Buddhist Action
Buddhist Action

Ratnaprabha on veganism and metta

By Mokshini on Mon, 20 Mar, 2017 - 07:57

Ratnaprabha on veganism and metta

By Mokshini on Mon, 20 Mar, 2017 - 07:57

And here is another share on the topic of veganism, in case you missed it on ‘Community Highlights’-

Vegan Fashion Venture recently interviewed Ratnaprabha (West London Buddhist Centre) about the relationship between Buddhism, meditation and veganism.

See the full post and media at https://thebuddhistcentre.com/highlights/buddhist-insights-veganism-ratnaprabha-french-and-english

Here is a little extract:

“When I think about Buddhism and veganism, it makes me think first of all about just how crucial from a Buddhist point of view it is to practise non-harming of living beings. It is something that...

Buddhist Action
Buddhist Action

Matthieu Ricard on Being Vegan

By Mokshini on Mon, 20 Mar, 2017 - 07:50

Matthieu Ricard on Being Vegan

By Mokshini on Mon, 20 Mar, 2017 - 07:50

To start getting in the mood for BAM 2017, I’m reposting a post from Vegan Buddhists and Friends - a simple message, communicated well

Buddhist Action
Buddhist Action

Pam Warhurst: How we can eat our landscapes (Incredible Edibles)

By Amaladipa on Mon, 20 Mar, 2017 - 05:42

Pam Warhurst: How we can eat our landscapes (Incredible Edibles)

By Amaladipa on Mon, 20 Mar, 2017 - 05:42

This video describes how ‘incredible edibles’ was set up and the transformational effect it had on the community in Todmorden. Pam Warhurst is an ordinary human being, like all of us, and she and her friends did something amazing, which is now being replicated in over a 1000 other projects around the world.

Take a look at


For BAM 2017 I think the idea that each Buddhist Centre BAM team could establish/participate in a community based incredible edible project, however humble, within...

Buddhist Action
Buddhist Action

Special Action for BAM 2017 - #4: Connecting to non-human beings...

By Mokshini on Wed, 15 Mar, 2017 - 17:27

… let’s go vegan for a day, a week or a month!

Sarah Boak who you might know from these pages, or from Southampton Sangha where her home is, or through her work for Buddhafield, has compiled this little booklet to make it that much easier to take the plunge and take steps towards consuming less animal-based products. 

And of course if you want to explore veganism as an action for June at your Buddhist centre or Group, one step might be to go...

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Buddhist Action
Buddhist Action

Special Action for BAM 2017 - #2: Take part in Refugee Week (in UK)

By Mokshini on Wed, 15 Mar, 2017 - 17:26

Im June in the UK this year is Refugee Week. This seems an opportunity to good to pass by, especially for those of us who live in the UK; but even if you don’t, the subject of refugees, and our relationship to them, is surely topical and all of us in Triratna may want to choose to do something in relation to this. 

The website includes helpful info like Advice and Ideas for Organising Events and there is...

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Buddhist Action
Buddhist Action

Special actions for BAM 2017: #3 Love not Fear street meditations

By Mokshini on Wed, 15 Mar, 2017 - 17:24

Maitrisiddhi from Taraloka was in touch saying:

“One thing we’ll do is for BAM this year is ‘Street meditation in Shrewsbury: ‘Love not Fear’ on 17th June 12-2 and possibly more later in the day - yet to unfold!

We’ll be meditating in public, making a visible statement about having a        different response to world events.  It’s on the day of the Shrewsbury Carnival - it’ll be a bit bonkers, but fun!  Come and be stared at!” 

It would be great to have...

Buddhist Action
Buddhist Action

Buddhist Action Month 2017 - preparing the ground!

By Mokshini on Thu, 2 Mar, 2017 - 13:41

Buddhist Action Month 2017 - preparing the ground!

By Mokshini on Thu, 2 Mar, 2017 - 13:41

Re-posted from the BAM 2016 space:

Buddhist Action Month 2017 is three months away but here is something to literally prepare the ground for it:  a tree planting and meditation retreat, organised by Satyadasa from the LBC with Trees for Life in the Highlands - it sounds great! 

This is the event page on the LBC site where you’ll find more info:

Re-wilding the Mind

Dates are from 27/05/2017 to 03/06/2017, and it is led by Satyadasa

Buddhist Action Month 2016
Buddhist Action Month 2016

Buddhist Action Month 2017 starts here

By Mokshini on Thu, 2 Mar, 2017 - 13:35

Buddhist Action Month 2017 starts here

By Mokshini on Thu, 2 Mar, 2017 - 13:35

Dear friends, 

it feels a bit like spring as I write this, and perhaps that is an auspicious time to turn our minds to Buddhist Action Month 2017. 

I know that some Triratna Centres and their respective ‘engaged Buddhist’ groups have already got plans for June and what they want to see happening during Buddhist Action Month; but for others this might be a first reminder that it is not too soon to turn our minds to the early summer and start thinking what...

Buddhist Action
Buddhist Action

Event Planning Guide

By Mokshini on Thu, 2 Mar, 2017 - 13:25

You can also find this Event Planning Guide in the Buddhist Action Month Handbook 2016

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Buddhist Action Month 2016
Buddhist Action Month 2016

Warming up for BAM: marking Triratna's 50th anniversary

By Mokshini on Fri, 27 Jan, 2017 - 08:07

Dear friends,

In just over 2 months our Triratna Buddhist Community will mark the 50th anniversary of its founding on April 6th, 1967.  I hope many of you will be able to join in with your Sangha at your nearest larger Centre for the day for the celebrations.  ​
All over the world Triratna Centres and Groups will gather to celebrate and many will already have developed plans for the day. 
However, in addition to meeting and practising with friends...
