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Akshobya El Buda Azul - El Mandala De Los 5 Budas

From Centro Budista de Valencia on Tue, 30 Aug, 2011 - 00:00
En esta segunda charla de seis (2-6)exploramos, Akshobya, el Buda de la sabiduría como un espejo. La importancia de la atención consciente, la objetividad de un espejo, el veneno del odio y como rescatar su energía evitando lo torpe y con esa poderosa energía liberada vencer los obstáculos.

Esta serie de charlas fueron ofrecidas durante un retiro realizado a fin de año 2009-2010 en el campo cerca de Valencia, España.
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'Seeking The Buddha' - a talk by Subhuti

From Triratna News on Mon, 29 Aug, 2011 - 02:38

'Seeking The Buddha' - a talk by Subhuti

From Triratna News on Mon, 29 Aug, 2011 - 02:38‘Seeking The Buddha’ is the fourth and final talk from the recent Combined Convention at Wymondham College, and was given by Subhuti.

The theme of the Convention was ‘Seeking The Buddha’, and the other talks are available from VideoSangha at for the Combined Convention. Soon we’ll be posting links to the talks from the Men’s Convention - unfortunately there were technical problems that meant that none of the talks on the Women’s Convention were video-recorded.

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'Seeking The Buddha Through Reality' - a talk given by Jnanavaca

From Triratna News on Mon, 29 Aug, 2011 - 02:29

'Seeking The Buddha Through Reality' - a talk given by Jnanavaca

From Triratna News on Mon, 29 Aug, 2011 - 02:29‘Seeking The Buddha Through Reality’ is the third in a series of talks given at Triratna’s recent International Convention at Wymondham College. It was given by Jnanavaca, chairman of the London Buddhist Centre.

The theme was ‘Seeking The Buddha’, and other talks from the Convention are available from VideoSangha at for the Combined Convention and for the Men’s Convention. Unfortunately there were technical problems that meant that none of the talks on the...
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Free Buddhist Audio

Padmasambhava - Demorándonos En Nuestros Demonios

From Centro Budista de Valencia on Mon, 29 Aug, 2011 - 00:00
Introducción a la mítica figura de Padmasambhava, en donde Saddhakara se detiene a explorar el significado y relevancia en nuestras vidas, especialmente, de : los tres hábitos (El del Hinayana, Mahayana y Vajrayana) que viste Padmasambhava; la pluma de buitre que adorna su cabeza y el tiempo que paso familiarizandose con la antigua religión de Tibet, sus brujos y demonios,antes de llegar a su destino para apoyar la construcción de un monasterio budista.
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‘Seeking The Buddha Through History', a talk by Vishvapani

From Triratna News on Sun, 28 Aug, 2011 - 23:27

‘Seeking The Buddha Through History', a talk by Vishvapani

From Triratna News on Sun, 28 Aug, 2011 - 23:27This is the first of a series of posts offering readers of Triratna News around the world the opportunity to watch and listen to talks from Triratna’s recent Combined International Order Convention at Wymondham College in Norfolk, UK. It was the largest-ever gathering of the Order at well over 550 Order Members, come together for some five days to explore the theme of ‘Seeking The Buddha’.

This video, entitled ‘Seeking The Buddha Through History’ was the first in...
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Bhante's birthday cake-cutting

From Triratna News on Sun, 28 Aug, 2011 - 23:02

Bhante's birthday cake-cutting

From Triratna News on Sun, 28 Aug, 2011 - 23:02

We’re about to post a whole collection of videos from the recent Triratna Buddhist Order conventions, but can’t resist bringing you this first - a short fly-on-the-wall shot of Bhante cutting his 86th birthday cake on the Combined Convention. It looks like a good time was had by all!

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Sangharakshita celebrates 86th birthday, marked by construction work starting in India

From Triratna News on Fri, 26 Aug, 2011 - 03:32

Sangharakshita celebrates 86th birthday, marked by construction work starting in India

From Triratna News on Fri, 26 Aug, 2011 - 03:32Today sees Sangharakshita’s 86th birthday and while he marks it quietly at home in Birmingham UK, a major new project gets underway at Triratna’s vibrant Amaravati centre in central India.

Amitayus, their Project Manager, writes to say:

“Dear Triratna News, I hope today brings you and all your readers great happiness and pleasure on this day Bhante’s 86th Birthday. Triratna Bauddha Mahasangha Amravati is celebrating this day by performing a long puja in the morning and also...
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A Gem From The Men's Convention...

From Triratna News on Mon, 22 Aug, 2011 - 05:44

A Gem From The Men's Convention...

From Triratna News on Mon, 22 Aug, 2011 - 05:44Yesterday we carried a short general report on this year’s Triratna Order Conventions.

The full talks will be available soon on Free Buddhist Audio and Videosangha, today however we’re sharing with you a little gem from the end of the Men’s Convention: Manjunatha, an Order Member from Venezuela singing ‘Gracias a la Vida’ (‘Gratitude to Life’) to the final gathering just before the clear-up!


If the embedded player isn’t visible you can...
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Triratna's Order Conventions 2011

From Triratna News on Sun, 21 Aug, 2011 - 05:39

Triratna's Order Conventions 2011

From Triratna News on Sun, 21 Aug, 2011 - 05:39Triratna’s biannual Order Conventions have been in full swing these past ten days, with over 500 Order Members – the largest number ever – currently gathered at Wymondham College in Norfolk, UK to explore the theme of ‘Meeting the Buddha’.

In the first of a series of three talks, Vishvapani spoke on ‘Seeking the Buddha through History’ – a fascinating inquiry into the nature of the man ‘behind’ the scriptures. Subsequent talks have included Dhammadinna on ‘Seeking the...
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Seeking Aloka's Paintings... and their owners

From Triratna News on Sat, 20 Aug, 2011 - 06:56

Seeking Aloka's Paintings... and their owners

From Triratna News on Sat, 20 Aug, 2011 - 06:56

Lynne Beckley, a mitra from Triratna’s Ipswich Buddhist centre, writes with an unusual request - she’s seeking to contact all the owners of paintings by Aloka, probably Triratna’s most prolific and longest-established artist. She says -

“I’m producing a photobook, on behalf of Aloka, ……….a collection of his works in one book, available for anyone to buy.

“The idea is dependent upon getting enough centres & individuals to kindly share their art commissions. So I do hope all the centres ...
