From Triratna News on Fri, 22 Jun, 2012 - 05:49Tim writes from Oxford UK with news of a new Triratna sangha in that venerable city, saying - “Yes, the rumours are true: there is now a Triratna group in Oxford!
We had a meeting in late January in which a number of us agreed that we wanted a regular sangha meeting in Oxford. Since March we’ve been meeting every Tuesday evening for meditation and discussions as well as monthly day events led by Order Members.
A talk given by Sona at the Manchester Buddhist Centre on 28th April 2012. He explores how we can make real, even radical, changes to our lives through waking up to life with awareness.
From inert matter, self reproducing molecules and cells evolved; from
these, living beings with sense consciousness appeared in the universe. Eventually self-consciousness itself gradually developed. Each of us is
an heir of this miraculous, infinitely valuable, evolutionary process. But it does not stop here. Each individual can consciously step beyond the limited horizons that a 'self' imposes, onto a path of higher evolution, each stage of which makes the previous one feel like a prison. What does this path look like? What are the stages in the evolution of Freedom?
From Triratna News on Wed, 20 Jun, 2012 - 06:05Padmalila writes from Lama’s Pyjamas in London - a charity shop attached to Triratna’s London Buddhist Centre - with news of their remarkable success in raising money for Vajrasana, the LBC’s retreat centre in Suffolk. She says - “At our recent Buddha Day festival Claudine presented a giant cheque for £27 thousand pounds to the London Buddhist Centre on behalf of Lama’s Pyjamas.
This is the profit we made last year and it will make a...
The second talk in a series exploring how our ethical practice can extend toward that which would be the natural responses of an Enlightened Being, taking into consideration the Niyamas.
The final talk in a series exploring how our ethical practice can extend toward that which would be the natural responses of an Enlightened Being, taking into consideration the Niyamas.