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Free Buddhist Audio

Three Personal Talks: Realms of the Wheel

From Sheffield Buddhist Centre on Wed, 5 Feb, 2020 - 00:00
The wheel of life shows the six realms corresponding to six kinds of mental states that can result from our actions. How can we recognise these states in everyday life and what can we do to live with a more fully human life? In this talk Satyajyoti, Pete and Dharmamayi share their personal experiences of three of these realms. Satyajyoti talks about the realm of the titans and her transformation of competitiveness into appreciation; Pete recalls his experience of the realm of hungry ghosts and some suggestions of how to navigate out of this desert landscape. Dharmamayi gives vivid expression to life in the hell realm and shares her personal antidotes to this state of intense mental distress. This series of talks explores three great Buddhist symbols that describe the way things are: the wheel of life, the spiral path and the ultimate goal of Enlightenment. Together they form a guide to escape from the ultimate vicious circle into the complete freedom and fulfilment of Awakening. Questions for reflection and discussion: If you wanted to leave the asura realm, which wisdom would appeal to your desire for perfection? Is there a particular Buddhist text that you value and respect? Which antidotes work best for you if you have entered the hell realm? Recorded at Sheffield Buddhist Centre on 4.2.20
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Free Buddhist Audio

Three Personal Talks: Realms of the Wheel

From Sheffield Buddhist Centre on Wed, 5 Feb, 2020 - 00:00
The wheel of life shows the six realms corresponding to six kinds of mental states that can result from our actions. How can we recognise these states in everyday life and what can we do to live with a more fully human life? In this talk Satyajyoti, Pete and Dharmamayi share their personal experiences of three of these realms. Satyajyoti talks about the realm of the titans and her transformation of competitiveness into appreciation; Pete recalls his experience of the realm of hungry ghosts and some suggestions of how to navigate out of this desert landscape. Dharmamayi gives vivid expression to life in the hell realm and shares her personal antidotes to this state of intense mental distress. This series of talks explores three great Buddhist symbols that describe the way things are: the wheel of life, the spiral path and the ultimate goal of Enlightenment. Together they form a guide to escape from the ultimate vicious circle into the complete freedom and fulfilment of Awakening. Questions for reflection and discussion: If you wanted to leave the asura realm, which wisdom would appeal to your desire for perfection? Is there a particular Buddhist text that you value and respect? Which antidotes work best for you if you have entered the hell realm? Recorded at Sheffield Buddhist Centre on 4.2.20
vimalamati's picture

The International Order Office is looking for a part-time Order convenor OM

From Jobs, Volunteering & Communities on Sun, 2 Feb, 2020 - 10:44

The International Order Office is looking for a part-time Order convenor OM

From Jobs, Volunteering & Communities on Sun, 2 Feb, 2020 - 10:44

The International Order office is seeking to take on an additional Order convenor with particular responsibility for working on matters relating to care and ethical conduct in the Order.

This person will work with the international Order convenors to help strengthen harmony, trust and confidence in ethical practice in the Order. It also means working with the safeguarding team, the College chair and deputies as well as the Order office and convening networks.


Vajrashura's picture

The Inexhaustible Lamp: Igniting the Dharma in Others OM

From The Sikkha Project on Tue, 28 Jan, 2020 - 14:13

The Inexhaustible Lamp: Igniting the Dharma in Others OM

From The Sikkha Project on Tue, 28 Jan, 2020 - 14:13

Retreat in Adhisthana
The Inexhaustible Lamp: Igniting the Dharma in Others
Led by Ratnaguna, Nibbhaya, and Lilamani.

“A single bodhisattva may establish many hundreds of thousands of living beings in enlightenment without his mindfulness being diminished. In fact, not only does it not diminish, it grows stronger. Likewise, the more you teach...

vajrapriya's picture

International Order Office Report 2019

From Order Connection on Thu, 30 Jan, 2020 - 12:58

Below you will find the Annual Report of the International Order Office, including reports on:

  • Aryajaya and Lokeshvara, our International Order Convenors
  • The five Area Order Conventions
  • Conventions for 2020 and beyond
  • Order Dana
  • Overall finances
  • Evaluation of the Restorative Process Pilot Project
  • Indian Order Office
  • Order Convenors’ Network

File NameSize
main_order_office_report_2019.pdf1.47 MB
Sadayasihi's picture

The Inauguration of Toluca Buddhist Centre in Mexico

From Triratna News on Tue, 21 Jan, 2020 - 12:04

The Inauguration of Toluca Buddhist Centre in Mexico

From Triratna News on Tue, 21 Jan, 2020 - 12:04

On Friday 17th January, the Toluca Buddhist Centre in Mexico was formally inaugurated. The Toluca Buddhist Centre arose from the friendship of three friends who wanted to share their practice with each other and with other people.

Fifteen years ago, Sanghadhara, Ruchiramati and Bodhikamala, then 16 years old, living in Toluca, met Buddhism through the Mexico City Buddhist Centre and began practicing together. Toluca is a city located in the middle of the country, 70 km...

Candradasa's picture

Prajnaketu & Subhadramati - Encouraging Young People on the Path

From Buddhist Centre Features on Mon, 20 Jan, 2020 - 23:12

Here are two wonderfully passionate members of the Order talking across generations about the need to open up effective pathways of commitment for young people as they connect and engage with the possibilities in a Buddhist life. 

Subhadramati has pioneered such pathways for women for many years at the London Buddhist Centre, one of the biggest Centres in Europe. She discusses her plans for 2020 to start a women’s community in London where she and a few experienced friends will share a...

satyamuni's picture

Akashavana 2020

From Community Highlights on Tue, 4 Feb, 2020 - 17:01

Akashavana 2020 (group)

From Community Highlights on Tue, 4 Feb, 2020 - 17:01

A space for the 23 fortunate women who will be going to Akashavana in April 2020 to connect.

Sadayasihi's picture

Dharmabyte: Death is Uncharted Territory

From Free Buddhist Audio on Mon, 3 Feb, 2020 - 14:00

There is something profoundly natural and ordinary about death, and yet something quite mysterious. Where do we go? What actually happens? Who or what are we when alive? Nothing changed, from the Buddha’s point of view. Vimalavajri offers reflections on the ultimate unknown, the ultimate mystery, death, inspired by the glimpses of awakening depicted in the Mahaparinibbana Sutta.

Excerpted from the talk entitled The Way to the Beyond given at Bristol Buddhist Centre, 2016.


Hridayagita's picture

TBRL and Community living at Taraloka...

From Jobs, Volunteering & Communities on Sun, 2 Feb, 2020 - 20:53

TBRL and Community living at Taraloka...

From Jobs, Volunteering & Communities on Sun, 2 Feb, 2020 - 20:53

Transform!  Have fun!  Serve the Dharma!  Taraloka offers a unique context for women to live a full time Dharma life of service and  transformation in a vibrant inspiring community.   Join us - come for 6 months, or give us a try for 1—2 years or longer.

Participate in the Operations Team’s shared practical work, as well as managing your own key work area.  Work areas include administration, finance, gardening, DIY/ maintenance /decorating, cleaning and cooking.  You will need to have...
