Buddhist Action
Buddhist Action

2017 BAM report

By mokshini on Mon, 9 Apr, 2018 - 09:40

Christine Thuring is one of our greatest BAM enthusiasts. After several years organising and running events in Sheffield, Christine has been coordinating Buddhist Action Month on behalf of the Network of Buddhist Organisations (NBO) since 2016. The NBO initiated the BAM campaign in 2012, and is a UK-based organisation uniting numerous Buddhist traditions. (Because Triratna is a member of the NBO, all members of the Triratna sangha in the UK are automatically members of the NBO. Check it out, there are lots of interesting projects...

Buddhist Action
Buddhist Action

BAM at the London Buddhist Centre with Transforming Self and World

By Kavyamani on Wed, 5 Jul, 2017 - 21:50

BAM at the London Buddhist Centre with Transforming Self and World

By Kavyamani on Wed, 5 Jul, 2017 - 21:50

June has been a particularly turbulent month in the city of London.  The violent attacks and tragic incidents the city has experienced have given us much to pause and reflect upon.  It can feel as though the forces that govern our country and the wider world base their values on greed, fear, hatred and misinformation; the very poisons we try to work against in Buddhist practice.  More than ever it seems critical for each and every one of us and...

Buddhist Action
Buddhist Action

Street Meditation in Oxford, UK

By Prajnaketu on Wed, 28 Jun, 2017 - 11:21

Street Meditation in Oxford, UK

By Prajnaketu on Wed, 28 Jun, 2017 - 11:21

This week as part of BAM! our drop-in meditation took place at the foot of Carfax Tower in the heart of central Oxford. Though the weather was inclement, even by English summer standards, our spirits were not dampened (unlike our meditation gear…!) and there was quite a lot of interest - and photography - from the local population. Personally, I found it exhilarating to be...

Buddhist Action
Buddhist Action

BAM survey > your feedback is important

By Christine on Tue, 27 Jun, 2017 - 11:01

BAM survey > your feedback is important

By Christine on Tue, 27 Jun, 2017 - 11:01

Well, it’s the final week of Buddhist Action Month and I am soooOoooOOOO inspired by you lovely lot!!! WELL DONE to each and EVERY ONE of you for the various ways you have engaged with the MAGICAL SPACE between INNER and OUTER worlds!!! Now for some help: we’d be very GRATEFUL if you would take 5 minutes to fill in our brief survey. The results will help us to build...

Buddhist Action
Buddhist Action

NLBC Buddhist Action Day

By Lottie on Mon, 26 Jun, 2017 - 14:35

NLBC Buddhist Action Day

By Lottie on Mon, 26 Jun, 2017 - 14:35

On Saturday we had our Buddhist Action Day at the North London Buddhist Centre. 

We had a full program including meditation, vegan lunch, guerrilla gardening, a short film from Joanna Macy and a ritual to end. Our day started off busy as we had combined our meditation with our Saturday morning meditation class. Santva led us in a double sit where we did the mindfulness of breathing and the metta...

Buddhist Action
Buddhist Action

Buddhist Action Day at North London.

By Lottie on Thu, 15 Jun, 2017 - 10:44

Buddhist Action Day at North London.

By Lottie on Thu, 15 Jun, 2017 - 10:44

On Saturday 24th June we’ll be having a whole day of Buddhist Action! With meditation, guerrilla gardening, a vegan lunch and more. 

Buddhist Action
Buddhist Action

BAM at NLBC has begun!

By Lottie on Tue, 13 Jun, 2017 - 12:49

BAM at NLBC has begun!

By Lottie on Tue, 13 Jun, 2017 - 12:49

We kicked off Buddhist Action Month at the North London Buddhist centre with our opening ceremony last week. The Sangha signed up their pledges and committed to making a difference this June. People signed up to give blood, reduce plastics, go vegan, detox from social media and many more. 

Tara has been moving around the centre, joining in all Shrine Room activities before returning to our reception...

Triratna News
Triratna News

Buddhist Action Month 2017 begins!

By Munisha on Thu, 1 Jun, 2017 - 08:45

Buddhist Action Month 2017 begins!

By Munisha on Thu, 1 Jun, 2017 - 08:45

June is Buddhist Action Month (BAM) and Triratna sanghas all over the world have been planning activities as part of this festival of Buddhist social action. Beginning in 2012 as a day (BAD!), this is a pan-Buddhist initiative from the UK’s Network of Buddhist Organisations. The theme this year is ‘Connecting for change’, which we’re connecting strongly with the Bodhisattva Ideal.

Over on The Buddhist Centre Online’s dedicated BAM space you can follow...

Buddhist Action
Buddhist Action

Buddhist Action Month at Aryaloka

By Shrijnana on Thu, 25 May, 2017 - 17:02

Buddhist Action Month at Aryaloka

By Shrijnana on Thu, 25 May, 2017 - 17:02

Bodhisattva activity in the 21st century

Buddhist Action Month (BAM) is a festival of Buddhist social action in many forms. It is an international festival, celebrated by may Triratna centers and other Buddhist groups, and it’s fueled by metta. Metta is the strong intention to create Loving Kindness for all, and it’s embodied in the desire to act for the benefit of the world. Practicing this is at the heart of everything we do in the Triratna Buddhist Community. Let’s turn that intention into action for BAM...

Buddhist Action
Buddhist Action

Special BAM Transforming Self and World @theLBC

By Singhamanas on Thu, 18 May, 2017 - 13:50

Special BAM Transforming Self and World @theLBC

By Singhamanas on Thu, 18 May, 2017 - 13:50

At this special Transforming Self and World morning for BAM we will be hearing about a local Buddhist community outreach project developed and led by Tareshvari and Heather Belcher. “Material Lives” ​was​ a collaboration between Tower Hamlets College and Jambala and was funded by Globe Community Project. Using games, drama, art, storytelling and other techniques, 13 local muslim women developed language skills so they could discuss and write life stories. These stories were translated into textile artworks and exhibited...
