From Triratna News on Tue, 5 Jun, 2012 - 08:26Three major public ordination ceremonies will be held in the next few days, welcoming men and women from around the world into the Triratna Buddhist Order.
From Guhyaloka in Spain, Maniraja writes to say - “The private Ordinations of the men attending the 4 month Guhyaloka retreat will take place between June 2nd and 4th and the public Ordination ceremony - by invitation only - will take place at 12pm local Spanish time on Monday 11th June 2012”. From...
Una charla ofrecida por Parami en Junio 2010 en el Centro Budista de Valencia España. Está basada en una explicacion de Vairochana del Mandala de Los Cinco Budas. Explora la imaginación y la posibilidad de la Iluminacion.
Recorded on the last day of the 2012 Triratna International Retreat, Satyajit tells the little-known story of how Buddhafield came to own some land at Broadhembury - and appeals for donations to the Buddhafield Land Fund…
Recorded on the 2012 Triratna International Retreat, Jayaraja invites everyone present - including you, good listener! - to take advantage of the opportunity to do a Karuna Trust Fundraising Appeal.