1) It is the only big event for both the Triratna Buddhist Order and Community in the UK. It is a unique gathering, open to everyone, from those newest to our community right through to some of our most experienced Order members teaching and leading…
2) The emphasis is on us practising together: on big rituals – chanting and circumambulating the Buddha shrine, on imagining the Buddha through storytelling, writing workshops, chanting, meditating and more. Down below I've listed some of the talks and groups that will be on offer…
3) The event has a unique international flavour – you'll meet members of our community from Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Holland, Ireland, Poland, Spain, as well as the UK.
4) The event is family friendly and we've got both indoor and outdoor accommodation (though mostly people camp).
5) It is a unique collaboration between Buddhafield, Taraloka, and Buddhist Centres across Europe, and has something of the style and flavour of all of them.
Do come along and be part of the major gathering of the Triratna Buddhist Community in Europe.
You can book online or by using the brochures at Buddhist Centres.
See you there!
With good wishes, Vajragupta
P.S. There will be talks from Dhammadinna, Ratnaguna, and Kamalasila. Dhammadinna's will talk about Shakyamuni as the "richly endowed" – the generous, abundant, golden, noble, aspect of the Buddha. The topic of Ratnaguna's talk is intriguing – he will be trying to imagine the voice of the Buddha. Kamalashila's title is "the mandala of the historical Buddha" – linking some of the imagery and symbolism of the five-Buddha mandala back to the historical Buddha and the practices he taught.
In addition, we've got groups and activities led by Akasati (creating rituals), Dhammadinna, Mahasukha (chanting and singing), Kamalasila, Ratnaguna (on reflecting on the Buddha), Saddhanandi, Sona and Vidyamala, Vajradaka (on imagining the Buddha in meditation), Vishvapani (suttas of the Buddha's life), and one or two others to be confirmed…