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Free Buddhist Audio

Puja som praktik

From Stockholms buddhistcenter on Fri, 25 Feb, 2022 - 00:00
Tre föredrag om puja, vördnad och ritual, och dess plats i den buddhistiska praktiken. Varför finns detta inslag i buddhismen och hur kan det rent praktiskt gå till? Inspelningar från en stadsretreat över en helg i februari 2022.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Energy and the Symbolism of the Stupa

From Padmaloka Retreat Centre on Fri, 25 Feb, 2022 - 00:00
Dharmashalin gave this talk in February 2022 at Padmaloka during the Great Gathering, themed 'Energy and the Symbolism of the Stupa'. In this talk, he explores the stupa, the different elements (earth, water, air, fire and space) and how we can work with them in our Dharma life. Dharmashalin gives several useful, funny and down-to-earth examples to help us pick the low hanging fruits in the spiritual life.
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Dharmabyte: Leisure and Opportunity

From Free Buddhist Audio on Thu, 24 Feb, 2022 - 06:00

Saddhanandi says at the beginning of this talk that she’s concerned she won’t fully convey the depth of inspiration she feels about her theme, that of Tsongkhapa’s short text “The Three Principal Aspects of the Path - she shouldn’t have worried, she does it full justice. 

From the talk entitled Renunciation - Tasting Freedom given at Taraloka Retreat Centre, 2009.


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Free Buddhist Audio

Mind and Cosmos: Towards a New Buddhist Cosmology (Part 1)

From Croydon Buddhist Centre on Thu, 24 Feb, 2022 - 00:00
For almost its whole history, Buddhism has been not only presented teachings about the mind, but also about the whole cosmos. In this talk (the first in a series of three), Viryadeva attempts to show why an understanding of traditional Buddhist cosmology is key to an understanding of the Buddha's teachings. He also shows how it has direct, practical relevance to urgent contemporary problems.
Liz_Bassett's picture

Vacancy - Supporter Care Officer

From Jobs, Volunteering & Communities on Wed, 23 Feb, 2022 - 15:08

Are you a Mitra or Order Member wanting to work in a forward-looking Right Livelihood Team?

We’re seeking a committed and enthusiastic individual to join us. Could it be you?

As Supporter Care Officer you’ll play a vital role right at the heart of our team.

You’ll take care of our supporters, thanking them for their gifts, answering their enquiries, and ensuring that their gifts are securely processed and recorded. You’ll also work closely with our fundraisers, supporting their work by supplying them with accurate data...

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The Mirror of Myriad Worlds

From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Tue, 22 Feb, 2022 - 13:26

The Mirror of Myriad Worlds

From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Tue, 22 Feb, 2022 - 13:26

Worlds defined by pride, addiction, hatred, delusion, ignorance and attachment swirl within and around us. To step into the potential of our life we need to know where we stand. This is the first step on the path of liberation. This week we will be exploring the imagery of the six realms. Where do we find ourselves?

With Bhadra.

Zac's picture

Moving Through Love: Exploring the Brahma Viharas in Body and Mind with Jayachitta

From Buddhist Centre Features on Tue, 22 Feb, 2022 - 12:17

Moving Through Love: Exploring the Brahma Viharas in Body and Mind with Jayachitta

From Buddhist Centre Features on Tue, 22 Feb, 2022 - 12:17

Join us every Wednesday for 5 weeks as we abide in the divine realms of the Brahma Viharas through movement, meditation and exchange.

Every Wednesday for 5 weeks, 27th April - 25th May

Every session, 2 hours: USA PST: 10:30 | Mexico: 12:30 | USA EST: 13:30 | IE & UK 18.30 | Europe CET 19.30 | India 23.00 | Australia AEDT 03.30 (next day) | New Zealand NZDT 05.30...

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Truly Amazing is this Dream-like World: Exploring our dreams through the Dharma with Arthabandhu

From Buddhist Centre Features on Tue, 22 Feb, 2022 - 12:03

Truly Amazing is this Dream-like World: Exploring our dreams through the Dharma with Arthabandhu

From Buddhist Centre Features on Tue, 22 Feb, 2022 - 12:03

April 2-3 2022

First session (2 hrs): USA PST 01:00 | México 03:00 | USA EST 04:00 | IE & UK 09:00 | Europe CET 10:00 | India 13:30 | Australia AEDT 19.00 | New Zealand 21.00

Second session (2 hrs): USA PST 06:00 | México 08:00 | USA EST 09:00 | IE & UK 14:00 | Europe CET 15:00 | | India 18:30 | Australia ...

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Mañjughosha: A New Video Blog from Urgyen House

From Triratna News on Tue, 22 Feb, 2022 - 10:06

Mañjughosha: A New Video Blog from Urgyen House

From Triratna News on Tue, 22 Feb, 2022 - 10:06

Urgyen House has released a new video blog now available on their website. This is the seventeenth video in a unique series which aims to bring Bhante (Sangharakshita) to mind by exploring objects and archives in Urgyen House.

In this latest video Dharmachari Mahamati considers Urgyen Sangharakshita’s deep spiritual connection with Manjughosha through images of Manjughosha at Urgyen House and Sangharakshita’s own words.

Urgyen House is the responsibility of the Urgyen Sangharakshita Trust which...

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Dharmabyte: A Creative Response

From Free Buddhist Audio on Mon, 21 Feb, 2022 - 06:00

Buddhism starts with the mind. Mind can be reactive, and stuck in it’s usual circles, or creative and free. Devamitra kicks off this series of lectures using Sangharakshita’s classic lecture, Mind Reactive and Creative, as the basis for an exploration of Enlightenment, the deepest of all human mysteries.

From the talk Mind Reactive and Creative, given at London Buddhist Centre, 2018.


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