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Free Buddhist Audio

L'unification, La Base D'une Vie Spirituelle

From Centre bouddhiste Triratna de Paris on Thu, 9 Feb, 2012 - 00:00
La seconde conférence sur le système de pratique pose les fondations : l'intégration, l'unification de la personne pour pouvoir pleinement s'engager dans la voie spirituelle. Cette intégration se fait par la pratique de l'attention, la prise de conscience, en méditation et dans la vie quotidienne en développant les quatres niveaux de conscience et les quatre efforts justes.

Conférence donnée à Paris en février 2012

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Free Buddhist Audio

L'unification, La Base D'une Vie Spirituelle

From Centre bouddhiste Triratna de Paris on Thu, 9 Feb, 2012 - 00:00
La seconde conférence sur le système de pratique pose les fondations : l'intégration, l'unification de la personne pour pouvoir pleinement s'engager dans la voie spirituelle. Cette intégration se fait par la pratique de l'attention, la prise de conscience, en méditation et dans la vie quotidienne en développant les quatres niveaux de conscience et les quatre efforts justes.

Conférence donnée à Paris en février 2012
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Free Buddhist Audio

Faith Is Innate, Doubt Acquired

From Taraloka Retreat Centre on Thu, 9 Feb, 2012 - 00:00
This talk was given on a Young Women' Weekend at Taraloka and is an exploration of Sangharakshita's aphorism: Faith is Innate, Doubt Acquired. It looks at questions such as: What is faith? How do you cultivate the three grounds of faith? How is doubt a fetter? How can you dispel doubt?
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Metta Vihara (new Netherlands Retreat Centre) now nearly ready!

From Triratna News on Tue, 7 Feb, 2012 - 15:18

Metta Vihara (new Netherlands Retreat Centre) now nearly ready!

From Triratna News on Tue, 7 Feb, 2012 - 15:18Jan Deckers writes from Ghent, in Belgium, with the excellent news their new retreat centre Metta Vihara is nearly ready. Triratna’s Dutch and Belgian Sanghas have for many years been fundraising, property-searching, planning and seeking official permissions for a new Buddhist Retreat Centre in the South of the Netherlands - and it’s nearly here! He says -

“We can hardly believe it ourselves: the building is nearly finished. If the gods allow it we will take possession...
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Free Buddhist Audio

Un Système De Pratiques Qui Nous Mène à L'Eveil

From Centre bouddhiste Triratna de Paris on Sun, 5 Feb, 2012 - 00:00
Conférence d'introduction présentant le système de méditation Triratna et son évolution vers des principes et pratiques appliqués dans l'ensemble de la vie spirituelle. Vassika y met aussi en évidence les liens entre ces pratiques et principes avec la conditionalité, les 5 niyamas, l'évolution inférieure et supérieure, l'esprit réactif et créatif et les niveaux d'aller en refuge.

Conférence donnée à Paris en janvier 2012.

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Free Buddhist Audio

Un Système De Pratiques Qui Nous Mène à L'Eveil

From Centre bouddhiste Triratna de Paris on Sun, 5 Feb, 2012 - 00:00
Conférence d'introduction présentant le système de méditation Triratna et son évolution vers des principes et pratiques appliqués dans l'ensemble de la vie spirituelle. Vassika y met aussi en évidence les liens entre ces pratiques et principes avec la conditionalité, les 5 niyamas, l'évolution inférieure et supérieure, l'esprit réactif et créatif et les niveaux d'aller en refuge.

Conférence donnée à Paris en janvier 2012.
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Sangharakshita's Diary, January 2012

From Triratna News on Fri, 3 Feb, 2012 - 05:57

Sangharakshita's Diary, January 2012

From Triratna News on Fri, 3 Feb, 2012 - 05:57Vidyaruchi, Sangharakshita’s secretary, writes with his usual update on some of Sangharakshita’s activities over the past month, saying - “As befits the time of the year it has been a quiet month for Bhante, with what may be the last Christmas he spends at Madhyamaloka marked, as usual, only by a meal with the community and a few guests followed by a chat round the log fire. This year there has been no snowy weather to preclude his walks in...
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Triratna’s new Buddhistisches Tor Berlin celebrates 'topping-out' ceremony for new Centre

From Triratna News on Thu, 2 Feb, 2012 - 05:42

Triratna’s new Buddhistisches Tor Berlin celebrates 'topping-out' ceremony for new Centre

From Triratna News on Thu, 2 Feb, 2012 - 05:42Amogharatna, chairman of Triratna’s Berlin Buddhist Centre (known as the Buddhistisches Tor Berlin, the Berlin Buddhist Gate) writes with news of the ‘topping-out’ ceremony for their new Centre - scheduled to open on September 1st this year. He says -

“On Tuesday 17th January, along with other parties from the building in which our new premises are situated, we celebrated the topping out. The topping out ceremony marks the completion of the roof structure when a building...
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Karuna support ground-breaking legal case in India

From Triratna News on Wed, 1 Feb, 2012 - 06:11

Karuna support ground-breaking legal case in India

From Triratna News on Wed, 1 Feb, 2012 - 06:11Andrea writes from Triratna’s Karuna Trust with news of a ground-breaking legal victory won by one of Karuna’s Indian project partners, the Human Rights Law Network (HRLN). The case was the first time perpetrators of a caste atrocity - still common in India - have been brought to justice by receiving life imprisonment under the Prevention of Atrocities Act (1989). She says -

“The Mirchpur Dalit atrocity case concerns a Dalit father and daughter,...
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First Indian Buddhist Artists' Retreat

From Triratna News on Mon, 30 Jan, 2012 - 10:38

First Indian Buddhist Artists' Retreat

From Triratna News on Mon, 30 Jan, 2012 - 10:38Samuel Rawlings, Subhuti’s secretary, writes from India with news of an exciting new Triratna venture: the first-ever Indian Buddhist Artists’ Retreat. He says -

“The event was the first of its kind to take place in India, with artists coming from all corners of the sub-continent to explore the relationship between Art and the Buddha-Dhamma. Most of the participants were from a Dalit background, and it was very moving to hear how deeply they had all struggled to produce...
