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Triratna in Kerala - a report

From Triratna News on Thu, 29 Mar, 2012 - 05:37

Triratna in Kerala - a report

From Triratna News on Thu, 29 Mar, 2012 - 05:37Triratna has been established in India for well over thirty years now, with a dozen or more Buddhist Centres, several hundred Order Members and well over 5,000 Mitras. In recent years, however, it has begun to expand more vigorously from its base in Maharastra, central India - and today we bring you the first of several reports from some of its more pioneering activities in that great county. Central to Triratna’s expansion is the Nagarjuna Training Institute in Nagpur where...
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Free Buddhist Audio

Right Craftsmanship and the God of Technology

From Windhorse Evolution on Wed, 28 Mar, 2012 - 00:00
In this penultimate talk in the series, Saddharaja explores modern technology in the workplace, and the impact on Team-Based Right Livelihood practice.

There are so many benefits to changing technology - especially the internet, but what about the dark side? How do we deal with that? How can we turn our use of cutting-edge technology into a spiritual practice? Saddharaja explores the practice of discernment, and how to avoid the many well known pitfalls and distractions of the digital age.

He advocates we seek the Middle Way, and makes six suggestions which he terms 'Right Craftsmanship': 1) Upskilling and downskilling, 2) The value of awareness, 3) Talk to your friends, 4) Reflect on unsatisfactoriness and impermanence, 5) Buddhist worship not techno-worship, 6) Time away from technology.

He peppers the talk with stories, visual images and finally ends with a beautiful poem from Ryokan.

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Free Buddhist Audio

Right Craftsmanship and the God of Technology

From Windhorse Evolution on Wed, 28 Mar, 2012 - 00:00
In this penultimate talk in the series, Saddharaja explores modern technology in the workplace, and the impact on Team-Based Right Livelihood practice.

There are so many benefits to changing technology - especially the internet, but what about the dark side? How do we deal with that? How can we turn our use of cutting-edge technology into a spiritual practice? Saddharaja explores the practice of discernment, and how to avoid the many well known pitfalls and distractions of the digital age.

He advocates we seek the Middle Way, and makes six suggestions which he terms 'Right Craftsmanship': 1) Upskilling and downskilling, 2) The value of awareness, 3) Talk to your friends, 4) Reflect on unsatisfactoriness and impermanence, 5) Buddhist worship not techno-worship, 6) Time away from technology.

He peppers the talk with stories, visual images and finally ends with a beautiful poem from Ryokan.
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Free Buddhist Audio’s UK Centre Tour

From Triratna News on Fri, 23 Mar, 2012 - 17:38

Free Buddhist Audio’s UK Centre Tour

From Triratna News on Fri, 23 Mar, 2012 - 17:38Viriyalila - usually resident in New Hampshire USA - writes from Brighton, on the other side of the pond, with news of her UK Centre (sorry, Center!) tour in aid of Triratna’s Free Buddhist Audio project. She says - “Hi to everyone in our Free Buddhist Audio community. I’m currently in the UK visiting different centres, giving presentations and leading study to promote and fundraise for Free Buddhist Audio. I’m about halfway through my trip...
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Free Buddhist Audio

Getting Real

From Padmaloka Retreat Centre on Tue, 20 Mar, 2012 - 00:00
Working in the world is a game,

and like any game, we need to know the rules in order to play it.

In this talk, Arthavadin presents his personal experience of working in the world, from a Buddhist perspective, using a series of clear models and vivid images.

Talk given at Padmaloka Retreat Centre, Men's Event, January 2012.
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North American Triratna delegation visits India

From Triratna News on Mon, 19 Mar, 2012 - 05:50

North American Triratna delegation visits India

From Triratna News on Mon, 19 Mar, 2012 - 05:50Mary Schaefer, a mitra from Triratna’s American sangha, sends us this report of their recent adventures in India, saying “We came to India on a Buddhist pilgrimage and found ourselves in the midst of a revival. The “we” was a delegation of 10 Americans and two Canadians, all participating in a special three-week trip to India to retrace the life of the Buddha and meet the people who are bringing Buddhism back to modern India. The tour was organized by...
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New edition of Kamalashila's classic 'Buddhist Meditation' now available

From Triratna News on Thu, 15 Mar, 2012 - 05:57

New edition of Kamalashila's classic 'Buddhist Meditation' now available

From Triratna News on Thu, 15 Mar, 2012 - 05:57Today, March 15th, sees Triratna’s Windhorse Publications releasing the new edition of Kamalashila’s Buddhist Meditation: Tranquillity, Imagination and Insight. First published in 1991, the book is a comprehensive and practical guide to Buddhist meditation, providing a complete introduction for beginners, as well as detailed advice for experienced meditators seeking to deepen their practice. Kamalashila explores the primary aims of Buddhist meditation: enhanced awareness, true happiness, and - ultimately - liberating insight into the nature of reality.
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Free Buddhist Audio

The Sangha Jewel

From London Buddhist Centre on Wed, 14 Mar, 2012 - 00:00
Talk given at the LBC's Women's Class on Thursday 8th March 2012.
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18th Anniversary of Mexico City Buddhist Center

From Triratna News on Tue, 13 Mar, 2012 - 05:47

18th Anniversary of Mexico City Buddhist Center

From Triratna News on Tue, 13 Mar, 2012 - 05:47Triratna’s large Buddhist Centre in Mexico City - the Centro Budista de la Ciudad de México - recently celebrated its 18th anniversary in that vast city. Mario Peña writes with the details, saying “The FWBO (now Triratna) started its activities in Mexico City in Coyoacan in 1994; with the goal that people find there a selfless space to perform practice of Buddhism, in which their experience and understanding of the Buddhist path could be intensified.

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Free Buddhist Audio

A Vision For the Young Facilitators Kula and the Young Persons' Project

From Triratna Young Buddhists on Tue, 13 Mar, 2012 - 00:00
This talk was given at the London Buddhist Centre at a Young Facilitators Kula Meeting - a meeting for young Mitras and Order Members who are facilitating activities for other young people at there Buddhist centres. The talk begins by giving a background to the Young Persons Project and Young Facilitators Kula. It then explores the Dharmic principles behind the project. It then lays out a 5 step vision for how Facilitators Kula can develop its activities, so that we continue to inspire more young people to practice the Dharma in the Triratna Buddhist Commnunity.
