Munisha's picture

Death of Rigdzin Shikpo Rinpoche (Michael Hookham) (1935-2023)

From Triratna in the Buddhist World on Mon, 15 May, 2023 - 12:02

Death of Rigdzin Shikpo Rinpoche (Michael Hookham) (1935-2023)

From Triratna in the Buddhist World on Mon, 15 May, 2023 - 12:02

The death has been announced of Rigdzin Shikpo Rinpoche of the Longchen Foundation, husband of Lama Shenpen Hookham of the Awakened Heart Sangha. He was 88.

Both attended teachings by Sangharakshita in the 1960s; Rigdzin Shikpo may be better known to Triratna readers as Mike Hookham, one of the ‘Three Musketeers’ mentioned in Bhante’s memoirs, Moving Against the Stream.

Lama Shenpen has published this post…

Read more on the Tricycle website.

As Triratna’s Liaison officer I have...

Windhorse Publications's picture
Windhorse Publi...

Female Deities in Buddhism by Vessantara back in stock and Tiratanaloka Unlimited appeal

From Windhorse Publications on Wed, 10 May, 2023 - 14:53

Female Deities in Buddhism by Vessantara back in stock and Tiratanaloka Unlimited appeal

From Windhorse Publications on Wed, 10 May, 2023 - 14:53

Many of you will already know or have bought Vessantara’s new edition of Meeting the Buddhas. What you may not know is that, in 2003, he wrote a short companion book called Female Deities in Buddhism: A Concise Guide, which has been out of stock for a while.

We’re really pleased to have it back in print.

It’s a rather unique little book that introduces and invokes the wide range of female Buddhist deities. Vessantara explores the depths of consciousness...

Windhorse Publications's picture
Windhorse Publi...

Complete Works sneak peek Volume 15

From Windhorse Publications on Wed, 10 May, 2023 - 09:55

Complete Works sneak peek Volume 15

From Windhorse Publications on Wed, 10 May, 2023 - 09:55

We’ll be publishing the next three new volumes in The Complete Works of Sangharakshita in August. In our last newsletter, we kicked off a series of sneak peeks into the new volumes with Volume 8: Beating the Dharma Drum: India Writings II. This week, we invite you to explore Volume 15.

The Complete Works of Sangharakshita

Volume 15: Pāli Canon Teachings and Translations

For Sangharakshita, the Dhammapada was ‘a source of inspiration, encouragement, and guidance for well over fifty years. Indeed, I sometimes think that...

Maitriyogini's picture

A Gift to Honour Bhante Sangharakshita

From Adhisthana on Fri, 5 May, 2023 - 10:30

A Gift to Honour Bhante Sangharakshita

From Adhisthana on Fri, 5 May, 2023 - 10:30

By Maitripa

Last year at the Order Convention, I was so struck by the amazing Amitabha thangka in the shrineroom in Wymondham. Having just come back from my ordination retreat in Guhyaloka, I was overjoyed to see such a beautiful image of Amitabha in exactly the form that I visualise in sadhana. 

In the thangka, Amitabha is holding up the lotus. The origins of that image are fascinating and mysterious: the image has come down to us from a vision that Bhante Sangharaskhita had...

Maitriyogini's picture

Next Women's Dharma Life Course

From Adhisthana on Thu, 4 May, 2023 - 10:30

Next Women's Dharma Life Course

From Adhisthana on Thu, 4 May, 2023 - 10:30


Adhisthana is (unusually!) intending to run a second Women’s Dharma Life Course in the Autumn.

If you’re a young woman aged 18-35 and practicing within Triratna, and you would like to hear more about the course or be...

Viryabodhi's picture

KARUNA kampanj maj 2023

From Karuna Sverige on Wed, 3 May, 2023 - 15:32

KARUNA kampanj maj 2023

From Karuna Sverige on Wed, 3 May, 2023 - 15:32

för utsatta personer i Indien

Nyligen har Karuna Trust förnyat sina mål och strategier för perioden 2023–2026. Du kan läsa mer om dem på Karunas hemsida: men här är ett kort utdrag:

KARUNAS bakgrund
”Karuna har arbetat med marginaliserade grupper i Sydasien i mer än 40 år. Vi specialiserar oss på att samarbeta med lokala organisationer, varav många kommer från de samhällen som de vill stödja. Detta innebär att våra insatser...

Munisha's picture

First Buddhist European Chaplaincy Conference 24th-25th June 2023

From Triratna in the Buddhist World on Wed, 3 May, 2023 - 14:04

First Buddhist European Chaplaincy Conference 24th-25th June 2023

From Triratna in the Buddhist World on Wed, 3 May, 2023 - 14:04

The European Buddhist Union’s international conference, “Buddhist Chaplaincy in Europe”, will take place in Rome, at Sapienza University and online on 24th-25th June 2023.

Pre-conference workshops will take place on 23rd June.

The purpose of the conference is to develop, organize and support Buddhist chaplaincy in Europe in order to provide support, training opportunities and materials for those engaged in Buddhist chaplaincy, and to identify spiritual and pastoral needs within Buddhist communities to encourage broader community cohesion and social integration.

Full information below.

Bookings and enquiries to ...
