Coming together for meditation, Buddhist ritual and Dharma study are important conditions for deepening one’s practice. We meet together every Wednesday evening for our Sangha (Community) Night where we meditate and explore an aspect of the Buddha’s teaching through a talk and discussion. If you are new to meditation, we are happy to provide support and guidance for you. Everyone is welcome to join us.
With our program we aim to provide varied opportunities with Introductory courses in...
Great chanting from the Young Buddhists weekend! An amazing multi-part Padmasambhava Mantra; plus two Shakyamuni mantras - one by Mahasukha and one created by Bhante for use in India.
Thanks Arthasiddhi, for leading us in them so skilfully…
From Triratna News on Sat, 13 Oct, 2012 - 06:05We bring this week’s stories of India to a close with news of some of the celebrations planned, past and present, around the Triratna Buddhist Community in honour of tomorrow’s ‘Ambedkar Day’ - anniversary of the October 14th 1956 conversion of Dr. Ambedkar to Buddhism.
In Sheffield they’re planning an Ambedkar Day on Saturday 27 October featuring talks, practice, food and a film; in London Priyadaka and Manjusiha are co-leading a day retreat at the...
In the second talk in his ‘Religion Without God’ series, Candradasa considers the origins of negative views of the body and its desires in relation to spiritual life, as seen through the prism of Puritanism and its influences.
Tracking the Platonic ideal through St. Augustine we get a sense of the conditioning we seek to move away from as Buddhists while still wrestling with the key questions posed by our own experience of the connection between desire and suffering. ...
From Dharmagiri Retreatcenter on Fri, 12 Oct, 2012 - 20:37För att fortsätta berätta om Gröngölingarna…
I den förra månadens brev skrev jag om dessa två fåglars sista färd och krasch mot glasverandefönstret. För några veckor sedan såg jag en halvvuxen unge spatsera på gårdsplan! Den såg frisk och välmående ut och man kan anta att det var en unge som överlevt och klarat sig bra på egen hand.
Ett flertal retreater har passerat denna månad. Satyaprabha, Fredrik Busk och Viktor Bäckström ledde en Ung Buddhist retreat. Dikterna...
From Triratna News on Fri, 12 Oct, 2012 - 06:05We continue our ‘India week’ on Triratna News with a profile of Amitayus, a young Indian Order Member living and working in Amaravati, a busy city in Maharastra, central India. He’s one of over 450 Order Members in India.
Like many others, Amitayus’ grandfather’s job was ‘untouchable’ work, to carry dead animals away from the village. His grandparents often had no food except the flesh of rotting animals. With no land of their own, they were forced...