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The Abhayaratna...

Giving to the Abhayaratna Trust

From Abhayaratna Trust on Fri, 22 Jun, 2012 - 12:29
Thank you for considering donating to The Abhayaratna Trust. No sum is too small, and there are a variety of ways you can give. As an example of how your contribution can go to help Order Members:

Three people donating £10 a month will give someone a retreat or attendance at the Convention.
Four people donating £10 a month will buy a hearing aid device for someone with age related hearing loss.

You can either use the donation...
The Abhayaratna Trust's picture
The Abhayaratna...

The Abhayaratna Trust Trustees

From Abhayaratna Trust on Fri, 22 Jun, 2012 - 12:14

The Abhayaratna Trust Trustees

From Abhayaratna Trust on Fri, 22 Jun, 2012 - 12:14
Here we are at Madhyamaloka. Back row L-R: Dayanandi (former chair), Shantiprabha (Chair), Padmadhara, Amoghavamsa. Front/middle row L-R: Ratnachuda, Dharmashura, Jnanamitra, Satyadakini (former Secretary), Aryavajra (former Trustee).
The Abhayaratna Trust's picture
The Abhayaratna...

Taking the Buddha Dharma into the World: Abhayaratna Trust

From Abhayaratna Trust on Fri, 22 Jun, 2012 - 12:11

Taking the Buddha Dharma into the World: Abhayaratna Trust

From Abhayaratna Trust on Fri, 22 Jun, 2012 - 12:11‘Taking the Buddha Dharma into the World: Abhayaratna Trust’ - a talk given by Dharmacharini Jnanamitra at the Triratna Buddhist Order Combined International Convention at Wymondham College 21 August 2011 The theme of the Convention was ‘Seeking The Buddha’.
The Abhayaratna Trust's picture
The Abhayaratna...

Shantiprabha and The Abhayaratna Trust

From Abhayaratna Trust on Fri, 22 Jun, 2012 - 12:08

Shantiprabha and The Abhayaratna Trust

From Abhayaratna Trust on Fri, 22 Jun, 2012 - 12:08Shantiprabha speaks about why he’s involved with Abhayaratna Trust.

lokabandhu's picture

New Triratna sangha in Oxford, UK

From Triratna News on Fri, 22 Jun, 2012 - 05:49

New Triratna sangha in Oxford, UK

From Triratna News on Fri, 22 Jun, 2012 - 05:49Tim writes from Oxford UK with news of a new Triratna sangha in that venerable city, saying - “Yes, the rumours are true: there is now a Triratna group in Oxford!

We had a meeting in late January in which a number of us agreed that we wanted a regular sangha meeting in Oxford. Since March we’ve been meeting every Tuesday evening for meditation and discussions as well as monthly day events led by Order Members.

Amoghavajra's picture

Beneficial Activity - A talk by Devamitra

From Ipswich Buddhist Centre on Thu, 21 Jun, 2012 - 19:15
Devamitra explores beneficial activity, the third of the samgraha vastus, from the point of view of inspiring others.
Candradasa's picture

Dhammarati on the System of Practice

From European Chairs' Assembly on Thu, 21 Jun, 2012 - 18:45
Here’s Dhammarati’s talk from the last Chairs’ meeting…
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Radical Change - Learning to Be Free

From Manchester Buddhist Centre on Thu, 21 Jun, 2012 - 00:00
A talk given by Sona at the Manchester Buddhist Centre on 28th April 2012. He explores how we can make real, even radical, changes to our lives through waking up to life with awareness.
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

The Evolution of Liberation

From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Thu, 21 Jun, 2012 - 00:00
From inert matter, self reproducing molecules and cells evolved; from

these, living beings with sense consciousness appeared in the universe. Eventually self-consciousness itself gradually developed. Each of us is

an heir of this miraculous, infinitely valuable, evolutionary process. But it does not stop here. Each individual can consciously step beyond the limited horizons that a 'self' imposes, onto a path of higher evolution, each stage of which makes the previous one feel like a prison. What does this path look like? What are the stages in the evolution of Freedom?
