Sadayasihi's picture

Video - Prakasha's talk 'Imagination, Archetype, Myth and Drama' OM

From Buddhist Centre Features on Thu, 15 Aug, 2019 - 11:33

Video - Prakasha's talk 'Imagination, Archetype, Myth and Drama' OM

From Buddhist Centre Features on Thu, 15 Aug, 2019 - 11:33

‘Imagination, Archetype, Myth and Drama’ was the title of Prakasha’s third talk given at the 2019 UK & Ireland Area Order Convention, recorded by the Clear Vision team at Wymondham College, UK

Listen to the series of talks and sadhanas from this Area Convention on Free Buddhist Audio (you need to be logged in as an Order member to access them)

See all posts about the UK & Ireland Order Convention

Sadayasihi's picture

Video - Prakasha's talk 'Entering the Clear, Blue, Boundless Sky' OM

From Buddhist Centre Features on Thu, 15 Aug, 2019 - 11:29

Video - Prakasha's talk 'Entering the Clear, Blue, Boundless Sky' OM

From Buddhist Centre Features on Thu, 15 Aug, 2019 - 11:29

Here is Prakasha’s second talk, ’Entering the Clear, Blue, Boundless Sky’, from the 2019 UK & Ireland Area Order Convention, recorded by the Clear Vision team at Wymondham College, UK

Listen to the series of talks and sadhanas from this Area Convention on Free Buddhist Audio (you need to be logged in as an Order member to access them)

See all posts about the UK & Ireland Order Convention

Sadayasihi's picture

Video - Prakasha's talk 'The System of Spiritual Practice' OM

From Buddhist Centre Features on Thu, 15 Aug, 2019 - 11:24

Video - Prakasha's talk 'The System of Spiritual Practice' OM

From Buddhist Centre Features on Thu, 15 Aug, 2019 - 11:24

Watch Prakasha’s first talk ‘The System of Spiritual Practice’ from the 2019 UK & Ireland Area Order Convention, recorded by the Clear Vision team at Wymondham College, UK.

Listen to the series of talks and sadhanas from this Area Convention on Free Buddhist Audio (you need to be logged in as an Order member to access them)

See all posts about the UK & Ireland Order Convention

Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Staying In Touch

From Sheffield Buddhist Centre on Wed, 14 Aug, 2019 - 00:00
The third step in bringing about the goal of Enlightenment is remembering: recalling our desire and decision to do what is needed. Bodhinaga talks about three qualities of mindfulness and highlights the central importance of the mind in Buddhism. Using metaphors from the Bodhicaryavatara, he draws out how mindfulness can transform our lives, both as a defence against negative, reactive patterns and in actively developing the heart and mind of a Bodhisattva, 'one who cares more for others than they care for themselves'. Part 4 in the 'Path to Awakening' Sangha night series at Sheffield Buddhist Centre. Read chapter 5 of the condensed Bodhicaryavatara (available on the Sangha Night section of the website at the time this talk was uploaded) to accompany this week's talk. Points for reflection and discussion: Is there a situation in which it would be good for you to 'act like a block of wood' this week? What is your experience of the mindfulness of breathing meditation? What are the benefits of mindfulness in your life? Recorded at Sheffield Buddhist Centre 13.08.19
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Staying In Touch

From Sheffield Buddhist Centre on Wed, 14 Aug, 2019 - 00:00
The third step in bringing about the goal of Enlightenment is remembering: recalling our desire and decision to do what is needed. Bodhinaga talks about three qualities of mindfulness and highlights the central importance of the mind in Buddhism. Using metaphors from the Bodhicaryavatara, he draws out how mindfulness can transform our lives, both as a defence against negative, reactive patterns and in actively developing the heart and mind of a Bodhisattva, 'one who cares more for others than they care for themselves'. Part 4 in the 'Path to Awakening' Sangha night series at Sheffield Buddhist Centre. Read chapter 5 of the condensed Bodhicaryavatara (available on the Sangha Night section of the website at the time this talk was uploaded) to accompany this week's talk. Points for reflection and discussion: Is there a situation in which it would be good for you to 'act like a block of wood' this week? What is your experience of the mindfulness of breathing meditation? What are the benefits of mindfulness in your life? Recorded at Sheffield Buddhist Centre 13.08.19
saddhaloka's picture

A New College Website

From Order Connection on Thu, 1 Aug, 2019 - 11:24

A New College Website

From Order Connection on Thu, 1 Aug, 2019 - 11:24

Dear Order Members,

When I first met FWBO/Triratna there were less than 100 Order members. Now there are nearly 2,300. Back then all the ordinations were performed by Bhante and we all knew each other. When he started handing on his responsibilities the College of Public Preceptors had just five members. All but one of these original preceptors have now retired and with another generation of Order members coming forward there are now some 44 College members around the world.


Prajnaketu's picture

Blueprint for a New Society - Big One 2019

From Triratna Young Buddhists on Tue, 13 Aug, 2019 - 15:23

Blueprint for a New Society - Big One 2019

From Triratna Young Buddhists on Tue, 13 Aug, 2019 - 15:23

Blueprint for a New Society: 25th - 27th of October 2019

Join us for a weekend exploring how Buddhist values can shape a world that desperately needs to change. We’ll be meditating together, doing rituals, engaging with talks and discussion,… all with like-minded people aged 18-35 in a stunning setting.

Book here:

Any questions, contact youngtriratna [at]

Sadayasihi's picture

A Mandala of Awakening - Podcast from the UK & Ireland Area Order Convention 2019

From Buddhist Centre Features on Thu, 8 Aug, 2019 - 19:47

Dassini talks to the International Order Convenors, Aryajaya and Lokeshvara, and Vimalamati and Vajrapriya from the International Order Office on day 2 of the UK & Ireland Area Order Convention at Wymondham, UK.

The inspiration for this particular Convention has been to make the programme more retreat-like as well as also having forum spaces to facilitate Order debate and dialogue and we get a sense of how it is going on its second full day. 

Sadayasihi's picture

FBA Podcast: Climate Precepts In The Burning House

From Free Buddhist Audio on Sat, 3 Aug, 2019 - 14:00

How can Buddhists respond to the climate emergency? Vishvapani uses the Parable of the Burning House from the Lotus Sutra to suggest our responsibilities’ and finds the values we need to guide us in the Five Precepts.

Given at Cardiff Buddhist Centre on Dharma Day, July 2019.

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