Ambedkar Day celebrated across Triratna Buddhist Community
We bring this week’s stories of India to a close with news of some of the celebrations planned, past and present, around the Triratna Buddhist Community in honour of tomorrow’s ‘Ambedkar Day’ - anniversary of the October 14th 1956 conversion of Dr. Ambedkar to Buddhism.

In Sheffield they’re planning an Ambedkar Day on Saturday 27 October featuring talks, practice, food and a film; in London Priyadaka and Manjusiha are co-leading a day retreat at the LBC on Sunday 14th October. From Cambridge there’s a talk by Subhuti in which he paints a picture of who Dr Ambedkar was and what he achieved - interwoven with an exhortation to genuinely practice the Dharma and set about changing both ourselves and the society we live in - and one from Manchester, this time by Padmavajra. In a video talk over at Windhorse, Sanghanath, a young Indian Order Member, explains the significance of the Dharma Diksha, the day Dr Ambedkar converted to Buddhism.

And for the really interested, we’re delighted to recommend a ten-part series of talks by Subhuti entitled ‘Following in the Footsteps of Dr. Ambedkar’. They were given in Nagpur, India, with Hindi translation, so you get the authentic ‘atmosphere’ of India! Finally, in another talk, ‘What Babasaheb Achieved and Why He Chose the Buddha-Dhamma’, given to a thousand retreatants during the first Dhammakranti retreat in Karnataka, Subhuti provides the essential links between Dr. Ambedkar's work and his reasons for converting to Buddhism.

Happy Ambedkar Day!