Sadayasihi's picture

International Order Office Report 2019

From Community Highlights on Thu, 30 Jan, 2020 - 15:35

“ ‘Connecting the Order to deepen the Order’. You could say this is the work of the International Order Office Team” - Vajrapriya, the outgoing Coordinator of the team.

The International Order Office provides support for the International Order Convenors and manages the Order’s information, administration, support and development worldwide.

The 2019 Annual Report of the International Order Office has recently been published with a review of the year from Aryajaya and Lokeshvara, who are the International Order Convenors, as well as reports on:

  • The five
  • ...
Sadayasihi's picture

Dharmabyte: A Measuring Worm

From Free Buddhist Audio on Thu, 30 Jan, 2020 - 14:00

Maitreyabandhu draws out the deeper meaning and finer detail of the poem entitled A Measuring Worm, by Richard Wilbur. In the full talk entitled A New Knowledge of Reality-Buddhism and Poetry, Maitreyabandhu discusses five different poems, each around the theme of death, with the final poem focusing on spiritual rebirth.

By discussing the background of the poems and poets, the intricacies of their structure, and bringing in a Buddhist interpretation of the themes raised in...

vajrapriya's picture

International Order Office Report 2019

From Order Connection on Thu, 30 Jan, 2020 - 12:58

Below you will find the Annual Report of the International Order Office, including reports on:

  • Aryajaya and Lokeshvara, our International Order Convenors
  • The five Area Order Conventions
  • Conventions for 2020 and beyond
  • Order Dana
  • Overall finances
  • Evaluation of the Restorative Process Pilot Project
  • Indian Order Office
  • Order Convenors’ Network

File NameSize
main_order_office_report_2019.pdf1.47 MB
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

The Loveliest Bodhisattvas

From Padmaloka Retreat Centre on Thu, 30 Jan, 2020 - 00:00
In this talk Padmavajra explores the Altruistic dimension of Going for Refuge - The Bodhisattva Ideal - through Bhante's poem 'The Guardian Wall'. He particularly explores the line in the poem: 'The loveliest Bodhisattvas are the anonymous' and what this means for somebody aspiring to practice the great ideal of the Bodhisattva. Talk given at Padmaloka retreat centre during the 'Bodhisattva Ideal' retreat in January 2020.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Race and the Sangha

From London Buddhist Centre on Thu, 30 Jan, 2020 - 00:00
A morning exploring a Buddhist perspective on the social issues of the day. In September 2019 Manjusiha gave this short talk exploring race, Sangha and spiritual practice.
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Free Buddhist Audio

The Loveliest Bodhisattvas

From Padmaloka Retreat Centre on Thu, 30 Jan, 2020 - 00:00
In this talk Padmavajra explores the Altruistic dimension of Going for Refuge - The Bodhisattva Ideal - through Bhante's poem 'The Guardian Wall'. He particularly explores the line in the poem: 'The loveliest Bodhisattvas are the anonymous' and what this means for somebody aspiring to practice the great ideal of the Bodhisattva. Talk given at Padmaloka retreat centre during the 'Bodhisattva Ideal' retreat in January 2020.
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Race and the Sangha

From London Buddhist Centre on Thu, 30 Jan, 2020 - 00:00
A morning exploring a Buddhist perspective on the social issues of the day. In September 2019 Manjusiha gave this short talk exploring race, Sangha and spiritual practice.
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Animals, Humans and Heavenly Beings

From Sheffield Buddhist Centre on Wed, 29 Jan, 2020 - 00:00
In the game of life we wander between realms, moving from lower states to higher as our actions affect the state of our mind. Continuing from last week's talk, Pradaya completes the tour of the third ring of the wheel of life, the six realms of worldly existence which depict the kinds of world we can live in according to our state of mind. His talk focuses on the worlds of animals, gods and humans, informing us on how to recognise which realm we're in and how to create opportunities for growth. The human realm is unique in being a doorway through which one may leave the endless cycles of the wheel and step onto the spiral path, the upward path of spiritual development which leads all the way to the boundless freedom and bliss of Enlightenment. In the words of Sangharakshita, 'our first task in the spiritual life is to become a happy, healthy human being'. This series of talks explores three great Buddhist symbols that describe the way things are: the wheel of life, the spiral path and the ultimate goal of Enlightenment. Together they form a guide to escape from the ultimate vicious circle into the complete freedom and fulfilment of Awakening. Questions for reflection and discussion: How much of your life is spent dwelling on the fulfilment of your basic needs? What helps you to be a happy, healthy human? Recorded at Sheffield Buddhist Centre on 28.1.20
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Animals, Humans and Heavenly Beings

From Sheffield Buddhist Centre on Wed, 29 Jan, 2020 - 00:00
In the game of life we wander between realms, moving from lower states to higher as our actions affect the state of our mind. Continuing from last week's talk, Pradaya completes the tour of the third ring of the wheel of life, the six realms of worldly existence which depict the kinds of world we can live in according to our state of mind. His talk focuses on the worlds of animals, gods and humans, informing us on how to recognise which realm we're in and how to create opportunities for growth. The human realm is unique in being a doorway through which one may leave the endless cycles of the wheel and step onto the spiral path, the upward path of spiritual development which leads all the way to the boundless freedom and bliss of Enlightenment. In the words of Sangharakshita, 'our first task in the spiritual life is to become a happy, healthy human being'. This series of talks explores three great Buddhist symbols that describe the way things are: the wheel of life, the spiral path and the ultimate goal of Enlightenment. Together they form a guide to escape from the ultimate vicious circle into the complete freedom and fulfilment of Awakening. Questions for reflection and discussion: How much of your life is spent dwelling on the fulfilment of your basic needs? What helps you to be a happy, healthy human? Recorded at Sheffield Buddhist Centre on 28.1.20
Vajrashura's picture

The Inexhaustible Lamp: Igniting the Dharma in Others OM

From The Sikkha Project on Tue, 28 Jan, 2020 - 14:13

The Inexhaustible Lamp: Igniting the Dharma in Others OM

From The Sikkha Project on Tue, 28 Jan, 2020 - 14:13

Retreat in Adhisthana
The Inexhaustible Lamp: Igniting the Dharma in Others
Led by Ratnaguna, Nibbhaya, and Lilamani.

“A single bodhisattva may establish many hundreds of thousands of living beings in enlightenment without his mindfulness being diminished. In fact, not only does it not diminish, it grows stronger. Likewise, the more you teach...
