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Free Buddhist Audio

Why Read the Sutta Nipata?

From Glasgow Buddhist Centre on Wed, 9 Mar, 2011 - 00:00
Why Read the Sutta Nipata?

The talk starts by looking at why we read the suttas. Suriyavamsa evokes how sutta were traditionally passed on through the ages, attending to the spirit of the text. He makes the point, quoting Ch'an master Shen Yen that Ch'an and Zen hold their sutras in high regard, contrary to the modern western view that Zen is 'beyond words and letters'. For us, studying texts is a matter of retraining our minds.

He makes the distinction between sutras and their commentaries - primary and secondary texts. Commentaries move from being new and fashionable to old and outdated but the suttas and sutras themselves remain fresh.

He then uses Kukai's description of the Mahavairocana Sutra to describe how a sutra works on different levels, including a rational level, an imaginative and a cosmic mythological level.

Suriyavamsa then goes on to talk about the Sutta Nipata itself, locating it's place within the Pali Canon as one of the earliest body of text. The sutta is a record of lives lived in the spirit of renunciation, practising meditation and insight.

He runs through the structure of the text, outling the five chapters and then reads some selected verses on the following themes: skillful speech, grief and fearing death, humility, pleasure, avoiding arguments, worldly desire.

The tone of the sutta is of non-clinging. It leads to an atmosphere of quietness and simplicity.

Suriyavamsa tells the story in the last chapter of Bavari the Brahmin who seeks the Buddha's advice after he has been threatened with death. The text ends with 'Pingiya's Praises of the Way to the Beyond.'

In this talk he draws on two translations; one by Saddhatissa and one by KR Norman.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Heart Sutra Seminar 2

From Dhanakosa Buddhist Retreat Centre on Tue, 8 Mar, 2011 - 00:00
From a 4 part seminar on The Heart Sutra during a Heart Sutra retreat at Dhanakosa. Pasada has studied and meditated upon this text in depth over many years. Here he is referrring to Conze's translation.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Heart Sutra Seminar 3

From Dhanakosa Buddhist Retreat Centre on Tue, 8 Mar, 2011 - 00:00
From a 4 part seminar on The Heart Sutra during a Heart Sutra retreat at Dhanakosa. Pasada has studied and meditated upon this text in depth over many years. Here he is referrring to Conze's translation.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Heart Sutra Seminar 4

From Dhanakosa Buddhist Retreat Centre on Tue, 8 Mar, 2011 - 00:00
From a 4 part seminar on The Heart Sutra during a Heart Sutra retreat at Dhanakosa. Pasada has studied and meditated upon this text in depth over many years. Here he is referrring to Conze's translation.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Nagarjuna's Mulamadhyamakakarika Seminar 1

From Dhanakosa Buddhist Retreat Centre on Tue, 8 Mar, 2011 - 00:00
From a 2 part seminar on Nagarjuna's Mulamadhyamakakirika during a Perfection of Wisdom retreat at Dhanakosa.
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Free Buddhist Audio

The Importance of Ethics

From Community Highlights on Mon, 7 Mar, 2011 - 00:00
A talk given in Nagpur exploring the importance of ethics and the way in which we live our lives.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Buddha Festival Artist's Seminar

From Community Highlights on Sun, 6 Mar, 2011 - 00:00
Buddha festival celebrating art and culture in the New Buddhist Community. This is a seminar where Subhuti looked at the Buddhist basis for engaging with the arts
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Free Buddhist Audio

Opening the Satyaloka Retreat Centre

From Community Highlights on Sun, 6 Mar, 2011 - 00:00
Celebrating the opening of the Satyaloka retreat centre in Raipur, India. Subhuti gives an uplifting talk on the importance of such a development.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Under the Bodhi Tree

From Birmingham Buddhist Centre on Thu, 10 Feb, 2011 - 00:00
On a warm May day in Birmingham, under the overhanging branches of the Sycamore tree in the Buddhist Centre garden, Parami richly evokes Gautama's quest, realisation, and their relevance for today's world.

This talk was given on the Buddha Day Festival of 2010.
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Free Buddhist Audio

The Teachings of Vairocana

From Sheffield Buddhist Centre on Wed, 9 Feb, 2011 - 00:00
Vairocana and the Dharma Jewel. In a talk form the Three Jewels series at Sheffield Buddhist Centre, Vadanya introduces the Dharma Jewel as a light shining into our world from a higher dimension, the realm of the enlightened mind.
