Amaradaya's picture

3,000 ordinations

From Order Connection on Wed, 23 Nov, 2022 - 18:06

3,000 ordinations

From Order Connection on Wed, 23 Nov, 2022 - 18:06

Many of you will have been celebrating Sangha Day this month, in contexts all around the world, and we have much to celebrate as our Order grows.

In 2022 so far there have been 135 people join the Order worldwide. Our most recent ordinations of eight women in Mexico have taken our Order to a significant milestone – we have now had over 3000 total ordinations since the founding of the Order in 1968.
As more...

Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Intro to the Wisdom Chapter of the Bodhicaryavatara

From Glasgow Buddhist Centre on Wed, 23 Nov, 2022 - 00:00
Parami offers a clear, insightful and practical guide to the classically challenging chapter 9, the wisdom chapter, of the Bodhicaryavatara. She places the chapter in context of the bodhisattva path and illuminates this part of the text for those who have been struggling with it. And of course she does all this with warmth and humour.
AnnaFutureDharma's picture

The death of Triratna’s Anathapindika: Lalitavyuha

From Future Dharma on Tue, 22 Nov, 2022 - 15:36

The death of Triratna’s Anathapindika: Lalitavyuha

From Future Dharma on Tue, 22 Nov, 2022 - 15:36

Dharmachari Lalitavyuha

Born 3rd July 1947
Ordained 8th June 1990
Died 16th November 2022

Some personal reflections from Amalavajra, FutureDharma’s Fundraising Director, and Vajratara, India Dhamma Trust’s Chair

Amalavajra writes:

‘Last week I was with Lalitavyuha at the Royal Sussex Hospital in Brighton, UK, as the combination of pneumonia and Covid stole his last breaths. It was a privilege to sit amongst his loved ones and chanting his yidam Green Tara’s mantra. This donor had become a good friend.


Saddhammapradip's picture

Going for Refugee Team Retreat

From Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center on Tue, 22 Nov, 2022 - 15:20

Going for Refugee Team Retreat

From Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center on Tue, 22 Nov, 2022 - 15:20

In month of sep we had Going for RefugeeTeam retreat cum meeting.

Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Less Is More

From Sheffield Buddhist Centre on Tue, 22 Nov, 2022 - 00:00
Stillness, simplicity and contentment. Easy to agree with, difficult to practise! We're all looking for more of something; more health, more choice, more success...but what if less is more? The Buddha's teaching was not given to be convenient, comfortable or to fit in with the ways of the world. The Dharma gives us a radical take on how things are - be prepared to be challenged!
parami's picture

Resignation of Karunaseva

From Order Connection on Mon, 21 Nov, 2022 - 19:58

Resignation of Karunaseva

From Order Connection on Mon, 21 Nov, 2022 - 19:58

Dear companions in the good life.  

I have been in correspondence with Karunaseva over a couple of months and, as her public preceptor I am accepting and communicating her resignation.  Karunaseva is based in Duisburg, in north western Germany. She was ordained in Akashavana in September 2015.  Kulanandi was her private preceptor and myself her public. She has discussed this with Kulanandi and we understand her reasons.

At ordination, Karunaseva took the Vajrasattva practice and,...

Jnanottara's picture

Death of Vidyasiddhi

From Order Connection on Mon, 21 Nov, 2022 - 17:04

Death of Vidyasiddhi

From Order Connection on Mon, 21 Nov, 2022 - 17:04

Dear Order Members,

Vidyasiddhi died at 8.35pm last night, 20th Novemeber, at the Arthur Rank Hospice in Cambridge.

His brother Brian and sister Elizabeth were with him holding his hands. He died peacefully without pain. He had been visited over the weekend by various Order friends. He was given messages of love from other Order Members he had known.

Birth: 30th August 1956
Ordained: June 2009
Death: 20th November 2022 at 8.35pm 


Zac's picture

Dharmabyte: Cultivating Wholesome Friends and Companions

From Free Buddhist Audio on Mon, 21 Nov, 2022 - 06:00

Padmasuri shares the story of Hatthaka who wanted all his friends to meet and hear the Buddha, and then was praised by the Buddha for having many wonderful spiritual qualities. From the talk The Buddha Was a Friend As We Can Be a Friend at the Cambridge Buddhist Centre, 2013.


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Bite-sized inspiration three times every week.

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ratnadharini's picture

Resignation of Sudhana

From Order Connection on Sun, 20 Nov, 2022 - 09:41

Resignation of Sudhana

From Order Connection on Sun, 20 Nov, 2022 - 09:41

Dear Order members

I am writing to let you know that Sudhana has resigned from the Order. Sudhana was ordained by Bhante at Il Convento, Tuscany, in November 1981. As Bhante was his private and public preceptor it now falls to me, as College Chair, to accept his resignation – which I have done after checking with him and some of his Order friends. Sudhana told me that he has been considering this step for some years, discussing it with longstanding friends...

Zac's picture

FBA Podcast: The Tale of Maha-Kassapa

From Free Buddhist Audio on Sat, 19 Nov, 2022 - 06:00

Amoghavajra takes us back 2,500 years to the Kingdom of Magadha in Northern India to the birth of a boy called Kassapa. He grows up happily and as he gets older he becomes less and less worldly. Kassapa marries Bhadda who has equally renunciant tendancies. They both go forth together.

Kassapa meets the Buddha, becomes his disciple and gains Enlightenment. He is known as a superb meditator and was foremost among the bhikkus for practising austerities. According to Amoghavajra’s story,...
