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News from Kerala

From Triratna News on Thu, 18 Aug, 2011 - 06:20

News from Kerala

From Triratna News on Thu, 18 Aug, 2011 - 06:20Today’s story on Triratna News features a long report in from Kerala giving an update on the activities of the small but vigorous group there. Composed of graduates from NTI, Triratna’s social and Dhamma training institute a thousand miles north in Nagpur, they’re busy bringing the Dhamma to south India. Sadhu!

Arun’s sent us this report (lightly edited here):

“Dear friends,

Over the past ten years there has been tremendous growth in the number of Buddhist...
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Highlights from the Wildmind newsletter

From Triratna News on Wed, 17 Aug, 2011 - 06:00

Highlights from the Wildmind newsletter

From Triratna News on Wed, 17 Aug, 2011 - 06:00Each month Triratna’s Wildmind meditation teaching website produces a newsletter, full of up-to-the-minutes information, advice and articles on meditation. We’d like to feature them every month, but seem to have got really behind - so here’s a few highlights from the past three months!

Meditating on anxiety - by Sunada

Letting go of limiting self-views, embracing our potential - by Bodhipaksa

Avalokitesvara: the heart of the rainbow - by...
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Free Buddhist Audio

Sangharakshita Launches The Essential Sangharakshita and Living Ethically

From Glasgow Buddhist Centre on Wed, 17 Aug, 2011 - 01:00
In a recent interview Sangharakshita spoke of his threefold legacy of Dharma teachings, practices and institutions. In this talk he suggests two additions, a material legacy consisting of Buddha statues and thangkas and a literary legacy consisting of his many written works. Added to this literary legacy we now have The Essential Sangharakshita, compiled by Vidyadevi.

At different times Bhante has chosen to emphasise different parts of the Buddhist tradition and more recently he has stresses the importance of reading and being acquainted with the Pali scriptures.

Over the sixty years of his teaching career there have been a few minor adjustments in his presentation of the Dharma. He gives the example of the three yanas. Within Tibetan traditions the three yanas are seen as being progressive but Bhante has come to see them as all operating on the same level, albeit from different perspectives. He no longer sees them as being successive.

As well as drawing from his writings and seminars on the Dharma, Vidyadevi has also included a few of Bhante's poems in The Essential Sangharakshita. Bhante recites his poem 'Meditation' and gives a short discourse on it's meaning.

He then goes on to speak of Nagarjuna and his work 'The Precious Garland'. Bhante's seminar on this work is the source of 'Living Ethically', compiled and edited by Vidyadevi. The main theme is the ten precepts, and various aspects of ethics, for example, gratitude and friendship. He talks about the term sila, suggesting that a fitting translation would be 'ethics and manners'.
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Free Buddhist Audio

In the Bleak Midwinter

From Glasgow Buddhist Centre on Tue, 16 Aug, 2011 - 01:00
This is a gem of a talk, with a wintery theme.

Parami starts by singing 'In the Bleak Midwinter' by Christina Rossetti. She then goes on to bring out the underlying meaning of some of the imagery in the poem.

The first metaphors are about bleakness, with the earth as hard as iron and water like a stone, times when we struggle and it seems as if no growth is possible. She talks about her early experience of doing the metta bhavana and what a radical practice it is.

Then in contrast to bleakness she talks about the image of light on snow, very beautiful and magical, a symbol of newness and purity, and an antidote to bleakness.

She then talks about angels and about metta developed to its fullest extent. In the last verse the words are, 'Yet what I can give him; I give him my heart.' In this way we will give fully and appropriately.

Lastly Parami recaps the theme of transformation running through her talk. Transformation is possible because of the impermanent and insubstantial nature of everything. She ends by singing one of a Milarepa's songs about the transitory nature of all phenomena called, 'The Eight Wondrous Things.'

This talk was given in December 2010 at the Glasgow Buddhist Centre.
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Free Buddhist Audio


From Glasgow Buddhist Centre on Tue, 16 Aug, 2011 - 01:00
Chi'i is the Fifth Patriarch of the Tien-tai school of Chinese Buddhism. Founder of 35 monasteries, he ordained around 1,000 monks and is one of those whose work on interpreting Buddhism for Chinese cultures underlies the great flowering of Buddhism in the Tang dynasty and the development of later Chinese and Japanese schools including Soto Zen and Nichiren. He is the author of two major works on the Lotus Sutra, and also Great Concentration and Insight, which, summarised as Dhyana for Beginners, continues in widespread use today.

This talk was given in August 2011 at the Glasgow Buddhist Centre.
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New Buddha in Valencia

From Triratna News on Mon, 15 Aug, 2011 - 06:00

New Buddha in Valencia

From Triratna News on Mon, 15 Aug, 2011 - 06:00Amalamati, chairman of Triratna’s Centro Budista de Valencia in Spain writes with news of their beautiful new Buddha figure. He says - “Our celebrations for the Triratna Community Day in Valencia this year were marked by a very special event: the inauguration of a magnificent new Sakyamuni Buddha rupa.

“The 2/3 sized bronze figure is the work of Virginia Gonzalez, a professional sculptress who works as an artist for the well-known Spanish ceramics company Lladro. Virginia is...
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Free Buddhist Audio

Zen Master Hakuin

From Glasgow Buddhist Centre on Mon, 15 Aug, 2011 - 01:00
In this talk we hear a little about Hakuin's early life and what led him to becoming a monk. Jyotipakshini talks about his strenghts and the characteristic aspects of his personality, his determination and intense dedication, as well as his highly critical nature, his struggles and setbacks.

We hear a little about the two schools of Zen and about koan practice, as well as Hakuin's later life as a prolific teacher and reformer of the Rinzai school.

This talk was given at the Glasgow Buddhist Centre in July 2011.
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Buddhafield Festival talks now on-line

From Triratna News on Sat, 13 Aug, 2011 - 06:00

Buddhafield Festival talks now on-line

From Triratna News on Sat, 13 Aug, 2011 - 06:00Upekshapriya writes from Triratna’s ClearVision project with some news following this year’s Buddhafield Festival . He says - “You’ll be pleased to know that all the Dharma talks given at the ‘Dharma Parlour’ are now available through ClearVision’s VideoSangha website. In fact they’ve got a special playlist - “2011 Dharma Parlour”.

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Bristol Buddhist Centre appeal for stories, photos to celebrate 30th anniversary

From Triratna News on Fri, 12 Aug, 2011 - 06:13

Bristol Buddhist Centre appeal for stories, photos to celebrate 30th anniversary

From Triratna News on Fri, 12 Aug, 2011 - 06:13Jvālāmālinī, chair of Triratna’s Bristol Buddhist Centre, writes with a request to anyone who’s ever been involved in or connected with the Bristol Sangha - she’s looking for stories of their history, reminiscences, photographs for their celebrations in November. She says -

“This year is the 30th anniversary of FWBO Bristol and I want to celebrate that. We will have a birthday party event on the Saturday evening of our Sangha weekend - Saturday 12th November...
