What would it be like to be in the presence of someone who embodied and radiated boundless loving-kindness? If we could be with them regularly, how would this affect our life?
This Tuesday Prajnahridaya takes us on an imaginative journey to meet some of these great beings, starting with the Buddha himself.
In a famous passage in the Itivutakka, the Buddha compares Metta to the radiance of the sun and moon. He says metta ‘shines and burns and blazes forth in surpassing all other acts of good’, and that ‘Whoever sets their mind to make goodwill grows Boundless’ ... or will become Enlightened.
In this series, we are using another famous teaching on metta, The Karaniya Metta Sutta, to take a good look at the Metta Bhavana practice, both on the cushion and in daily life. We'll be asking, ‘Can metta really be a path to Enlightenment?’. And we will come to realise that the Buddha’s path to liberation can also be seen as Living with Kindness.