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Free Buddhist Audio

The Bodhisattva Ideal In India

From Stockholms buddhistcenter on Tue, 18 May, 2010 - 00:00
An engaged and clear talk about the work Kulanandi does in India, mainly for women belonging to the Triratna Buddhist Community, or as it's called there Triratna Bauddha Mahasangha.
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Free Buddhist Audio

The Five Niyamas and the Evolution of the Human Brain

From Stockholms buddhistcenter on Tue, 18 May, 2010 - 00:00
In this talk, from 17th May at Sangha Night, Vaddhaka shares his reading and fascination of the meeting of modern neuro science and buddhism. He uses the five niyamas (five orders of conditionality) and Sangharakshita's system of spiritual practice as a framework for his exploration.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Comment Aimer Quand Tout Va Mourir

From Centre bouddhiste Triratna de Paris on Thu, 13 May, 2010 - 01:00
Une conférence donnée par Vassika à l'occasion de la fête du Parinirvana au Centre Bouddhiste de Paris en 2010. A cette occasion, qui coïncidait avec la St Valentin, Vassika explore en détail ce qu'est l'amour et comment la mort et l'impermanence révèlent combien ce que nous prenons pour de l'amour est plus souvent de l'attachement. Elle expose ce que signifie vraiment le détachement du point de vue du bouddhisme et comment le mettre en pratique pour développer un amour véritable.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Pleasure and Happiness

From Stockholms buddhistcenter on Sun, 2 May, 2010 - 00:00
The second of two talks that Ratnaguna gave during a 12-day visit to Stockholm, in April 2010. He begins with a personal story and goes on to describe and explore the levels of happiness on the Buddhist Path, with the 12 positive nidanas as a frame work. A very engaging and rewarding talk.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Pain and Suffering

From Stockholms buddhistcenter on Tue, 13 Apr, 2010 - 01:00
Pain and suffering is the first of two talks, that Ratnaguna gave at the Stockholm Buddhistcenter. He explores the whole area of feeling, both pleasant and painful, but especially the pain side of the spectrum. Very engaged and clear.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Exploring the Honeyball Sutta, An Alternative Nidana Chain

From North London Buddhist Centre on Fri, 9 Apr, 2010 - 01:00
Subhuti gives a concise and inspiring account of the Honeyball sutta. Starting with some background to his work in Hungary amongst the oppressed Gypsies there, he presents the Buddha's understanding on the basis for civil, in fact all kinds of, strife.

The Buddha's analysis takes the form of a nidana chain beginning with actual experience, that when we begin to proliferate or move away from facts to interpretations inevitably leads us into a secondary reality which easily leads to conflict with others, who have different versions of reality.

A brilliant talk, covering ground rapidly but concisely bringing together the Buddha's wisdom both in terms of transforming society and how we work within meditation, in fact we need to employ the same tools in both situations.
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Free Buddhist Audio

How Buddhism Can Respond In the Modern World

From Birmingham Buddhist Centre on Fri, 2 Apr, 2010 - 00:00
At a mens evening held at the Birmingham Buddhist Centre Subhuti spoke about the potential, and need, for the Dhamma to transform the world.
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Free Buddhist Audio

The Workings of Karma

From Birmingham Buddhist Centre on Fri, 2 Apr, 2010 - 00:00
A talk followed by a questions and answers session at the Birmingham Centre. THis evening was for women and the topic was Karma.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Contemplating the Faults of Existence

From Taraloka Retreat Centre on Thu, 25 Mar, 2010 - 00:00
This is the second of four talks exploring Vasubandhu's Four Factors. In his treatise Generating Bodhi Resolve, Vasubandhu describes them as able to generate the resolve to cultivate and accumulate the bases for the Arising of the Bodhicitta. You can find out more about them in Sangharakshita's books The Meaning of Conversion in Buddhism and The Bodhisattva Ideal.

Dhammadassin gave this talk on a meditation retreat for women who have asked for ordination. The complete set of talks are as follows and each one finishes with a led reflection on the theme.

Factor 1: Reflecting on the Buddha, by Saddhanandi

Factor 2: Contemplating the Faults of Existence, by Dhammadassin

Factor 3: Contemplating the Suffering Beings, by Kulaprabha

Factor 4: Contemplating the Qualities of the Tathagathas, by Samantabhadri

Given at Taraloka in February, 2010.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Reflecting On the Life of the Buddha

From Taraloka Retreat Centre on Thu, 25 Mar, 2010 - 00:00
This is the first of four talks exploring Vasubandhu's Four Factors. In his treatise Generating Bodhi Resolve,

Vasubandhu describes them as able to generate the resolve to cultivate and accumulate the bases for the Arising of the Bodhicitta. You can find out more about them in Sangharakshita's books The Meaning of Conversion in Buddhism and The Bodhisattva Ideal.

Saddhanandi gave this talk on a meditation retreat for women who have asked for ordination. The complete set of talks is as follows and each one finishes with a led reflection on the theme.

Factor 1: Reflecting on the Buddha, by Saddhanandi

Factor 2: Contemplating the Faults of Existence, by Dhammadassin

Factor 3: Contemplating the Suffering of Beings, by Kulaprabha

Factor 4: Contemplating the Qualities of the Tathagathas, by Samantabhadri

Given at Taraloka in February, 2010.
