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Free Buddhist Audio

Going For Refuge - What Gets In the Way?

From Birmingham Buddhist Centre on Sun, 16 Jun, 2019 - 00:00
Maitrisara explores the vipallasas, the topsy turvy views as a way to explore how our delusions inhibit our efforts in spiritual practice. She begins with an overview of what Going for Refuge to the Three Jewels means and why frameworks to explore delusion (like the topsy turvy views) can help us. She illustrates the topsy turvy views with examples from her own life. This talk was given at Taraloka on a retreat for GFR women mitras in the MidWest region.
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FBA Podcast: The Path of Kindness

From Free Buddhist Audio on Sat, 15 Jun, 2019 - 14:00

Part 5 in the Faces of Enlightenment Sangha night series at the Sheffield Buddhist Centre.

Bodhinaga gives a talk on the Buddha Amitabha and the Metta Bhavana loving-kindness meditation.

Recorded at Sheffield Buddhist Centre, 21/05/19

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Generation X Dharma Teachers' Conference 2019

From Community Highlights on Fri, 14 Jun, 2019 - 10:35

Generation X Dharma Teachers' Conference 2019

From Community Highlights on Fri, 14 Jun, 2019 - 10:35

The 2019 Generation X Dharma Teachers’ Conference is currently underway at Great Vow Zen Monastery in Oregon, USA

This year those attending this biennial conference include three members of the Triratna Buddhist Order: Candradasa from Portsmouth, New Hampshire, USA; Vimalasara from Vancouver, Canada and Singhasri from London, UK. A variety of other Buddhist traditions in North America will also be represented. This is the fifth gathering of this kind, which has happened every two years since 2011.

The main topic is ethical transformation - exploring...

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Sazen, Harsh, Anoma & Akshobhya visit to Bhaja caves

From Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center on Fri, 14 Jun, 2019 - 09:29

Sazen, Harsh, Anoma & Akshobhya visit to Bhaja caves

From Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center on Fri, 14 Jun, 2019 - 09:29
With Dh Aryasambhava Sazen, Harash, Anoma and Akshobhya visited Bhaja caves.
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Monks and Nuns visit to Retreat center

From Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center on Thu, 13 Jun, 2019 - 18:08

Monks and Nuns visit to Retreat center

From Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center on Thu, 13 Jun, 2019 - 18:08

Monks and Nuns from South Indian monastery visit retreat center with Atul Veer. It was great to talk to them. Nuns were from Nepal. Some monks from Bhutan. They are all student of Khempo Sonam. 

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The Great Plant Give Away at ‘Hidden Gems’- the TBRL Charity Shop for the Croydon Buddhist Centre

From Buddhist Action on Thu, 13 Jun, 2019 - 15:58

The Great Plant Give Away at ‘Hidden Gems’- the TBRL Charity Shop for the Croydon Buddhist Centre

From Buddhist Action on Thu, 13 Jun, 2019 - 15:58

Every year ‘Hidden Gems’ marks Buddhist Action Month. It’s a great way of engaging with our customer and local community. In previous years we have given out information about being vegan with its environmental benefits; last year we highlighted ethical issues around  the clothing industry.

This June we wanted to bring out generosity and to thank our customers and people who donate to us. Our shop runs on dana- people giving us their unwanted items and with some love and care, we re- home them, in the process supporting four Buddhists...

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Dharmabyte: An Inner Journey

From Free Buddhist Audio on Thu, 13 Jun, 2019 - 14:00

Our FBA Dharmabyte today is An Inner Journey.

This is a fascinating introduction to the mandala from Garava - the idea, the myth, the image, the symbol, the experience. His own practice as an artist affords him a respectful and generous perspective, from which we are able to simply sit back and learn.

From the talk Entering the Mandala given at Padmaloka Retreat Centre, 2001

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Waking Up to Climate Crisis - and What to Do About It?

From Community Highlights on Thu, 13 Jun, 2019 - 10:21

Buddhist Action Month is underway and here is a timely talk from Arthacarya, given during the recent Australia / New Zealand Order Convention, on the theme of what we can do about the climate crisis. Arthacarya relates his personal journey back to environmental engagement, the trigger being reading the ‘The Uninhabitable Earth’ by David Wallace-Wells in July 2018. He also provides some useful suggestions how Dharma practitioners can contribute to the change that must happen and move away from the four Ds of despair,...

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Kiranada - A Year of Silence (with Q & A): Highlighted Talk

From Free Buddhist Audio on Wed, 12 Jun, 2019 - 18:48

Kiranada is an ordained Buddhist, a traveler, a renowned artist in (cruelty-free) silk, a teacher, an author and a Mom. Here she is at the Portsmouth Public Library in June 2019, reading from her book ‘A Year Of Silence’, an account of her year-long silent, solitary retreat in the New Zealand bush.

As one of her last engagements before heading off to Kentucky and Missouri to begin a further 3-year solitary, silent retreat, this is a wonderful opportunity to hear what it...

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Free Buddhist Audio

Solen Och Månen: Dualism Och Icke-Dualism

From Stockholms buddhistcenter on Tue, 11 Jun, 2019 - 00:00
Ett delande av reflektioner som berör såväl obeskrivlig visdom som buddhistisk konst med dess rika symbolik och ikonografi.
