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Free Buddhist Audio

Ratnasambhava, la générosité, la richesse et la beauté du joyau

From Centre bouddhiste Triratna de Paris on Sat, 10 Nov, 2012 - 00:00
Troisième partie d'une série de conférences d'exploration du mandala des 5 bouddhas.

Ujumani présente Ratnasambhava, le Bouddha jaune du sud, le bouddha archétypal de la richesse et de la générosité. Un voyage dans un monde d'abondance intérieure, de générosité et d'appréciation. La sagesse qui transforme l'orgueil et développe la confiance saine, sereine et solide du Bouddha.

Conférence donnée au centre bouddhiste Triratna de Paris en novembre 2012.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Ratnasambhava, la générosité, la richesse et la beauté du joyau

From Centre bouddhiste Triratna de Paris on Sat, 10 Nov, 2012 - 00:00
Troisième partie d'une série de conférences d'exploration du mandala des 5 bouddhas. Ujumania présente Ratnasambhava, le Bouddha jaune du sud, le bouddha archétypal de la richesse et de la générosité. Un voyage dans un monde d'abondance intérieure, de générosité et d'appréciation. La sagesse qui transforme l'orgueil et développe la confiance saine, sereine et solide du Bouddha. Conférence donnée au centre bouddhiste Triratna de Paris en novembre 2012.
lokabandhu's picture

New Buddhist Chanting CD

From Triratna News on Fri, 9 Nov, 2012 - 06:01

New Buddhist Chanting CD

From Triratna News on Fri, 9 Nov, 2012 - 06:01Triratna’s Ipswich and Colchester Sanghas have come together to create a Buddhist Chanting CD, featuring Buddhasiha and Sanghamani. Made in a professional studio, the sound quality is fantastic, with 20 tracks including both familiar chants and some less so.
There was a great launch night at the Ipswich centre where Buddhasiha and Sanghamani led an evening of chanting. The CD is now being sold as a fundraiser for the Shrine Room Development Fund at...
Satyalila's picture

"Making the most of life" Urban Retreat coming up 17-24 Nov

From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Thu, 8 Nov, 2012 - 21:43

"Making the most of life" Urban Retreat coming up 17-24 Nov

From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Thu, 8 Nov, 2012 - 21:43Janaka and I had an enjoyable and fruitful meeting on Tuesday, doing some more planning for this one week Urban Retreat which runs 17-24 November, leading up to Sangha Day on 25 November. A very rare opportunity to dwell in the midst of all FIVE of Kumuda’s beautiful paintings of the five Buddhas of the mandala. Each about 2 metres square, they’ll fill the walls of the shrine room where we’ll have our opening & closing day retreats...
Windhorse Evolution's picture
Windhorse Evolution

Intensity and Frenzy - Subhuti Seminar Part Six

From Seminar with Subhuti on Right Livelihood on Wed, 7 Nov, 2012 - 12:00

Intensity and Frenzy - Subhuti Seminar Part Six

From Seminar with Subhuti on Right Livelihood on Wed, 7 Nov, 2012 - 12:00In this sessions Subhuti responds to specific questions from workers at Windhorse:evolution. Among themes explored are the difference between frenzy and intensity, as well as the importance of limits and boundaries necessary for safeguarding that which is precious.
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Windhorse Evolution

The Ideal of Support - Subhuti Seminar Part Seven

From Seminar with Subhuti on Right Livelihood on Wed, 7 Nov, 2012 - 11:59

The Ideal of Support - Subhuti Seminar Part Seven

From Seminar with Subhuti on Right Livelihood on Wed, 7 Nov, 2012 - 11:59Subhuti continues to answer questions from the staff of Windhorse:evolution. Topics include the ideal of support and the semi-monastic lifestyle, as well as the conflict of interests between management and Kalyana Mitrata.
Windhorse Evolution's picture
Windhorse Evolution

Windhorse and Triratna - Subhuti Seminar Part Eight

From Seminar with Subhuti on Right Livelihood on Wed, 7 Nov, 2012 - 11:58

Windhorse and Triratna - Subhuti Seminar Part Eight

From Seminar with Subhuti on Right Livelihood on Wed, 7 Nov, 2012 - 11:58In this concluding session of the two-day seminar, Subhuti addresses the simple question: what can Windhorse offer the Movement?
Windhorse Evolution's picture
Windhorse Evolution

'In the Seen Only the Seen'

From Windhorse Evolution on Wed, 7 Nov, 2012 - 10:20

'In the Seen Only the Seen' (group)

From Windhorse Evolution on Wed, 7 Nov, 2012 - 10:20In the Seen Only the Seen - Photo Exhibition by Vidyasiddhi

By really looking, purely and openly, we can move beyond ideas about form, towards the true nature of form, which is emptiness. This is looking as a meditation, used as an approach to the true nature of things.
lokabandhu's picture

Queretaro City Buddhist Centre opens in Mexico

From Triratna News on Tue, 6 Nov, 2012 - 18:00

Queretaro City Buddhist Centre opens in Mexico

From Triratna News on Tue, 6 Nov, 2012 - 18:00Chandrangsu writes from Mexico, where the Triratna community there have recently opened their second Buddhist Centre, and their first outside Mexico City. He writes “On 23rd of September the premises for the new Queretaro City Buddhist Centre, the ‘Comunidad Budista Triratna Querétaro’ were inaugurated. Abhayagita opened the event with a Metta Bhavana meditation, then Virasiddhi led everyone present into a recitation of the Dedication Ceremony. I followed with a talk on Sangharakshita’s Going Forth in India, the meaning...
