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Free Buddhist Audio

Growing the Spiritual Community

From Community Highlights on Sat, 31 May, 2008 - 00:00
Why might gathering together in large numbers strengthen a spiritual community? Why did the Buddha counsel his monks not to change accepted practice? Do we respect spiritual elders? These are some of the questions asked in this exploration of what it's going to take to maintain the Western Buddhist Order and the FWBO as a vibrant and spiritually prospering community. Taking the Buddha's 'Seven points for the Stability of the Sangha' as his text, Sangharakshita explores their meaning and continuing relevance for 21st century Buddhists.

Please note, variable sound quality throughout.

Given on the FWBO International Retreat at Taraloka in May 2008
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Free Buddhist Audio

Studying the Dharma of Happiness

From San Francisco Buddhist Center on Tue, 27 May, 2008 - 01:00
This is a talk from the center's series from September 2007, taking a look at the idea of happiness through consideration of the 'positive mental events' in the Abhidharma tradition and subsequent commentaries upon it, including 'Know Your Mind' by Sangharakshita. There's an introduction and conclusion by Suvarnaprabha, and a useful burst of discussion from the audience as Singhashri and Acarasiddhi consider 'faith' ('Shraddha') and how it pertains to their own lives and practices.

N.B. Poor sound quality in the Q & A section.
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Free Buddhist Audio

We Know What You've Studied, But What Have You Seen?

From Taraloka Retreat Centre on Fri, 23 May, 2008 - 00:00
This is the second talk in the series 'The Awakening Heart'. It touches on aspects of Sangharakshita's 'system of meditation', and most specifically the area of positive emotion. Kulaprabha brings her own depth of practice to bear on the material, especially her experience of leading through the 'Brahma Vihara' practices...

This is a companion talk to Kulaprabha's 'We Know What You've Studied, But What Have You Seen?'
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Free Buddhist Audio

Working Together - the Buddhist Tradition

From Birmingham Buddhist Centre on Wed, 21 May, 2008 - 00:00
This is a very useful and, as ever, entertaining talk by Ratnaprabha on bringing Buddhist values and ideals into the workplace. Much food for thought on how to integrate practice into such a key area of our everyday lives. The talk has a useful potted history of experiments in co-operative working within the FWBO, and we also get Dogen's advice to the monastery cook to chew on. All in all, splendid stuff!
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Free Buddhist Audio

People of Loving Kindness

From Birmingham Buddhist Centre on Tue, 13 May, 2008 - 00:00
Here's a lovely talk from Padmavajra, given to celebrate Sangha Day in Birmingham. And who better to conjure the spirit of loving kindness as it permeates a community practising together and supporting each other in their great, shared endeavour.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Towards an Earth Community

From Buddhafield on Thu, 1 May, 2008 - 00:00
This talk was given as part of the 2006 Buddhafield Festival. The delightful Akuppa looking again at issues around social awareness and Buddhist practice.

Please note, there are a few minutes missing at the start, and the original recording was very poor. But it's worth it!
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Free Buddhist Audio

Staying at Home, Dancing with the Universe

From Buddhafield on Thu, 1 May, 2008 - 00:00
This talk takes a look at Buddhist practice in the light of parenting, and was given at the Buddhafield Festival in 2006. Look out for some lovely singing thoughout!
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Free Buddhist Audio

Mindfulness for Just About Everything

From San Francisco Buddhist Center on Mon, 24 Mar, 2008 - 00:00
This is a timely and invaluable talk from Paramabandhu. Drawing on many years of experience as a consultant psychiatrist and Dharma teacher, he invites us to consider the lessons Buddhist techniques around meditation and mindfulness training can bring to the field of mental health - especially to problems with depression and addiction. The talk evokes the Buddha in the Satipatthana Sutta to explore the four traditional foundations of mindfulness and discuss their potential use in therapeutic contexts. It is a kindly and empowering expression of practical hope, whose message applies to us all as we struggle to overcome whatever it is that holds us back from greater freedom in our lives.

Complete with a subsequent question-and-answer session on the talk in which Paramabandhu elaborates on the general theme. There's a wide range of material opened up - and considerable detail about how we can actually go about applying these techniques to whatever challenges we face in your own lives. Essential listening.

Please note - the questions in this recording were made at very low levels. We've amplified and clarified where possible - but the general sound quality drops noticeably at these points. However, they are all now audible and, in almost all instances, questions are repeated by Paramabandhu before he answers.

Talk given at San Francisco Buddhist Center, 2006

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Staying at Home, Dancing with the Universe - Amaragita

From Triratna Buddhist Families on Wed, 26 Jul, 2006 - 14:55

This talk takes a look at Buddhist practice in the light of parenting, and was given at the Buddhafield Festival in 2006. Look out for some lovely singing throughout!
