Caroline I P's picture
Caroline I P

Help Maitripa bring Amitabha to Adhisthana

From Adhisthana on Thu, 25 May, 2023 - 16:00

Help Maitripa bring Amitabha to Adhisthana

From Adhisthana on Thu, 25 May, 2023 - 16:00

Suvajra, Vimaladasa and Maitripa have asked Chintamani to make a painting of Bhante’s vision in the cave. They need 4000 pounds and need your help in raising that money. Do you want to contribute 25, 50 or 250 pounds? Do you want to share this project with your friends in the order and movement? That would be fantastic!

Give and share through this link: Honouring Bhante

Windhorse Publications's picture
Windhorse Publi...

Complete Works sneak peek Volume 17

From Windhorse Publications on Wed, 24 May, 2023 - 12:20

Complete Works sneak peek Volume 17

From Windhorse Publications on Wed, 24 May, 2023 - 12:20

We’ll be publishing the next three volumes in The Complete Works of Sangharakshita in August. Over the last few weeks, we’ve been inviting you to explore each new title. For the last in our series of sneak peeks, we are introducing volume 17.

The Complete Works of Sangharakshita

Volume 17: Wisdom Teachings of the Mahayana

How much knowledge of the Dharma do we need? Sangharakshita’s answer might surprise some: ‘a lot less than we think’, but we need to use the knowledge we do have well....

Windhorse Publications's picture
Windhorse Publi...

Sponsor 'Starting on the Buddhist Path: An Invitation' by Sagaraghosa

From Windhorse Publications on Wed, 24 May, 2023 - 11:56

Sponsor 'Starting on the Buddhist Path: An Invitation' by Sagaraghosa

From Windhorse Publications on Wed, 24 May, 2023 - 11:56

The Buddha said that you can’t develop wise perspective and freedom through ideas alone – you need to test the truth in your own experience. Drawing on 14 years of experience leading classes, courses and retreats, Sagaraghosa has created an engaging and practical guide to transforming your life through Buddhist practice. Without jargon, and delightfully illustrated throughout, her book provides a starting point for adults, young and old, who have an interest in Buddhism and are looking for...

Windhorse Publications's picture
Windhorse Publi...

'Teachers of Enlightenment' and going for refuge as part of a global sangha - a conversation with Vajratara

From Windhorse Publications on Wed, 24 May, 2023 - 11:37

'Teachers of Enlightenment' and going for refuge as part of a global sangha - a conversation with Vajratara

From Windhorse Publications on Wed, 24 May, 2023 - 11:37

Listen to this episode +much more!

The Dharma is a universal teaching and an array of practices for liberation. In history, it is embodied by teachers who respond to the particular forms of suffering and bondage that they are born into, human and social. 

In its spread between India and what could broadly be called the West, the Triratna Buddhist movement and order is rather unique in contemporary convert Buddhism. 

In this episode, Dhammamegha is in conversation with Vajratara about...

Munisha's picture

Volunteer treasurer sought for Network of Buddhist Organisations UK

From Jobs, Volunteering & Communities on Tue, 23 May, 2023 - 07:23

Volunteer treasurer sought for Network of Buddhist Organisations UK

From Jobs, Volunteering & Communities on Tue, 23 May, 2023 - 07:23

Would you like to support the UK Buddhist community? 

The Network of Buddhist Organisations UK seeks a new volunteer treasurer. This is a small but vital role including processing membership payments, preparing accounts for Companies House and the Charity Commission, and assisting with various back-office tasks. We are a small organisation and our income for the year ending 2022 was around £1300.

Join us (including Munisha, Triratna’s Liaison officer) in our work of working for the good of all Buddhists within the UK, fostering good relationships within the...

bethbuddhafield's picture

Songs from Silence Retreat - 24th-28th Aug

From Buddhafield on Fri, 19 May, 2023 - 19:03

Songs from Silence Retreat - 24th-28th Aug

From Buddhafield on Fri, 19 May, 2023 - 19:03

Songs from Silence Retreat 

24th-28th August

Frogmill, Nr Throwleigh, Devon

“We must bear silence before we can feel in our bodies the deep joy of what the world is always already singing to us”

Led by: Mokshayogin, Sraddhadipa, Jo Spence, Joe Hill and yoga/movement with Ruth Coutinho.

Starting with the premise that vibration is the beginning of all things, this retreat will explore how we might work and play with sound, resonance, vibration and the voice as Dharma practice.

Together, we will explore how harmony singing and vocal play can support us...

LDNBuddhist's picture

Doorways to Dhyana

From London Buddhist Centre on Thu, 18 May, 2023 - 15:44

Doorways to Dhyana

From London Buddhist Centre on Thu, 18 May, 2023 - 15:44

Join Jnanavaca online or in person at the LBC on this four week exploration and learn how to deepen your meditation practice and open doorways to Dhyana. 

Jnanavaca will be exploring ways of accessing the dhyanas - higher states of consciousness available through meditative absorption.

States of dhyana, as well as being extremely pleasurable and fulfilling in their own right, contribute to a sense of fulfilment and well-being in our lives.

Find out more and book here:

Suddhayu's picture

Creative Mind — The Buddhist Way to What is Real

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Wed, 17 May, 2023 - 21:58

Creative Mind — The Buddhist Way to What is Real

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Wed, 17 May, 2023 - 21:58

Creative Mind — The Buddhist Way to What is Real
How our views and stories lock us down or free us

This summer we’ll be exploring how the views we hold and the stories we tell ourselves can either keep us locked in to painful habits, or free us from our suffering.

The Buddha described the philosophical and religious positions of his day as a ‘thicket of views,’ and described Nirvana or Enlightenment as being beyond views. This means that true freedom is a...

ECA Safeguarding's picture
ECA Safeguarding

Farewell thank you collection for Munisha and Amaladipa

From Triratna Safeguarding on Wed, 17 May, 2023 - 09:13

Farewell thank you collection for Munisha and Amaladipa

From Triratna Safeguarding on Wed, 17 May, 2023 - 09:13

Following yesterday’s post about Munisha and Amaladipa moving on from Safeguarding work in Triratna, here is a message from those raising money to thank them both, and to enable Munisha to have a rest before seeking further employment.

“Back in 2016, Munisha saw the need for Triratna Centres to comply with legislation around the protection from harm of children and adults. Ably helped by Amaladipa (bringing considerable expertise from a career in the probation service) they pioneered the support for...
