vajragupta's picture

Exercises and Reflections for Friday

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Thu, 13 Oct, 2011 - 17:46

Exercises and Reflections for Friday

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Thu, 13 Oct, 2011 - 17:46

Today is the last bit of “Dharma input”. We are going to explore the ideas of “control” and “influence”.  I’d like to invite you to read the following short text, and then take some time to do the reflection - and to bear the material in mind as you go about your practice today.

Tomorrow is the last day of the retreat, and will be spent reviewing what we’ve learnt and thinking about what we can take forward into the future…

Distinguishing control from...

Vidyamala's picture

Text on pleasure and pain (redux!)

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Thu, 13 Oct, 2011 - 15:23

Text on pleasure and pain (redux!)

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Thu, 13 Oct, 2011 - 15:23

View in iOS. Here’s Vidyamala’s companion piece to her interview with Viryabhadri on working with pleasure and pain (see here).

vajragupta's picture

thanks and appreciation...

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Thu, 13 Oct, 2011 - 14:25

thanks and appreciation...

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Thu, 13 Oct, 2011 - 14:25

Just wanted to say a couple of things, as I’m in a meeting all day tomorrow, and then leading the final day retreat of the urban retreat in Cardiff Saturday, so I might not get much time to log-in from now on… (though there will be two more teaching posts from me, for Friday and Saturday).

Firstly, I wanted to thank the team who’ve been working really hard behind the scenes to make this on-line retreat available. Candradasa is the visionary behind...

ratnavyuha's picture

Ratnavyuha - Reflections on the Worldly Winds

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Thu, 13 Oct, 2011 - 13:26

Ratnavyuha - Reflections on the Worldly Winds

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Thu, 13 Oct, 2011 - 13:26

A great set of reflections and musings from Ratnavyuha in Auckland, New Zealand, on the work of coursing through this life so full of challenge and sorrow and possibility. Includes some lovely zen poetry to take things deeper still…

Kavyasiddhi's picture


From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Thu, 13 Oct, 2011 - 12:11


From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Thu, 13 Oct, 2011 - 12:11

Enough. These few words are enough.

If not these words, this breath.

If not this breath, this sitting here.

This opening to the life
we have refused
again and again
until now.

Until now

~ David Whyte

ratnavyuha's picture

Ratnavyuha - Reflections on the Worldly Winds

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Thu, 13 Oct, 2011 - 02:00

Ratnavyuha - Reflections on the Worldly Winds, International Urban Retreat 2011 by thebuddhistcentre

Listen on iOS or get the app. Lovely stuff from Ratnavyuha on how to go deeper with your engagement with the Worldly Winds, as a Soundcloud.

Download this track

For more information about using Soundcloud see our notes on experimental Dharma discussion.

lokabandhu's picture

Exercises and reflections for Thursday: Voicethread edition

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Wed, 12 Oct, 2011 - 23:51

Full screen version

For more about VoiceThread, read our notes on going deeper with online Dharma discussion: ▼

Manjupriya's picture

News from São Paulo

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Wed, 12 Oct, 2011 - 23:48

News from São Paulo

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Wed, 12 Oct, 2011 - 23:48

Hi folks,

the retreat is going well here in São Paulo. There are only a few of us, but already we’re having good feedback from some of the people who are managing to read what I am managing to translate, and who are meditating everyday. Brilliant idea!

Next time I’ll try to organise the event a lot more here or our Sangha and include more people. Its a bit higgledy-piggledy this time round. Better than nothing though!

Love to all,

Manjupriya (São Paulo)

vajragupta's picture

Exercises and reflections for Thursday

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Wed, 12 Oct, 2011 - 19:07

Exercises and reflections for Thursday

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Wed, 12 Oct, 2011 - 19:07

Mindfulness of our thoughts in meditation

Yesterday we looked at how our craving or aversion towards how the worldly winds are blowing often takes the form of a “story” – an on-going mental commentary which seeks to justify our emotional response. We did an exercise in trying to spot those stories as they arise in our minds as we go about our day. Was this easy or difficult? Thoughts are fast and fleeting, so maybe it is hard to spot them arising. Perhaps...

Candradasa's picture

Live Facebook discussion

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Wed, 12 Oct, 2011 - 18:45

Live Facebook discussion

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Wed, 12 Oct, 2011 - 18:45

We’re also taking part in the International Urban Retreat 2011 on our Facebook Group, and on Friday we’ll be rounding things off there with a live discussion around the theme of the Worldly Winds: gain and loss, fame and infamy, praise and blame, and pleasure and pain…

Come and join us if you’ve taken part in the retreat and want to share your own insights - or if you are just interested in exploring the theme and its implications for...
