I am delighted to announce the ordinations of the following fourteen men at Saddhamma Pradeep Meditation centre, Bhaja, India on Friday 14th October 2022.
Vidyasiddhi would like all his friends to know that he has recently received a serious cancer diagnosis and is currently waiting for the results of scans that will help to determine a treatment plan.
Vidyasiddhi is being looked after by family and friends in his flat in Cambridge, UK. He is experiencing fatigue and pain which currently makes it difficult to receive visitors and unplanned phone calls.
He would welcome well-wishing text messages, emails and cards, but isn’t currently able to respond directly.
Speaking from his heart, Satyadaya encourages us to make good use of those moments of inspiration and bliss which can often arise at the festival. It is so easy for us to get home afterwards and forget, falling back into old habits, losing sight of the potential for growth and community that we experienced. And, though he admits he’s no gardener, Satyadaya goes on to suggest a thing or two about how we might continue to plant the...
Theme: An Explosion of the Heart: Vasubandhu’s Four Factors
When: Monday the 23rd till Monday 30th October 2023
Where: Benedictine Monastery in the state of Morelos
Cost: $450 USD (including $80deposit) You are invited to donate whatever you can to enable individuals experiencing financial hardship to attend the event via bursary places. For those in the US and Canada, who wish to donate or need help with travel expenses or the convention cost, please contact Aryadrishti (aryadrishti [at] gmail.com) who will organize...
How can we equip ourselves to co-operate in collective action and play? How do we work with negative emotions and polarized views? Many of us long to be in deeper communication and relationships with others, but in order to do that we need to create the necessary conditions for community to arise. Drawing on the Buddha’s teaching, as well as political and social thinkers, Dhammamegha looks at the tender and necessary ground for sustained action towards the...
We are delighted to let you know that on 13th October a retreat was started in the lovely retreat centre of Chintamani in Morelos, Mexico. Eight women will be ordained on the retreat (names below), accompanied by their preceptors and other dharmacharinis.
The private ordinations will take place on Monday 17th and Tuesday 18th October and...