Kavyasiddhi's picture

Lying down together - and body scan meditations

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Sat, 15 Oct, 2011 - 08:16

Lying down together - and body scan meditations

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Sat, 15 Oct, 2011 - 08:16

Why it’s really good to lie down, and do a body scan meditation together in the morning. My last video blog for this retreat, hope you’ve enjoyed them…

vajragupta's picture

Exercises, reflections, and closing ceremony for the last day - and beyond...

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Fri, 14 Oct, 2011 - 22:59

Exercises, reflections, and closing ceremony for the last day - and beyond...

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Fri, 14 Oct, 2011 - 22:59

Well done! You’ve almost completed the urban retreat.  On this last day there’s an opportunity for you to review how it went, what we learnt, and what you’d like to carry through into the future.

Hopefully you’ve discovered that although you can’t avoid the worldly winds, you can learn from them, and see them as opportunities rather than obstacles. As William Blake wrote:

Man was made for Joy & Woe;
And when this we rightly know

Yashosagar's picture

Sailing the Worldly Winds in India

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Fri, 14 Oct, 2011 - 17:39

Yashosagar - The Worldly Winds, International Urban Retreat 2011 by thebuddhistcentre

Listen on iOS or get the app. A moving talk from India by Yashosagar describing his own sources of inspiration in working with the Worldly Winds, and a glimpse at how the Dharma can really change people’s whole worlds… On Soundcloud.

Download this track

For more information about using Soundcloud see our notes on experimental Dharma discussion.

Kavyasiddhi's picture

'The Way It Is', by William Stafford

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Fri, 14 Oct, 2011 - 17:38

'The Way It Is', by William Stafford

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Fri, 14 Oct, 2011 - 17:38

Some reflections from me on ‘The Way It Is’, a poem by William Stafford: holding onto an unseen thread, and not letting go. I end with a rendering of a verse from the Dhammapada, by Thomas Byrom.

Kavyasiddhi's picture

Expectation, experiences and reality (and smiley faces!)

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Fri, 14 Oct, 2011 - 13:04

Expectation, experiences and reality (and smiley faces!)

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Fri, 14 Oct, 2011 - 13:04

Checking whether our expectations and experiences are in line with reality – using smiley faces!

Yashosagar's picture

Sailing the Worldly Winds - in India

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Fri, 14 Oct, 2011 - 11:17

Sailing the Worldly Winds - in India

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Fri, 14 Oct, 2011 - 11:17

Hello, I am Yashosagar from Triratna’s ordination team in Pune (Maharashtra, India). I am speaking about how practising Dhamma has helped me respond more creatively to the worldly winds. I am happy my talk is released today Friday 14th October, the anniversary of Dr Ambedkar’s famous conversion to Buddhism. There is a small fundraising appeal from us at the end. Thank you.

Kavyasiddhi's picture

A very pertinent sailing story...

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Fri, 14 Oct, 2011 - 10:59

A very pertinent sailing story...

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Fri, 14 Oct, 2011 - 10:59

A very pertinent sailing story, on the importance of finding a haven, to take refuge in when the storms come! Check back later today for another from me…

lokabandhu's picture

A death in the Order

From Triratna News on Fri, 14 Oct, 2011 - 05:42

A death in the Order

From Triratna News on Fri, 14 Oct, 2011 - 05:42Aryaketu, one of Triratna’s Indian Order Convenors, writes with the sad news of the death of an Order Member. He says -

“Dear Order Members, I am sad to inform you that Dhammacharini Shraddhaja from Nagpur died on October 3rd, at 3 pm at her home. At the time of death her husband and family members were around with her. Immediately the news spread a lot of people were visiting her death body continually and conducting ritual. The funeral...
lokabandhu's picture

Exercises and reflections for Friday: Voicethread edition

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Thu, 13 Oct, 2011 - 21:30

Full screen version

For more about VoiceThread, read our notes on going deeper with online Dharma discussion: ▼

Vishvapani's picture

Thought for the Day

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Thu, 13 Oct, 2011 - 18:20

Thought for the Day

From The Urban Retreat 2011 on Thu, 13 Oct, 2011 - 18:20

This is my broadcast on BBC radio 4 from this morning. Listen here

As unemployment rises and living standards fall, pre-2008 abundance seems like a vanished epoch. Most of us yearn to see the GDP figures ticking upwards again, bringing back the lost jobs and services.  But not long ago, when the economy was steaming ahead, many of us were asking if continuing economic growth was really desirable or sustainable. We saw people working longer and longer hours at...
