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Free Buddhist Audio

La Imaginacion Y La Fantasia En La Vida Espiritual

From Centro Budista de Valencia on Sun, 15 Jul, 2012 - 01:00
Esta charla se nos ofrece una introduccion a la imaginacion y la fantasia en la vida espiritual, basada en la propia vida de Maitreyabandhu. Nos da mucha inspiracion para nuestra propia practica en nuestra vida de hoy.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Sutra Del Corazon....Meditacion

From Centro Budista de Valencia on Sun, 15 Jul, 2012 - 00:00
Satyabashana nos habla de La Paradoja de la Experiencia, guiandonos a traves del Sutra del Corazon, para poder comprender que la herramienta de la meditacion nos puede acercar de forma mas directa a nuestra experiencia del momento presente.Tenemos aqui un imagen muy poetico del Sutra del Corazon
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Free Buddhist Audio

Sutra Del Corazon....el libro que se Convirtio En Diosa

From Centro Budista de Valencia on Sun, 15 Jul, 2012 - 00:00
Rijumati nos comenta de donde viene la importancia del Sutra del Corazon y porque se llama asi, dando pie a mas preguntas que soluciones.Nos explica las razones por las cuales no es una obra mas una aplicacion de una ensenanza del Buda que hemos de dejar entrar a nuestos corazones como garantia de que el Dharma no se vuelve un Dogma religioso.
bodhinaga's picture

Hsuan Tsang and the Heroic Quest by Bodhinaga 12th June 2012

From Sheffield Buddhist Centre on Sat, 14 Jul, 2012 - 20:04

Hsuan Tsang and the Heroic Quest by Bodhinaga 12th June 2012

From Sheffield Buddhist Centre on Sat, 14 Jul, 2012 - 20:04Bodhinaga tells the tale of Hsuan Tsang’s amazing pilgrimage and explores the qualities of sraddha and virya, which are essential for any heroic quest. Part of the series on The Refuge Tree at Sangha Night.
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Dogen and Hakuin by Khemasuri 5th June 2012

From Sheffield Buddhist Centre on Sat, 14 Jul, 2012 - 19:48

Dogen and Hakuin by Khemasuri 5th June 2012

From Sheffield Buddhist Centre on Sat, 14 Jul, 2012 - 19:48As part of our ‘teachers of the past’ section of the Refuge Tree series at Sangha Night, Khemasuri tells us about the Japanese Zen teachers Hakuin, Dogen and Buddha Nature. 5th June 2012
viriyalila's picture

FBA Podcast: "Songs of the Elder Sisters"

From Free Buddhist Audio on Sat, 14 Jul, 2012 - 16:21

FBA Podcast: "Songs of the Elder Sisters"

From Free Buddhist Audio on Sat, 14 Jul, 2012 - 16:21Sharing today’s FBA Podcast, “Songs of the Elder Sisters”, one of a series of talks on the Therigatha, the songs or poems of the nuns at the time of the Buddha given at the Glasgow Buddhist Centre. Here, Gunasiddhi gently explores the three themes of Going Forth, Friendship and Impermanence through these tender yet powerful stories.

Tune in every Saturday for a new FBA Podcast selected from over 1500 talks available...
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Compassionate Responses - Women's Practice Morning

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Sat, 14 Jul, 2012 - 15:53

Compassionate Responses - Women's Practice Morning

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Sat, 14 Jul, 2012 - 15:53All women welcome to join us for a practice morning exploring how we respond to suffering when we meet it in ourselves and in others. The Brahma Viharas are four meditation practices arising from the development of Metta, or Loving Kindness. This month we’ll be exploring the Karuna Bhavana to learn and listen to how we respond to suffering while cultivating metta which leads to compassion.

Led by Viriyalila, member of the Triratna Buddhist Order since 2005...
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Shinran- The Power Of The Lucid Mind by Satyajyoti 29th May 2012

From Sheffield Buddhist Centre on Fri, 13 Jul, 2012 - 18:36

Shinran- The Power Of The Lucid Mind by Satyajyoti 29th May 2012

From Sheffield Buddhist Centre on Fri, 13 Jul, 2012 - 18:36Satyajyoti speaking at Sangha Night about Shinran, Amitabha and the power of the ‘lucid mind’. 29th May 2012.
bodhinaga's picture

Mind Training Slogans, 3 short talks 15th May 2012

From Sheffield Buddhist Centre on Fri, 13 Jul, 2012 - 16:35

Mind Training Slogans, 3 short talks 15th May 2012

From Sheffield Buddhist Centre on Fri, 13 Jul, 2012 - 16:353 short talks given at Sangha Night by Vadanya, Suryamati and Terry on their favourite mind training verses.
Candradasa's picture

Buddhafield Festival 2012 Underway!

From Triratna News on Fri, 13 Jul, 2012 - 13:40

Buddhafield Festival 2012 Underway!

From Triratna News on Fri, 13 Jul, 2012 - 13:40The Buddhafield Festival is one of the highlights of any year in the Triratna Buddhist Community’s calendar. It’s a mesmerising, inspiring, deeply moving five-day jamboree of activities in a secret realm in the heart of the English West Country. Rain or shine, it’s an unforgettable experience – a new twist on the classic British summer festivals like Glastonbury. Buddhafield has music, dance, healing spaces, wonderful food, places to talk and discuss and debate and discover – and all...
