sanghadhara's picture

Transforming Self - Ratnaguna (VIDEO)

Transforming Self - Ratnaguna (VIDEO)

From Triratna International Gathering 2019: Alchemy of the Dharma on Tue, 27 Aug, 2019 - 11:25

A wonderful first talk of the 2019 International Gathering, whose theme is ‘Alchemy of the Dharma’. The utterly delightful Ratnaguna takes us through the true miracle of transforming ourselves via the magic of a practice in which we also learn to let ourselves change. 

This is a beautiful, reflective, funny take on the challenges of the Dharma life. Ratnaguna’s breadth of reference is itself a joy: taking in Greek philosophy, Hans Christian Andersen, and writings on the nearness of death to life...

sanghadhara's picture

Transforming Sangha - Sanghamani (VIDEO)

Transforming Sangha - Sanghamani (VIDEO)

From Triratna International Gathering 2019: Alchemy of the Dharma on Tue, 27 Aug, 2019 - 11:07

Sanghamani with a great second talk from the 2019 Triratna International Gathering. Her theme on this Alchemy of the Dharma weekend is how we can transform ourselves in order to transform our communities. And she leads with fearlessness in discussing her own work and practice in this regard.

As a fundraiser at the cutting edge of the practice of connection – trying to forge a sense of mutually vital relationship with strangers (who are not necessarily pleased to find you at their...

sanghadhara's picture

Transforming World - Prasadacarin (VIDEO)

Transforming World - Prasadacarin (VIDEO)

From Triratna International Gathering 2019: Alchemy of the Dharma on Tue, 27 Aug, 2019 - 11:02

In the third and final talk from the 2019 Triratna International Gathering, Prasadacarin explores the theme of ‘transforming world’. Taking ‘everything is burning with the three fires of greed, hatred and delusion’ as his starting point, he poses the question: what are the alternatives to these fires?

The three jewels of the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha are a framework that could transform the world and Prasadacarin draws out what each jewel or refuge can offer. 


dhammamegha's picture

Order Practice Questionnaire – one week to go!

From Order Connection on Mon, 26 Aug, 2019 - 14:00

Order Practice Questionnaire – one week to go!

From Order Connection on Mon, 26 Aug, 2019 - 14:00

We are nearly at the end of the Order Practice Questionnaire. Thank you if you’ve already taken part in it. And if you would still like to – now is the time.  You have until Saturday the 31st of August when the clock strikes midnight.

A quick reminder that you can do the Survey online in English:, or Spanish:

The team is looking forward to putting all the information in one place and starting to make sense of it. We hope...

Sadayasihi's picture

Dharmabyte: Taking Delight in Tasting Freedom

From Free Buddhist Audio on Mon, 26 Aug, 2019 - 14:00

Just as the mighty ocean has but one taste, the taste of salt, even so the Dharma-vinaya (Buddhism) has but one taste, the taste of Freedom. (from ‘The Udana’). This brilliant and rousing tour-de-force on transcendental freedom is one of Sangharakshita’s best-loved lectures.

The Taste of Freedom lecture was given in 1979.

Subscribe to our Dharmabytes podcast - bite-sized inspiration three times every week! (Apple Podcasts)

Subscribe to our Free Buddhist Audio podcast - a full...

Dhanakosa's picture

radical Dharma: join us at Dhanakosa, change lives

From Jobs, Volunteering & Communities on Mon, 26 Aug, 2019 - 12:35

radical Dharma: join us at Dhanakosa, change lives

From Jobs, Volunteering & Communities on Mon, 26 Aug, 2019 - 12:35

The second review date for our team / community recruitment is due at the end of this week (31st August 2019) If anyone is thinking of applying but has not yet done so, now is the time to complete your application or register your interest with Nayaka.

We have 2 roles open to Order Members and GFR Mitras to join us and are able to contribute to the project with either with office or practical skills. 

For Order Members there is also the opportunity to develop retreat leading/teaching skills. 

Join us,...

vajratara's picture

Celebrate 25 years of Tiratanaloka!

From Tiratanaloka on Mon, 26 Aug, 2019 - 10:05

Celebrate 25 years of Tiratanaloka!

From Tiratanaloka on Mon, 26 Aug, 2019 - 10:05

The team at Tiratanaloka invites you to celebrate our 25th anniversary with us on Sunday 29th September 2019, from 10.30 am to 5pm, at Tiratanaloka retreat centre in the heart of the Brecon Beacons, South Wales. The programme for the day will include a keynote talk on “The Significance of Ordination” from Ratnadharini, several mini-talks by Dharmacarinis on what Tiratanaloka means to them, a collective ritual, a light vegan lunch, a variety of vegan cakes, and activities for children.

Sadayasihi's picture

Creating a Heaven on Earth: Day 3 of the 2019 Triratna International Gathering

“…[the International Gathering is] quite intentionally like a mix of a retreat and a festival…but it’s a whole retreat and a whole festival happening at the same time!”

On the final full day of the 2019 Triratna International Gathering we tune in with Sanghamani, who gave one of the keynote talks, Sanjay from London and David, who is on the current men’s Dharma Life course at Adhisthana, about how they’ve been finding the gathering.

Sharing their favourite moments - of...

Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Prasadacarin - Transforming World (Triratna International Gathering 2019)

In the third and final talk from the 2019 Triratna International Gathering, Prasadacarin explores the theme of ‘transforming world’. Taking ‘everything is burning with the three fires of greed, hatred and delusion’ as his starting point, he poses the question: what are the alternatives to these fires?

The three jewels of the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha are a framework that could transform the world and Prasadacarin draws out what each jewel or refuge can offer. 


lokeshvara's picture

A Message of Apology and Regret

From Order Connection on Sun, 25 Aug, 2019 - 11:41

A Message of Apology and Regret

From Order Connection on Sun, 25 Aug, 2019 - 11:41

The Adhisthana Kula published two new documents for the Order on the Buddhist Centre Online, Friday 23rd August:

‘Consulting the Order About Our Collective History’

’A Message of Apology and Regret’ 

The first document provides context for the Apology, and clarifies next steps. 

In order to make these accessible to as many Order members as possible, we are sending the links to these documents (see above), as well as the full...
