - 09:06

August 26th, 2017: Bhante's birthday!

By Mokshini on Fri, 11 Aug, 2017 - 09:06

On 26 August, right in the middle of the International Gathering, is Bhante’s birthday! A very special 92nd birthday and we are hoping, if Bhante if well enough, that he can join us in the marquee before the evening puja so we can all wish him a Happy Birthday and many happy returns of the day. 

The evening’s puja on the 26th will be Led by Vassika, and dedicated to Bhante. She is planning to bring out the theme of Bhante’s life and...

Triratna News
Triratna News

Sangharakshita's diary

By Centre Team on Mon, 6 Feb, 2017 - 10:13

Sangharakshita's diary

By Centre Team on Mon, 6 Feb, 2017 - 10:13

Sthanashraddha is Sangharakshita’s secretary. He writes:

“There is not much to report from the early part of December apart from Bhante having a rather quiet time having recovered from a long spell of poor sleep over the summer and autumn. During that time he saw Subhuti, Lokamitra and Devamitra, having seen almost no one in the previous month or two.

Then Bhante caught a cold. He quickly deteriorated and was admitted on the evening of Tuesday 20th December to Hereford County Hospital suffering from...

Triratna News
Triratna News

A letter from Triratna's College of Preceptors

By Munisha on Thu, 19 Jan, 2017 - 13:51

A letter from Triratna's College of Preceptors

By Munisha on Thu, 19 Jan, 2017 - 13:51

Endorsing a Personal statement from SangharakshitaTriratna’s College of preceptors have released this letter, sent to all Order members on 15th January.

“Dear brothers and sisters in the Order,

On 31st December 2016 Bhante released a personal statement to all Order members via the Order Information Service. I am speaking on behalf of all Public Preceptors when I say how glad we are that Bhante has felt able to make this statement and how much we welcome the confessional nature of the contents. I believe...
