lokabandhu's picture

Error Message: a review

From Triratna News on Sun, 8 Jul, 2012 - 07:12

Error Message: a review

From Triratna News on Sun, 8 Jul, 2012 - 07:12Aryamati writes with a review of Ananda’s new novel, Error Message - recently published and available via Amazon and other outlets. Ananda is Triratna’s longest-ordained member, and is a published poet, writing mostly under his English name Stephen Parr.. She says -

“Ananda says his novel ‘Error Message’ is Science Fiction. It is MUCH more than that. We live many aspects of contemporary life through his searching, reflective, unselfconfident protagonist. This Adam (!) never allows a...
Taranita's picture

Introduction to Meditation Course

From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Sat, 7 Jul, 2012 - 16:10

Introduction to Meditation Course

From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Sat, 7 Jul, 2012 - 16:10A course for those who are new, or relatively new to meditation, and would like to get to know meditation practices, understand how to work in meditation, and create the foundations of a regular practice. During the series there will be practice, guidance, exercises and plenty of time for questions.

7.30pm-10pm on Wednesdays for 5 weeks starting 19th September 2012. Plus day retreat from 10am-4,30pm on Saturday September 30th. At the Bristol Buddhist Centre.

Price £65 (£40 concession)...
lokabandhu's picture

Dharma Parlour program

From Dharma Parlour on Fri, 6 Jul, 2012 - 14:36
Hot off the press - the 2012 Dharma Parlour program! Thanks so much to Maitrisara for pulling it all together… it looks great!

See you there…
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Dharma Parlour program182.44 KB
jvalamalini's picture

Dharma week July 2012

From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Fri, 6 Jul, 2012 - 10:37

Dharma week July 2012

From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Fri, 6 Jul, 2012 - 10:37
Folk in the Bristol sangha studying ‘This Being, That Becomes’ during ‘reading week’, and particpating in Year of Service ‘Earthkind’ on Dharma day.
Jayamuni's picture

Un système de pratiques

From Centre bouddhiste Triratna de Paris on Fri, 6 Jul, 2012 - 04:22

Un système de pratiques

From Centre bouddhiste Triratna de Paris on Fri, 6 Jul, 2012 - 04:22Les 6 conférences de Vassika sont maintenant disponible dans une série sur FreeBuddhistAudio.

N’oubliez pas que les diagrammes décrits dans les conférences sont dans nos ressources.
bodhinaga's picture

Karaniya Metta Sutta chanting

From Sheffield Buddhist Centre on Thu, 5 Jul, 2012 - 19:01
Here is some beautiful chanting of the Karaniya Metta Sutta by Joe from Buddhafield at the end of the International Retreat.
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Great Stages of the Spiritual Path

From Glasgow Buddhist Centre on Thu, 5 Jul, 2012 - 01:00
Padmavajra begins by reflecting on the incident early after the Buddha's Enlightenment when he looks for someone or something to revere. The Buddha resolves to revere the Dharma. Padmavajra describes the experience of reverence and speaks of it as a human need.

He lists the six garavas or things to be revered, and goes on to speak in more length about the 4th of these, spiritual training, siksa.

He then looks at the Great Stages of the Spiritual Path, which Sangharakshita outlines in a seminar on The Precious Garland by Nagarjuna. This teaching is based on the Five Margas and these reflections are what are eventually developed into the System of Meditation or System of Practice.

These five stages are Integration, Positive Emotion, Vision or Spiritual Death, Transformation or Spiritual Rebirth and Spontaneous Compassionate Activity.
bodhinaga's picture

Lockerbrook Retreat June 2012

From Sheffield Buddhist Centre on Wed, 4 Jul, 2012 - 19:32

Lockerbrook Retreat June 2012

From Sheffield Buddhist Centre on Wed, 4 Jul, 2012 - 19:32
Thankyou to Pete Bennion for taking these fab photos and thanks to all who came along and made it such a wonderful retreat. Roll on Duke’s Barn in winter!
viriyalila's picture

Our Next Sangha Gathering

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Wed, 4 Jul, 2012 - 14:47

Our Next Sangha Gathering

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Wed, 4 Jul, 2012 - 14:47Our next Sangha Night will be on July 11th on the theme of “Deepening Meditation: When things are going well… cultivating the Dhyana factors.” The evening will be led by Suddhayu, founder of Touching Earth Farm, a meditator and practitioner of Buddhism for 20 years.

We’ll begin with meditation at 7pm, followed by a prentation & discussion, until 9 pm

There will be no Sangha night tonight, Wednesday July 4th. Enjoy the holiday and we...
