Q. I signed up but I can’t log in… What’s wrong?
This is the most common issue we hear about and it’s almost always to do with email addresses. Please make sure you enter your email address correctly when you register as we need it to send you a verification email without which you won’t be able to activate your account and log in. Click the link in the verification email and you’re done! If you are sure your address is correct but don’t receive the verification email, please check your spam/junk/promotions folder. And if still no joy, please support [at] thebuddhistcentre.com (contact us) so we can take a look…
Q. I signed up and went to change my password but the system keeps telling me my email address is already taken when I go to make a new password. Help?
In most instances this is also to do with the issue above as you won’t be able to reset your password until you’ve verified your account. Again, if you’ve activated your account and logged in successfully before, please support [at] thebuddhistcentre.com (let us know).
Q. Why do I need to give you my email address? How do I update it?
We use your email address to verify you’re a real person who genuinely wants to take part in our community. You can update the email address and password on your account at any time. Just click on your user icon when logged in, at the top right of any page, and choose ‘my profile’.
We take your privacy very seriously. You can find our privacy policy under the ‘support’ menu on any page.
Q. Do you run Buddhist activities near me?
Our community is an international network of autonomous but connected Buddhist Centres who all take a similar approach to the Dharma. We have a full listing of these from around the world, and if you aren’t near one but are interested in engaging with the Triratna community please feel free to support [at] thebuddhistcentre.com (get in touch).
Q. Can I attend live classes online?
We offer daily meditations online and a range of regular live Dharma classes, events and Home Retreats. You’re always welcome!
Q. What is a ‘resource’ on your site within a blog or group?
We want to enable as much sharing as possible within all the practice spaces on our site. So we support uploading just about any kind of file, as well as embedded content from online media services like Instagram, Soundcloud, Audioboom, and Issuu. Choose ’+ resources’ within any blog or group on the site. (See our ‘moderation & copyright policy’ for more.)