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'Why I am an Order Member' - a talk by Manjuvajra

From Triratna News on Tue, 6 Sep, 2011 - 18:48

'Why I am an Order Member' - a talk by Manjuvajra

From Triratna News on Tue, 6 Sep, 2011 - 18:48This short talk, given by Manjuvajra from Triratna’s Guhyaloka Retreat Centre in Spain, is the fourth and last in a series from Order Members from around the world on the theme of ‘Why I am an Order Member’.

Other talks are available on VideoSangha from the Men’s Convention and the Combined Convention.

Manjuvajra’s talk is available on YouTube here if the embedded player is not visible.
lokabandhu's picture

'Why I am an Order Member' - a talk by Padmabandhu from Mexico

From Triratna News on Tue, 6 Sep, 2011 - 14:20

'Why I am an Order Member' - a talk by Padmabandhu from Mexico

From Triratna News on Tue, 6 Sep, 2011 - 14:20This short talk, given by Padmabandhu from Triratna’s Mexico City Buddhist Centre, was the third in a series from Order Members from around the world on the theme of ‘Why I am an Order Member’.

Other talks are available from the Men’s Convention and the Combined Convention on VideoSangha.

Padmabandhu’s talk is available on YouTube here if the embedded player is not visible.
lokabandhu's picture

'Why I am an Order Member' - a talk by Nirmala

From Triratna News on Tue, 6 Sep, 2011 - 14:17

'Why I am an Order Member' - a talk by Nirmala

From Triratna News on Tue, 6 Sep, 2011 - 14:17This short talk, given by Nirmala from Triratna’s Berlin centre, was the second in a series from Order Members from around the world on the theme of ‘Why I am an Order Member’.

Other talks are available from the Men’s Convention and the Combined Convention on VideoSangha. .

Nirmala’s talk is available on YouTube here if the embedded player is not visible.
lokabandhu's picture

'Why I am an Order Member' - a talk by Yashosagar

From Triratna News on Tue, 6 Sep, 2011 - 12:15

'Why I am an Order Member' - a talk by Yashosagar

From Triratna News on Tue, 6 Sep, 2011 - 12:15This is the third in a series of posts offering readers of Triratna News around the world the opportunity to watch and listen to talks from Triratna’s recent Men’s Order Convention at Padmaloka Retreat Centre in Norfolk, UK.

This short talk, given by Yashosagar from Pune in India, was the first in a series from Order Members from around the world on the theme of ‘Why I am an Order Member’. Other talks are available from the ...
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Talks from the Men's Convention now available online; 'The Empty Throne' by Subhuti

From Triratna News on Tue, 6 Sep, 2011 - 06:26

Talks from the Men's Convention now available online; 'The Empty Throne' by Subhuti

From Triratna News on Tue, 6 Sep, 2011 - 06:26The talks from Triratna’s recent Men’s Order Convention are now available on VideoSangha. This is the first in a series of posts offering readers of Triratna News around the world the opportunity to watch and listen to them. The talks were given at Padmaloka Retreat Centre in Norfolk, UK. The theme of the Convention was ‘Buddha-Dhamma-Sangha’, and the first in the series, entitled ‘The Empty Throne’, exploring our relationship with the Buddha, was given by Subhuti.

lokabandhu's picture

'Dharma Wondrous Strange - The Poetry of Awakening' - a talk by Maitreyabandhu

From Triratna News on Tue, 6 Sep, 2011 - 05:57

'Dharma Wondrous Strange - The Poetry of Awakening' - a talk by Maitreyabandhu

From Triratna News on Tue, 6 Sep, 2011 - 05:57This is the second in a series of posts offering readers of Triratna News around the world the opportunity to watch and listen to talks from Triratna’s recent Men’s Order Convention at Padmaloka Retreat Centre in Norfolk, UK.

The theme of the Convention was ‘Buddha-Dhamma-Sangha’, and ‘Dharma Wondrous Strange - The Poetry of Awakening’, exploring our relationship with the Dharma, was given by Maitreyabandhu. Other talks are available from the Men’s Convention and the ...
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New Buddhist images appear at Padmaloka

From Triratna News on Mon, 5 Sep, 2011 - 05:51

New Buddhist images appear at Padmaloka

From Triratna News on Mon, 5 Sep, 2011 - 05:51Sanghanistha writes from Triratna’s Padmaloka Retreat Centre in Norfolk UK, with news of some major new additions to their shrine room - and more to come! He says -

“If you haven’t been to Padmaloka recently you will have missed our latest additions to the shrine room. Aloka’s new paintings of Vajrapani, Akshobya and Manjushri. Situated on the Eastern wall of the shrine room, facing the Amitabha triptych, these paintings are part of our iconography project,...
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Free Buddhist Audio

Bajo El Arbol Bodhi

From Centro Budista de Valencia on Mon, 5 Sep, 2011 - 00:00
Una charla ofrecida por Parami en mayo del 2011 unos días antes de la celebración de Wesak o día de la iluminación del Buda. Nos habla de su experiencia de meditar debajo del árbol bodhi, en Bodhgaya, el mismo sitio donde hace 2500 el buda alcanzo la iluminación.
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New Shakyamuni Mantra from Mahasukha

From Triratna News on Sun, 4 Sep, 2011 - 13:38

New Shakyamuni Mantra from Mahasukha

From Triratna News on Sun, 4 Sep, 2011 - 13:38Mahasukha, an Order Member and musician-singer-songwriter from Brighton UK, writes with news of his new setting of the Shakyamuni mantra, saying - “Hi, I wondered if you’d put something about my new Shakyamuni mantra on thebuddhistcentre/triratna news’ please? The link is mahasukha.bandcamp.com/track/shakyamuni-mantra.

“The Buddha’s been ‘around’ lately and I’ve been wanting to find a good, new Shakyamuni mantra for a while. I happened to be listening to Norwegian Jazz saxophonist Jan Garbarek’s Molde Canticle, found on...
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Would you like to hear more about our Movement in India?

From Triratna News on Fri, 2 Sep, 2011 - 06:18

Would you like to hear more about our Movement in India?

From Triratna News on Fri, 2 Sep, 2011 - 06:18Over the next few weeks Indian Order members will be visiting Triratna Centres in the UK and talking about their lives and work. This is a great opportunity to get a different perspective on our community and the Dharma.

One of the benefits of experiencing the internationality of our Buddhist Movement is seeing what of Buddhism is cultural. Throughout its history the Dharma has adapted as it encounters different situations – so what is central and...
