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Free Buddhist Audio

Stories of Awakening: Parinirvana

From Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Mon, 19 Aug, 2019 - 00:00
A talk by Manjurava as part of Sub35s. The Buddha was a human being who by his own efforts discovered the path towards Enlightenment and was able to communicate this path for others to follow. His life is full of stories that that are of relevance for those of us today who wish to follow the path towards Enlightenment.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Full Moon Discourse

From Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Mon, 19 Aug, 2019 - 00:00
To mark the full moon, with its significance to Buddhists around the world, Ratnaghosha relates the 'Shorter discourse on the full moon night'.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Mind Reactive and Creative

From Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Mon, 19 Aug, 2019 - 00:00
Mind Reactive and Creative is Bhante's original way of talking about the wheel of life and the spiral path of positive conditionality. Priyananda, who has been in the Order since the 1970's and knew Sangharakshita well, gives his personal take on this teaching.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Talks From Open Studios - Awareness Through the Lens

From Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Mon, 19 Aug, 2019 - 00:00
This year the Cambridge Buddhist Centre participated in the city-wide Open Studios, where artists invite the public into their creative spaces for an insight into their world and their work. Entitled 'Awareness through the lens', the focus of the open studios was an exhibition of photography by photographers from the Sangha. These talks explore the interface between Buddhist practice and creativity through the arts, touching on themes such as beauty and the nature of perception.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Full Moon Discourse

From Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Mon, 19 Aug, 2019 - 00:00
To mark the full moon, with its significance to Buddhists around the world, Ratnaghosha relates the 'Shorter discourse on the full moon night'.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Stories From the Udana

From Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Mon, 19 Aug, 2019 - 00:00
The Udana is a very early text in the Pali Canon. Sanghaketu shares his love of these stories with us at Sangha Night.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Stories of Awakening: Parinirvana

From Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Mon, 19 Aug, 2019 - 00:00
A talk by Manjurava as part of Sub35s. The Buddha was a human being who by his own efforts discovered the path towards Enlightenment and was able to communicate this path for others to follow. His life is full of stories that that are of relevance for those of us today who wish to follow the path towards Enlightenment.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Mind Reactive and Creative

From Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Mon, 19 Aug, 2019 - 00:00
Mind Reactive and Creative is Bhante's original way of talking about the wheel of life and the spiral path of positive conditionality. Priyananda, who has been in the Order since the 1970's and knew Sangharakshita well, gives his personal take on this teaching.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Talks From Open Studios - Awareness Through the Lens

From Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Mon, 19 Aug, 2019 - 00:00
This year the Cambridge Buddhist Centre participated in the city-wide Open Studios, where artists invite the public into their creative spaces for an insight into their world and their work. Entitled 'Awareness through the lens', the focus of the open studios was an exhibition of photography by photographers from the Sangha. These talks explore the interface between Buddhist practice and creativity through the arts, touching on themes such as beauty and the nature of perception.
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A Notice about Dharmottara's Health

From Order Connection on Sat, 17 Aug, 2019 - 18:27

A Notice about Dharmottara's Health

From Order Connection on Sat, 17 Aug, 2019 - 18:27

Dear Order Friends,

In 2017, Dharmottara, who lives in Ely, UK, was diagnosed with cancer. She has had several operations and chemotherapy since then and has impressed those of us who know her with the depth of her practice and positivity during her illness. She has stayed enthusiastic about the Dharma and has enjoyed meeting friends.

However, over the last few weeks Dharmottara has grown increasingly tired and she now says that she feels that she’s...
