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Free Buddhist Audio

Simile Of The Heartwood

From Aryaloka Buddhist Center on Mon, 27 Sep, 2010 - 01:00
What is the heartwood of Aryaloka? Dayalocana, Aryaloka's Chair, offers fourteen stories that illustrate the heartwood of the Buddhist Center, it's inner core, strength, and beauty. Celebrating 25 years of Dharma practice, Aryaloka is situated on a street named Heartwood Circle, giving her good cause to reflect on The Simile of the Heartwood, from the Majjhima Nikaya.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Simile Of The Heartwood

From Aryaloka Buddhist Center on Mon, 27 Sep, 2010 - 00:00
What is the heartwood of Aryaloka? Dayalocana, Aryaloka's Chair, offers fourteen stories that illustrate the heartwood of the Buddhist Center, it's inner core, strength, and beauty. Celebrating 25 years of Dharma practice, Aryaloka is situated on a street named Heartwood Circle, giving her good cause to reflect on The Simile of the Heartwood, from the Majjhima Nikaya.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Descend with the View, Ascend with the Conduct

From Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Fri, 24 Sep, 2010 - 00:00
A talk given in the buildup to Padmasambhava Day, to explore this crucial aphorism and approach of Padmasambhava, given in the title.

Vajrapriya makes the link between this saying, and Sangharakshita's explanation of the Noble Eightfold Path as a path of Vision and Transformation; talks about what it means to ascend with the view; and to descend with the conduct; and explores the signs that we're not keeping these two directions of practice in balance.
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Free Buddhist Audio

The Demon of Choice

From Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Fri, 24 Sep, 2010 - 00:00
In celebration of Padmasambhava, a series of short talks were given on the theme of "Taming the Demons of the Modern World."

Choice is something we all have - we have the choice to act the way we act, the choice in the way we live our lives, which is very positive. The Demon of Choice is more about consumerism which can alienate us from our deeper selves. This type of choice keeps us in a superficial state of alienation preventing us from asking deeper questions such as what gives our lives meaning? Transforming the Demon of Choice involves overcoming doubt, the practice of renunciation, and living simply.

Talk given at the Cambridge Buddhist Centre, October 2010.
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Free Buddhist Audio

The Demon of Materialism

From Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Fri, 24 Sep, 2010 - 00:00
The first of three short talks given on Padmasambhava Day, exploring the demons that we meet in the contemporary world, and how to transform them.
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Free Buddhist Audio

The Demon of Narcissism

From Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Fri, 24 Sep, 2010 - 00:00
The third of three short talks given on Padmasambhava Day, exploring how to transform the 'demons' of the contemporary world.
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Free Buddhist Audio

In the Maw of the Beast - the Ethics of Eating

From Buddhafield on Mon, 6 Sep, 2010 - 01:00
Ratnaprabha's talk is a fascinating enquiry into the ethics of eating - a challenging and complex subject, one of great importance to us (and all other beings!) but with no easy answers. Given as part of a series in the 2009 Buddhafield Festival's Dharma Parlour, where the theme was 'Truth and Beauty: Skilful Living in a Changing World'.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Following the Muse - Transforming Views

From Buddhafield on Mon, 6 Sep, 2010 - 01:00
In a personal and reflective talk Akasati weaves together her interests in Poetry, Shamanism and Buddhadharma, all part of the rich tapestry of her life and practice in the Buddhafield Sangha. There's also an introduction by Kamalashila. Given as part of a series in the 2009 Buddhafield Festival's Dharma Parlour, where the theme was 'Truth and Beauty: Skilful Living in a Changing World'.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Shouting Out Beauty - Listening to the Wisdom of Nature

From Buddhafield on Mon, 6 Sep, 2010 - 01:00
A personal and exploratory talk by Lokabandhu, looking at how immersion in nature and the natural world has nourished his Dharma practice through the years. Including many quotations from the 'Zenrin'. Given as part of a series in the 2009 Buddhafield Festival's Dharma Parlour, where the theme was 'Truth and Beauty: Skilful Living in a Changing World'. NOTE: part of the talk suffers from poor sound quality
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Free Buddhist Audio

Coming Home to the Beauty In Oneself

From Buddhafield on Fri, 3 Sep, 2010 - 01:00
Nagabodhi's debut talk at the Buddhafield Festival is - in his own words - a defence of the idea of beauty in Buddhism and Buddhist practice. Given as part of a series at the 2009 Buddhhafield Festival where the theme was 'Truth and Beauty: skilful living in a changing world'.
