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Triratna design evolves...

From Triratna News on Thu, 8 Mar, 2012 - 05:58

Triratna design evolves...

From Triratna News on Thu, 8 Mar, 2012 - 05:58Here’s a poster - one of dozens produced around Triratna, all seeking to advertise one or another Buddhist event and, as they do so, to communicate something of the flavour of Triratna and how we practice the Dharma in the modern world. But the question arises - could we do it better? Could you “Design This Even Better”? That’s the title of an upcoming event for Triratna designers to be held at the Birmingham Buddhist Centre on Saturday 24th March...
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An Ordination in America

From Triratna News on Wed, 7 Mar, 2012 - 06:22

An Ordination in America

From Triratna News on Wed, 7 Mar, 2012 - 06:22Karunadevi writes from Aryaloka, Triratna’s retreat centre in New Hampshire, USA, with the news of a recent ordinations. She says - “I’m very happy to announce that a public ordination took place on Sunday afternoon, March 4, at Aryaloka Retreat Centre. Joan Rochette, from Aryaloka, becomes Kavyadrishti, ‘Vision of a sage.’
The name is Sanskrit”.

Karunadevi was both her private and public preceptor.


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Free Buddhist Audio

That's Where The Energy Is

From Padmaloka Retreat Centre on Wed, 7 Mar, 2012 - 00:00
In this talk Saddharaja explores the spiritual faculty of virya (energy in pursuit of the good). He explores this in terms of Team-Based Right Livelihood, and particularly how work is a spiritual practice within the many occupations at Windhorse:Evolution.

With stories from his own life and quotes on work from Sangharakshita, he explores the practice of The Four Right Efforts, and finishes with a beautiful poem by Seamus Heaney.

Talk given at Padmaloka Retreat Centre, Men's Event, January 2012.
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Cambridge Composers’ Competition: towards a Western Buddhist Culture

From Triratna News on Tue, 6 Mar, 2012 - 06:22

Cambridge Composers’ Competition: towards a Western Buddhist Culture

From Triratna News on Tue, 6 Mar, 2012 - 06:22Following Sunday’s story about new Triratna musicians and music, Arthasiddhi from Windhorse:evolution and the Cambridge Buddhist Centre writes with news of their recent ‘Composers’ Competition’ which took place late last year. He says -

“Engagement with the Arts is encouraged as an integral part of Buddhism in our community. Finding artistic forms that speak to us as Western Buddhists is a major part of this engagement. What would the Dharma chanted by Western Buddhists need...
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New Music By Two Triratna Musicians Now Available

From Triratna News on Sun, 4 Mar, 2012 - 05:55

New Music By Two Triratna Musicians Now Available

From Triratna News on Sun, 4 Mar, 2012 - 05:55Today we’re delighted to present two new pieces of Buddhist-inspired music to sample on-line or download, and both by Triratna musicians. Lorna Reay, from Cambridge UK, writes to say “I’ve made a CD of my own setting of the Sevenfold Puja, Shantideva’s classic Buddhist sacred text used in Triratna. I use vocals, Flute, Guzheng, Piano, Koto, Cello, Violins, and Tibetan Singing bowls. You can listen to samples of all the tracks on-line or download the complete...
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German FBA Crew Celebrates 100 German-language Dharma Talks Uploaded!

From Triratna News on Fri, 2 Mar, 2012 - 05:38

German FBA Crew Celebrates 100 German-language Dharma Talks Uploaded!

From Triratna News on Fri, 2 Mar, 2012 - 05:38Jnanacandra writes from Essen, Germany, with news of the 100th German-language Dharma talk uploaded to Triratna’s Free Buddhist Audio website, saying - “Free Buddhist Audio, our wonderful platform for Triratna’s audio and text archives, has been hosting Dharma talks in German language since 2008. And on February 12, at 00:11 o’clock (!) the 100th German upload went online - and the little German FBA team celebrated joyfully with coffee and cakes!

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Free Buddhist Audio

L'émotion Positive

From Centre bouddhiste Triratna de Paris on Fri, 2 Mar, 2012 - 00:00
La troisième conférence sur le système de pratique

Sur la base de l'unification nous entrons en relation, d'une façon consciente et dynamique, avec notre vie intérieure, les émotions, et nous apprenons à les connaitre et les purifier. Distinctes des sensations et du plaisir elles conduisent tout de même à leur raffinement et ultimement conduisent à la transcendance de soi.

Conférence donnée à Paris en février 2012

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Free Buddhist Audio

L'émotion Positive

From Centre bouddhiste Triratna de Paris on Fri, 2 Mar, 2012 - 00:00
La troisième conférence sur le système de pratique

Sur la base de l'unification nous entrons en relation, d'une façon consciente et dynamique, avec notre vie intérieure, les émotions, et nous apprenons à les connaitre et les purifier. Distinctes des sensations et du plaisir elles conduisent tout de même à leur raffinement et ultimement conduisent à la transcendance de soi.

Conférence donnée à Paris en février 2012
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Triratna computer training projects take off in India

From Triratna News on Wed, 29 Feb, 2012 - 06:16

Triratna computer training projects take off in India

From Triratna News on Wed, 29 Feb, 2012 - 06:16Today’s long report features Shakyajata, an English woman Order Member recently returned from India, who writes with news of Aryaloka, Triratna’s computer training project in Nagpur, central India: a training project for young men and women in the latest computer skills . She says - “I have been in India a while now, and am beginning to adjust to the very different life here. The contrast with my comfortable life in Manchester, is of course quite sharp: personal comfort and...
