ratnadharini's picture

A Message of Apology and Regret

From Adhisthana Kula on Fri, 23 Aug, 2019 - 22:04

A Message of Apology and Regret

From Adhisthana Kula on Fri, 23 Aug, 2019 - 22:04

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Read about the background to this statement and our next steps in Addressing our Collective History

At the end of 2016 Sangharakshita published a statement of his regret and apology for occasions when, as he put it, ‘I have hurt, harmed or upset fellow Buddhists, whether within...

Centre Team's picture
Centre Team

A Song...

A Song...

From Triratna International Gathering 2019: Alchemy of the Dharma on Sat, 24 Aug, 2019 - 01:08

The first lunchtime concert of the International retreat. 🎼Manidhara and Natalia Kieniewicz performing.

More soon! Follow on Instagram for previews of the concerts each day.

More from Alchemy of the Dharma

Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Transforming Self (Triratna International Gathering 2019)

From Community Highlights on Sat, 24 Aug, 2019 - 00:00
A wonderful first talk of the 2019 International Gathering, whose theme is 'Alchemy of the Dharma'. The utterly delightful Ratnaguna takes us through the true miracle of transforming ourselves via magic of a practice in which we also learn to let ourselves change. This is a beautiful, reflective, funny take on the challenges of the Dharma life. Ratnaguna's breadth of reference is itself a joy: taking in Greek philosophy, Hans Christian Andersen, and writings on the nearness of death to life in any moment. All pointing to, opening into, an experience of freedom and deep beauty. Listen out for his rendition of the Ugly Ducking song! Recorded at Adhisthana, August 2019.
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Transforming Self (Triratna International Gathering 2019)

From Community Highlights on Sat, 24 Aug, 2019 - 00:00
A wonderful first talk of the 2019 International Gathering, whose theme is 'Alchemy of the Dharma'. The utterly delightful Ratnaguna takes us through the true miracle of transforming ourselves via magic of a practice in which we also learn to let ourselves change. This is a beautiful, reflective, funny take on the challenges of the Dharma life. Ratnaguna's breadth of reference is itself a joy: taking in Greek philosophy, Hans Christian Andersen, and writings on the nearness of death to life in any moment. All pointing to, opening into, an experience of freedom and deep beauty. Listen out for his rendition of the Ugly Ducking song! Recorded at Adhisthana, August 2019.
Sadayasihi's picture

Myth and Magic: Day 1 of the 2019 Triratna International Gathering

It’s the first full day of the Triratna International Gathering and Adhisthana is basking in summer sunshine! 

In this short podcast we get a flavour of the ‘Alchemy of the Dharma’. A couple of people share their highlights from the International Gathering so far - from the first talk by Ratnaguna on ‘Transforming Self’, a classic music concert after lunch, workshops on tai chi, yoga, the activities for children as well as authentic conversations and the possibility of...

lokeshvara's picture

Consulting the Order About Our Collective History

From Threads on Fri, 23 Aug, 2019 - 22:38

Consulting the Order About Our Collective History

From Threads on Fri, 23 Aug, 2019 - 22:38

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Since it was established in February 2017, the members of the Adhisthana Kula have been working together in response to renewed criticism of Triratna, and we recently published a ‘Next Steps’ document setting out how we intend to take this work forward. 

Soon afterwards we...

Candradasa's picture

Shakyamuni Mantra - First Evening, Triratna International Gathering 2019

The chanting of the Shakyamuni mantra, associated with the historical Buddha on the first evening of the 2019 Triratna International Gathering.

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More from Alchemy of the Dharma

Candradasa's picture

Scenes from the First Evening... International Gathering 2019

Scenes from the First Evening... International Gathering 2019

From Triratna International Gathering 2019: Alchemy of the Dharma on Fri, 23 Aug, 2019 - 00:22

A beautiful arrival, Adhisthana looking like Hobbiton, the sun shining, beautiful people, an awesome shrine in the big tent provided by Buddhafield… What more could we want?

Join us and 250 people all weekend for the International Gathering, as “live” as we can make it over some very rural broadband! 👨🏽‍💻

Dharma talks, wonderful sangha, workshops, podcasts, music, ritual, discussion...

Sadayasihi's picture

Dharmabyte: Working Towards Wisdom

From Free Buddhist Audio on Thu, 22 Aug, 2019 - 14:00

Metta helps us to disentangle our own self involvement to be able to see the bigger picture. We can only really see things clearly with the eyes of Metta. Vijayasri looks to the life of the Buddha and how he responded to the suffering of the world with metta.

This talk entitled Living with Loving Kindness was given at Croydon Buddhist Centre as part of the regular Saturday morning Sangha class, Autumn 2017.

