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Free Buddhist Audio

Women Elders of the Triratna

From London Buddhist Centre on Tue, 10 Jul, 2012 - 01:00
Ratnavandana, ordained in 1983, gives a talk on June 28th 2012 about her spiritual life. Part of the 'Women Elders of the Triratna' series at the LBC women's class
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Free Buddhist Audio

Padmasambhava's Advice to the Three Fortunate Women

From Glasgow Buddhist Centre on Tue, 10 Jul, 2012 - 01:00
This talk was given at the Glasgow Buddhist Centre in 2010.

Padmolka looks at the first section of Padmasambhava's Advice to The Three Fortunate Women from The Life and Liberation of Padmasambhava. She begins by saying a bit about Padmasambhava subduing the demons of Tibet and the circumstances around the time when this teaching is given.

Padmasambhava is asked for a short, practical teaching which can be learned by heart to help Queen Nang Chung to practice the Dharma and ultimately lead her to Buddhahood.

She then goes through the verse, pulling out it's themes and meaning.
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Free Buddhist Audio

London Buddhist Centre

From London Buddhist Centre on Tue, 10 Jul, 2012 - 01:00
Padmasuri, ordained in 1980, gives a talk on June 21st 2012 about her spiritual life. Part of the 'Women Elders of the Triratna' series at the LBC women's class
Candradasa's picture

Introducing Satyada!

From Triratna News on Mon, 9 Jul, 2012 - 18:54

Introducing Satyada!

From Triratna News on Mon, 9 Jul, 2012 - 18:54Stephen Sloan was ordained into the Triratna Buddhist Order by his preceptors Vidhuma (Private) and Nagabodhi (Public) on 7th July 2012. He was given the name Satyada - meaning “the Giver of the Truth”. Friends, family and members of the Order delighted in the ceremony and celebrations that followed. The ordination was held at Aryaloka Buddhist Center in Newmarket, NH.

Here are some pictures of the event from our new Instagram! Follow @buddhistcenter for...
Candradasa's picture

Why Facebook Isn't Enough

From Community Highlights on Mon, 9 Jul, 2012 - 18:23

Why Facebook Isn't Enough

From Community Highlights on Mon, 9 Jul, 2012 - 18:23Facebook - you just can’t get away from it! Did you know that over 900 million people now actively use it? That means by ‘population’, Facebook is (sort of!) the world’s third largest country! And it’s a safe bet that soon enough more people will spend time on the mother of all social networks than live in any one nation… That’s quite a thought, and quite a new sort of connected global reality for...
Candradasa's picture

Audio from the International Retreat 2012

From Imagine the Buddha on Mon, 9 Jul, 2012 - 17:05
Here all the main audio recordings we made on the International Retreat in May, now with added Soundcloud goodness!

You can also hear delightful little audio snippets from the retreat over on audioboo, and subscribe to our ongoing podcast there featuring little bits of life from around the Triratna Buddhist Community.
Keturaja's picture

Seminar with Subhuti on Right Livelihood

From Windhorse Evolution on Mon, 9 Jul, 2012 - 12:29

Seminar with Subhuti on Right Livelihood

From Windhorse Evolution on Mon, 9 Jul, 2012 - 12:29I am excited that Subhuti has agreed to do a seminar with the management team of Windhorse:evolution in August. Those working here have been reflecting on questions and topics on the theme of Right Livelihood, to explore with Subhuti. We would also like to invite others to suggest topics and questions to put to Subhuti. If you have any suggestions, please post them here, using the ‘blog’ function you’ll find in the top left menu bar. We’ll be recording the...
lokabandhu's picture

Dharma Day sees launch of UK inter-Buddhist month of ‘Earthkind’ events

From Triratna News on Mon, 9 Jul, 2012 - 05:47

Dharma Day sees launch of UK inter-Buddhist month of ‘Earthkind’ events

From Triratna News on Mon, 9 Jul, 2012 - 05:47Buddhists around Britain are this month taking part in the first-ever series of nationally co-ordinated ‘Earthkind’ events, launched on the recent ‘Dharma Day’, the Buddhist festival celebrated on the full moon of July. Lokabandhu, who represents Triratna at the NBO, Britain’s ‘Network of Buddhist Organisations’, explains:

“Earthkind has a rather unusual history. We were approached late last year by officials organising the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, asking if Buddhists would like to be part of...
viriyalila's picture

Satyada's Ordination - Aryaloka Buddhist Center

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Sun, 8 Jul, 2012 - 21:39

Satyada's Ordination - Aryaloka Buddhist Center

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Sun, 8 Jul, 2012 - 21:39
Stephen Sloan was ordained into the Triratna Buddhist Order by his preceptors Vidhuma (Private) and Nagabodhi (Public) on 7th July 2012. He was given the name Satyada - meaning “the Giver of the Truth”. Friends, family and members of the Order delighted in the ceremony and celebrations that followed. The ordination was held at Aryaloka Buddhist Center in Newmarket,...
