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Free Buddhist Audio

The Brahma Viharas- Living In the Mandala, Meditation 2021 (1 of 17)

From Taraloka Retreat Centre on Tue, 15 Feb, 2022 - 00:00
This is the first of 17 talks taken from the Brahma Viharas retreat led by Ratnavandana, Maitrisiddhi and Maitrisambhava at Taraloka in 2021. Here Maitrisiddhi leads us in a grounding earthing arriving meditation.
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Free Buddhist Audio

The Brahma Viharas- Living In the Mandala, Meditation 2021 (2 of 17)

From Taraloka Retreat Centre on Tue, 15 Feb, 2022 - 00:00
Here Ratnavandana introduces the Brahma Viharas as a path to Bodhicitta, which transform our negative tendencies into Love, Compassion, Gladness and Equanimity. This talk is from an intensive meditation retreat held for mitras at Taraloka in 2021.
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Free Buddhist Audio

The Wonder of the Haiku

From Taraloka Retreat Centre on Tue, 15 Feb, 2022 - 00:00
With precise reference to three poems by Sangharakshita, Samantabhadri explores the haiku at its best. Speaking on a Silent Retreat at Taraloka, she focuses on the evocation of the moment, on compassion and other implicit emotion, on the unworldliness of the poet and on the haiku as a communication of an insight experience.
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Free Buddhist Audio


From Taraloka Retreat Centre on Tue, 15 Feb, 2022 - 00:00
Speaking on a New Year retreat at Taraloka Samantabhadri explores gratitude: in personal relationships; in response to the universe; and for having received the gift of the Dharma in this lifetime. She includes a sense of lineage and of the spiritual opportunities for women to give and receive.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Silence: Practice and Vision

From Taraloka Retreat Centre on Tue, 15 Feb, 2022 - 00:00
On a Silent Retreat at Taraloka, Samantabhadri honours silence as significant spiritual practice where we dwell more deeply with ourselves, with others, with nature and the objective world, and within a developing atmosphere. All this opens a vision of experiencing 'Reality as it is' (Sangharakshita). Samantabhadri also offers guidance on how to keep and respect the silence.
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Dharmabyte: Confession Practice

From Free Buddhist Audio on Mon, 14 Feb, 2022 - 06:00

Dhammadinna shares from her personal history in chapters, small configurations of Order members meeting regularly as a form of Buddhist practice. Here she speaks about confession practice not being a formulaic act, but rather one that spontaneously and naturally arises on the basis of trust and confidence. 

Excerpted from the talk Looking Back Over My Chapter History, 2010.


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Resignation of Bodhipriya

From Order Connection on Sun, 13 Feb, 2022 - 18:10

Resignation of Bodhipriya

From Order Connection on Sun, 13 Feb, 2022 - 18:10

Dear Order members

I am sad to be writing to let you know that Dhammachari Bodhipriya, from Amaravati, has resigned from the Order. Bodhipriya was ordained at Bordharan, on 5th October 2008, with Amoghasiddhi as his private preceptor and Sudarshan as his public preceptor. 

Amoghasiddhi has let me know that around a month ago, Bodhipriya wrote on WhatsApp that he didn’t want to remain in the Order. Since then a number of Order members – including his private preceptor, kalyanamitras, local Chapter members and Regional...

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Free Buddhist Audio

The Yidam and the Imaginal Dimension of Spiritual Friendship

From Padmaloka Retreat Centre on Sun, 13 Feb, 2022 - 00:00
The imagination is the faculty by which we can liberate ourselves from self-preoccupation and increasingly identify and empathise with our spiritual friends, but this is easier said than done. In the third talk of the series, Padmasagara explores the obstacles that prevent us seeing people as people and suggests ways in which they can be overcome. Replete with quotes, stories and images from the Pali Canon, the Mahayana Sutras and Sangharakshita's memoirs and lectures, this is a rich, insightful and challenging talk.
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Free Buddhist Audio

The Dakini and the Horizontal Dimension of Spiritual Friendship

From Padmaloka Retreat Centre on Sun, 13 Feb, 2022 - 00:00
Padmasagara invokes the Dakini to examine the horizontal dimension of spiritual friendship and encourages us to develop strong positive emotion, honesty and openness, and enter the cremation ground - or 'crucial situation' - with our spiritual friends. The talk is both mythic and practical, and provides a brilliant crescendo to his series 'Of the Mysteries of Spiritual Friendship and the Three Tantric Refuges'.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Sangharakshita Fondateur De L'Ordre Bouddhiste Triratna

From Centre bouddhiste Triratna de Paris on Sun, 13 Feb, 2022 - 00:00
Cette conférence sur Sangharakshita est la première d'une série de 4 conférences données à Paris pour vous permettre de découvrir l'Ordre Triratna et la vision de son fondateur Sangharakshita. Celui-ci nous invite à découvrir ce que signifie être bouddhiste dans le monde contemporain : se transformer pour transformer la société ; aller vers une société respectueuse de l’individu, du collectif et de l’environnement ; s’engager dans la pleine conscience, l’éthique, la générosité, l’amitié spirituelle et la bienveillance.
