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Free Buddhist Audio

Dana - the Emotional Life of the Sangha

From Birmingham Buddhist Centre on Fri, 2 Sep, 2011 - 01:00
Samachitta puts the practice of generosity under the microscope in this engaging talk on the first paramita. When we perform an act of generosity, what exactly is happening? How does it relate to the development of Wisdom? Is there such a thing as purely mental generosity and how effective is it? This talk explains the 'why', 'what' and how' of Dana-Paramita.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Imagining the Buddha

From Birmingham Buddhist Centre on Fri, 2 Sep, 2011 - 00:00
At the close of 2010 Sangharakshita, with Subhuti, presented a paper to the Order and movement entitled Re-Imagining the Buddha. Keen to communicate something of the vision and content of the paper, Padmakumara explores also how we ourselves, in our own languages and cultures, can Re-Imagine the Buddha, and therefore, always find a meeting with him.
