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Free Buddhist Audio

The Ideal Society and the Ideal Individual

From Manchester Buddhist Centre on Wed, 29 Apr, 2020 - 00:00
Siladevi reflects on an aspect of Buddhism that is often played down, but is nonetheless an organic part of Buddhism-that of working together with others to effect change in the world. Talk given at Manchester Buddhist Centre during a day in commemoration of the death of Sangharakshita, 30 October 2019.
Maitriyogini's picture

Adhisthana in lockdown: Saddhanandi and Caroline in conversation

From Adhisthana on Tue, 28 Apr, 2020 - 15:35

Adhisthana in lockdown: Saddhanandi and Caroline in conversation

From Adhisthana on Tue, 28 Apr, 2020 - 15:35

A playlist of three videos from the start of the lockdown at Adhisthana. Saddhanandi and Caroline discuss generosity and practicing in the lockdown.

Maitrisiddhi's picture

Reflections on Upekkha - Being Divine Online home retreat

From The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times on Tue, 28 Apr, 2020 - 11:21

Reflections on Upekkha - Being Divine Online home retreat

From The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times on Tue, 28 Apr, 2020 - 11:21

Hi everyone, thought I’d share one way in which I enjoy approaching equanimity.  I’ve been really enjoying listening to Ratnavandana’s material and feeling quite inspired by the ‘great tree of the Brahma Viharas’.  

Ratnavandana and I would have been running ’Living in the Mandala: The Brahma Viharas’ retreat at Taraloka this very week (April 2020) - I’m so pleased it can happen in another form.      

love Maitrisiddhi

viriyalila's picture

Ever Greater Wholeheartedness - Being Divine Online Home Retreat: Day 5

From The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times on Tue, 28 Apr, 2020 - 08:36

Ever Greater Wholeheartedness - Being Divine Online Home Retreat: Day 5

From The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times on Tue, 28 Apr, 2020 - 08:36

Upekkha mystifies me. I’m really drawn to it as a state of being, and yet I’ve no idea how to describe it. I think it’s because I’ve lived most of my life bound by its near and far enemies of neutrality and indifference, and I want nothing more than to feel deeply with all beings. To imbibe equanimity is to be permeated by love, by compassion and by joy fully and wholeheartedly, without wavering, without shying away, without averting or hiding. 


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Free Buddhist Audio

Dharma Wondrous Strange: 4. A Bad Apple

From Manchester Buddhist Centre on Tue, 28 Apr, 2020 - 00:00
In this fourth talk of eight, Ratnaguna suggests that the only way we can really be part of a spiritual community is by being authentic: revealing who we truly are. This is the only real basis both for friendship and spiritual growth. Unfortunately, the first ten minutes of the talk failed to record. Ratnaguna has kindly provided us some notes detailing what he said which can be accessed here
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharma Wondrous Strange: 4. A Bad Apple

From Manchester Buddhist Centre on Tue, 28 Apr, 2020 - 00:00
In this fourth talk of eight, Ratnaguna suggests that the only way we can really be part of a spiritual community is by being authentic: revealing who we truly are. This is the only real basis both for friendship and spiritual growth. Unfortunately, the first ten minutes of the talk failed to record. Ratnaguna has kindly provided us some notes detailing what he said which can be accessed here
gunabhadri's picture

Buddhist Action Month 2020

From Buddhist Action on Mon, 27 Apr, 2020 - 14:44

Kaspalita Thompson from the Network of Buddhist Organisations writes:

We are living in unusual times. The world has responded with appropriate urgency to the COVID-19 outbreak. Buddhist centres across the UK have closed and are offering practice sessions online. Local volunteer groups have appeared to respond to the virus.

In the background the climate and ecological crisis continues to unfold. Although there has been a drop in carbon emissions in many countries in lockdown, and an...

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2020-bam-handbook.pdf1.39 MB
dhammamegha's picture

This weeks eBook give away

From Windhorse Publications on Mon, 27 Apr, 2020 - 14:22

This weeks eBook give away

From Windhorse Publications on Mon, 27 Apr, 2020 - 14:22

This week we’re giving away The Buddha on Wall Street by Vaddhaka in our Free the Dharma Campaign. You can download it here until the 11th of May. 

The lockdown is having a huge impact on economies at all levels – households, businesses, countries. The future is uncertain. While it has does economic damage, it also relieves the pressures on the environment, and perhaps to some of us too.  

There is no better guide to thinking through what Buddhism can offer to our common and economic life than this...

Sadayasihi's picture

Dharmabyte: What does it mean to be human?

From Free Buddhist Audio on Mon, 27 Apr, 2020 - 14:00

Dhammadinna’s gently balanced and encouraging talk explores various perspectives on one of the fundamental questions, and clearly lays out various Buddhist approaches to the nature of our existence and consciousness, especially in relation to the other realms of the Tibetan wheel of life. Cherishing the opportunities is one of the challenges of this reflection - and this is a great way to begin.

From the talk The Preciousness and Rarity of Human Life, part of the series ...

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Dr Ambedkar: Making the Bodhisattva Vow in adverse conditions

Dr Ambedkar: Making the Bodhisattva Vow in adverse conditions

From India Dhamma Trust: "At the heart of a peaceful Dhamma Revolution" on Mon, 27 Apr, 2020 - 11:43

Dr Ambedkar’s life was far from easy. He had to struggle with discrimination, poverty and disappointment. Yet, in the heart of his struggle arose the profound desire to help alleviate the sufferings of all beings. He spent the rest of his life honouring that vow. 
Vajratara, Chair of India Dhamma Trust, explores what were the conditions for Dr Ambedkar to make that vow, and how we can learn from his example.

Flowers like the blue lotus, the red lotus, the white lotus, the

