vajragupta's picture

Exercises and reflections for Tuesday: how’s it going? Learning to review our practice

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Mon, 10 Oct, 2011 - 17:32

Exercises and reflections for Tuesday: how’s it going? Learning to review our practice

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Mon, 10 Oct, 2011 - 17:32

The Urban Retreat is now well under way.  During the weekend we learnt about the worldly winds, how we might turn them from obstacles into spiritual opportunities, and then we made our own personal practice resolutions. Yesterday we set up various “reminders” to help us keep clear about our sense of purpose even when we’re in the thick of it.  Today we’ll explore the “review” section of the Urban Retreat diary.

This is the last main section of the...

Kavyasiddhi's picture

Fantasy arguments, feeling afraid, and why to keep lines from the Sutra of Golden Light handy...

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Mon, 10 Oct, 2011 - 17:21

Fantasy arguments, feeling afraid, and why to keep lines from the Sutra of Golden Light handy...

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Mon, 10 Oct, 2011 - 17:21

Fantasy arguments, feeling afraid, and why to keep lines from the Sutra of Golden Light handy… Need I say more? You’ll just have to watch the video!

Vishvapani's picture

The Worldly Winds and Wisdom

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Mon, 10 Oct, 2011 - 17:17

The Worldly Winds and Wisdom

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Mon, 10 Oct, 2011 - 17:17

Insight, Wisdom and Enlightenment are big, impressive and rather scary words. It’s easy to think that they are far beyond the level of our daily practice and that what’s relevant right now is just simple ethics, mindfulness and trying to be kind. But digging a bit deeper into the issues we confront, and especially considering them in the light of the Buddha’s teachings, they often turn out to touch on deeper truths. The things that happen to us every day...

Vidyamala's picture

The Buddha’s teaching of pleasure and pain (extended version)

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Mon, 10 Oct, 2011 - 16:53

The Buddha’s teaching of pleasure and pain (extended version)

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Mon, 10 Oct, 2011 - 16:53

In this extended version (twice as long) Vidyabhadri interviews me on the Buddha’s teaching of pleasure and pain (two of the worldly winds) and ways we can respond more skilfully to them. I’m in Manchester UK, a member of the Triratna Buddhist Order and co-founder of Breathworks (, which offers people living with chronic pain the potential to improve and transform their quality of life.

vajragupta's picture

Worldly winds blowing everywhere...

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Mon, 10 Oct, 2011 - 11:07

Worldly winds blowing everywhere...

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Mon, 10 Oct, 2011 - 11:07

Hello Everyone, I’m taking part in the urban retreat in Cardiff, UK. There was about 30 of us on the day retreat on Saturday, and lots of excitement and enthusiasm. I’m intrigued to see how it goes - both in Cardiff and on … to see how it all works and what difference it makes to people’s practice… I get the sense that the Buddha’s teaching of the worldly winds is just as relevant today as it was...

lokabandhu's picture

Worldly Winds in the News

From Triratna News on Mon, 10 Oct, 2011 - 10:03

Worldly Winds in the News

From Triratna News on Mon, 10 Oct, 2011 - 10:03

Triratna’s International Urban Retreat, ‘Sailing the Worldly Winds’,  is now in its third day, with well over 200 people registered for the on-line version, plus over 55 Buddhist Centres around the world.  Check it out at - it’s not too late to join in. 

We’re delighted to be featuring Vishvapani as a guest ‘blogger’ on the retreat, and today he shares with the retreat his BBC Radio 4 ‘Thought for the Day’ - which happens to...

Vidyamala's picture

Vidyamala - Pleasure and Pain

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Mon, 10 Oct, 2011 - 06:00

Vidyamala - Pleasure and Pain

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Mon, 10 Oct, 2011 - 06:00

Vidyamala - Pleasure and Pain by thebuddhistcentre

Listen on iOS or get the app. Here’s the edited version of Vidyamala’s contribution to the retreat as a Soundcloud.

Download this track

For more information about using Soundcloud see our notes on experimental Dharma discussion.

ratnavyuha's picture

Taking the Buddha to the beach

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Mon, 10 Oct, 2011 - 05:44

Taking the Buddha to the beach

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Mon, 10 Oct, 2011 - 05:44

Hi from Auckland New Zealand.

I forgot to take a picture of our Urban retreatants here. Not a large crowd, but we also have a few people doing the retreat online. Here is a picture of our beach meditation on Sunday. It was lovely but a little chilly. Great to spend time together meditating, surrounded by nature. Natural beauty makes a rich shrine cloth.

lokabandhu's picture

Exercises and reflections for Monday: Voicethread edition

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Sun, 9 Oct, 2011 - 22:30

Full screen version

For more about VoiceThread, read our notes on going deeper with online Dharma discussion: ▼
