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The Path of the Buddha's Delight

From Taraloka Retreat Centre on Tue, 9 Jun, 2009 - 01:00
Here Samantabhadri expertly and imaginatively tackles the theme of Wisdom, using the verses in the third section of Tsongkhapa's short text on the "Three Principle Aspects of the Path". Dharma themes of the laksanas, suffering, niyamas, self - and no-self - are interwoven with more personal reflections, and with thought-provoking quotations - ".... emptiness, activity and compassion are not three things, but one thing looked at from three different points of view...."

This is the third of three talks all based on Tsongkhapa's text, and given on the 2009 UK Women's Order Mitra Event. The other talks in this series are : "Renunciation - Tasting Freedom" by Saddhanandi, and "Generating Bodhi Mind" by Vajratara.

Given at Taraloka, May 2009
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Generating Bodhi Mind

From Taraloka Retreat Centre on Tue, 9 Jun, 2009 - 01:00
This is the second talk from the 2009 UK Women's Order / Mitra Event. Vajratara guides us through the second section of Tsongkhapa's short text on "The Three Principle Aspects of the Path". The verses contain some strong and striking images for what it feels like being caught in Samsara and they come to life in Vajratara's talk. She relates how she nearly came to death herself swept away by a Indonesian river and that was just an ordinary river current, never mind the current of Samsara! At the end of the talk she suggests that of the Bodhicitta practises we might take up - the puja or the various reflections on the suffering of beings - the most useful and effective Bodhichitta practice is the practice of sangha, of spiritual community. Now there's a thought!

The other talks in this series are "Renunciation - Tasting Freedom" by Saddhanandi, and "The Path of the Buddha's Delight" by Samantabhadri.

Given at Taraloka, May 2009.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Renunciation - Tasting Freedom

From Taraloka Retreat Centre on Tue, 9 Jun, 2009 - 01:00
Saddhanandi says at the beginning of this talk that she's concerned she won't fully convey the depth of inspiration she feels about her theme - she shouldn't have worried, she does it full justice. Her various approaches to her subject include renunciation as giving up unreal expectations, as giving up compulsion, as continuity of purpose and commitment to values, as establishing freedom, as not being blown by the worldly winds. One of her telling quotes is " ... there is no spiritual development without renunciation, and no renunciation without spiritual development ..."

This is the first of three talks given on the 2009 UK Women's Order / Mitra Event. It's based on the first section of Tsongkhapa's short text "The Three Principle Aspects of the Path".

The other talks in the series are "Generating Bodhi Mind" by Vajratara, and "The Path of the Buddha's Delight" by Samantabhadri.

Given at Taraloka, May 2009.
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Six Element Practice - Talks and Lead Through

From Taraloka Retreat Centre on Mon, 4 May, 2009 - 01:00
The first four tracks in this collection are short talks given before meditation sessions on an Order Six Element Practice retreat at Taraloka. After that there are six tracks where Kulaprabha leads through the full practice. The final two tracks are variations on the Consciousness Element stage of the practice and are based on the description of the the Six Element Practice which the Buddha gives in the Dhatuvibhanga Sutta of the Majjhima Nikaya.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Some Thoughts on the Bodhicaryavatara

From Taraloka Retreat Centre on Thu, 30 Apr, 2009 - 00:00
The Bodhicaryavatara is an 8th century text written by Shantideva, a Buddhist monk from the monastic 'university' at Nalanda, India, and Dhammadinna presented this material over three sessions on an Order retreat called "Teaching the Bodhicaryavatara." She says at the beginning that she isn't giving a formal talk and, indeed, the title is her description of what she was doing.... sharing some thoughts on the Bodhicaryavatara.

At various points in the talk, Dhammadinna asks us questions relating to the text - do we believe this? does this language still work for us in the 21st century? do we need to rephrase it for our generation and culture? or do we just need to try harder to be receptive to Shantideva's insights?

The three sessions were a preliminary to main activity of the retreat where each Order member present chose some verses from the text and led a session of study / discussion on them.

Given at Taraloka, October 2008
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Anatomy of the Breath

From Taraloka Retreat Centre on Mon, 23 Mar, 2009 - 00:00
This talk provides a really good working context to help your meditation practice. Best to lie down comfortably as you listen to Padmadharshini's description of the anatomical and physiological processes involved in breathing. She's a yoga teacher as well as a meditation teacher and she draws on both those sets of skills to give this talk. And as you lie there, she'll help you tune into your own own body with some very simple exercises and suggestions. Expect to come away with some very practical tips on how to become more aware of your breathing body.

The talk was given on "One Moment at a Time" retreat at Taraloka and is a companion talk to the body scan meditation led by Vidyamala. (The sound quality is a little bit 'fuzzy' in parts but the content more than makes up for that.)
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Reflections on the Elements

From Taraloka Retreat Centre on Thu, 5 Feb, 2009 - 00:00
This is the first guided reflection in the series 'Night Lily Garden of the Midnight Way - Emptiness and the Great Compassion'.
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Reflection on the Blue Sky

From Taraloka Retreat Centre on Thu, 5 Feb, 2009 - 00:00
This is the third guided reflection in the series 'Night Lily Garden of the Midnight Way - Emptiness and the Great Compassion'.
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From San Francisco Buddhist Center on Tue, 3 Feb, 2009 - 00:00
Here's a talk by the wonderful Suvarnaprabha given at a meeting of the San Francisco Gay Buddhist Fellowship just after the U.S. election of 2008. Tempering the general delight at Barack Obama's win was the knowledge that the people of California had voted to outlaw gay marriage, reversing the then current law. Suvarnaprabha's talk is perfectly weighted to the context and the time, looking at the 'perfection of patience', one of the training principles of the Bodhisattva and its application in our own challenging spiritual lives.

Talk given at San Francisco Buddhist Center, November 2008
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Young People, the Bodhisattva Ideal, and Padmasambhava

From Community Highlights on Thu, 27 Nov, 2008 - 00:00
Vajratara is one of the main teachers at the Sheffield Buddhist Centre, currently buzzing with young people of all sorts. Her talk weaves together her first contact with meditation and the Dharma (being forced to go by her best-friend's Mum!), early explorations with drugs, her love of teaching, how to build a spiritual community, Padmasambhava, and the Bodhisattva Ideal. A tour-de-force.
