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Free Buddhist Audio

The Tale of Maha-Kassapa

From Glasgow Buddhist Centre on Wed, 20 Jun, 2012 - 01:00
Amoghavajra takes us back 2,500 years to the Kingdom of Magadha in Northern India to the birth of a boy called Kassapa. He grows up happily and as he gets older he becomes less and less worldly. Kassapa marries Bhadda who has equally renunciant tendancies. They both go forth together.

Kassapa meets the Buddha, becomes his disciple and gains Enlightenment. He is known as a superb meditator and was foremost among the bhikkus for practising austerities. According to Amoghavajra's story, one of the teachings that the Buddha gave to Kassapa was to attend to whatever gladdens the heart. So, Amoghavajra asks us, what is it that gladdens your heart?
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Free Buddhist Audio

The Underlying Pattern of the Spiritual Life

From Manchester Buddhist Centre on Wed, 20 Jun, 2012 - 00:00
In this talk Ratnaguna describes the five aspects of the spiritual path - integration, positive emotion, spiritual receptivity, spiritual death, and spiritual rebirth. Talk given at the Manchester Buddhist Centre on 14th April 2012.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Radically Renouncing Blame

From Croydon Buddhist Centre on Wed, 20 Jun, 2012 - 00:00
As part of our Saturday Sangha mornings, Vijayasri presented an inspiring talk which looks at the Radical aspects of practice which form the Croydon Buddhist Centre's new vision.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Radically Renouncing Blame

From Croydon Buddhist Centre on Wed, 20 Jun, 2012 - 00:00
As part of our Saturday Sangha mornings, Vijayasri presented an inspiring talk which looks at the Radical aspects of practice which form the Croydon Buddhist Centre's new vision.
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Free Buddhist Audio

The Tale of Maha-Kassapa

From Glasgow Buddhist Centre on Wed, 20 Jun, 2012 - 00:00
Amoghavajra takes us back 2,500 years to the Kingdom of Magadha in Northern India to the birth of a boy called Kassapa. He grows up happily and as he gets older he becomes less and less worldly. Kassapa marries Bhadda who has equally renunciant tendancies. They both go forth together. Kassapa meets the Buddha, becomes his disciple and gains Enlightenment. He is known as a superb meditator and was foremost among the bhikkus for practising austerities. According to Amoghavajra's story, one of the teachings that the Buddha gave to Kassapa was to attend to whatever gladdens the heart. So, Amoghavajra asks us, what is it that gladdens your heart?
lokabandhu's picture

Dharma Parlour programme 2012: Doorways to Freedom...

From Dharma Parlour on Tue, 19 Jun, 2012 - 17:54

Dharma Parlour programme 2012: Doorways to Freedom...

From Dharma Parlour on Tue, 19 Jun, 2012 - 17:54Theme of the 2012 Dharma Parlour (and the Buddhafield Festival as a whole) is Doorways to Freedom… Here’s what’s confirmed for the programme so far:

* Dhivan, author of a new book on conditionality (called ‘This being, That Becomes’) will be leading study.
* Vajrasara will be giving a talk: Embracing Love.
* Lokabandhu will be hosting the Dharma Parlour and giving a talk: Dharma Doorways and Deadends: Not All that Glitters is Gold.
* Therevadin...
Centre Team's picture
Centre Team

Glasgow FBA Feed

From Glasgow Buddhist Centre on Tue, 19 Jun, 2012 - 16:18
Centre Team's picture
Centre Team

Croydon FBA Feed

From Croydon Buddhist Centre on Tue, 19 Jun, 2012 - 16:17
