Dhammalata's picture

Why Meditate?

From Coogee Buddhist Group on Tue, 14 Nov, 2017 - 01:16

Why Meditate?

From Coogee Buddhist Group on Tue, 14 Nov, 2017 - 01:16

Applying right speech is difficult in the beginning … but if you practice every time you talk to someone, the mind will learn how to be aware, to understand what it should or should not say, and to know when it is necessary to talk. 

—Sayadaw U Tejaniya, “The Wise Investigator”

In a very simple sense I meditate because it helps me. Sometimes it feels mechanical but i keep going because …. coming back to the...

amrutasiddhi's picture

Activity Chart Preparation Training

From Triratna Bauddha Mahasangha, Nagpur (North) on Sat, 11 Nov, 2017 - 11:28

Activity Chart Preparation Training

From Triratna Bauddha Mahasangha, Nagpur (North) on Sat, 11 Nov, 2017 - 11:28

We had full day meeting at Triratna , Mahendranagar, Nagpur Center. Total 22 Order members participated after the SWOT analysis of the center to prepare for further step. Tejadhamma led the full day workshop on preparation of Activity Chart for the center in 5 main areas of development for Religious,  Social, Sustainability (financial), Assets (Land) and Others.

Whole day team...

Munisha's picture

Vishvapani on the BBC

From Triratna News on Thu, 9 Nov, 2017 - 15:09

Vishvapani on the BBC

From Triratna News on Thu, 9 Nov, 2017 - 15:09

For a number of years, Vishvapani has been the regular Buddhist contributor to Thought for the Day on BBC Radio Four’s morning news programme, Today.

Here are his recent broadcasts, accessible anywhere in the world. His views on violence against the Rohingya Muslims in Burma/Myanmar may be of particular interest.

11th May 2017 Is Buddhism still relevant? (Buddha Day)
18th May 2017 Eating in moderation 
1st June 2017 If technology served Buddhist goals

Munisha's picture

Meet the new Triratna Safeguarding team

From Triratna News on Wed, 8 Nov, 2017 - 18:21

Meet the new Triratna Safeguarding team

From Triratna News on Wed, 8 Nov, 2017 - 18:21

Safeguarding work in Triratna, in progress since 2013, has developed enormously in the last three months. As the overall Safeguarding officer (Munisha) I’d like to bring you up to date.

Training On 4th October, around 30 Safeguarding officers and trustees from Triratna centres across the UK, and Saddhaloka (Chair of Triratna’s College of Public Preceptors), gathered at the Birmingham Buddhist Centre for our second training day. After last year’s training in child protection, this year we worked on ‘Safeguarding adults’ with the help of an...

sanghadhara's picture

‘What is the Order? - Revisited’ -Subhuti

From Clear Vision Trust on Mon, 6 Nov, 2017 - 15:03

‘What is the Order? - Revisited’ -Subhuti

From Clear Vision Trust on Mon, 6 Nov, 2017 - 15:03

Subhuti speaks about what the Triratna Buddhist Order means to him during the UK & Ireland Men’s Area Order Weekend at Adhisthana, 5 November 2017

tejadhamma's picture

Talk by Khemadhamma at Baratwada Village

From People to People, Nagpur, India. on Sat, 4 Nov, 2017 - 10:58

Talk by Khemadhamma at Baratwada Village

From People to People, Nagpur, India. on Sat, 4 Nov, 2017 - 10:58

Khemadhamma’s talk was organized at village of Nagpur named Baratwada. Villagers were so happy to listen Dhamma from him. Lovely singing presented by the local people and student presented him greeting card made by hands. Tejadhamma transelated in Marathi. 

 Dhammamitra Ashwaghosh and Devananad (volunteer) took hard efforts to this happen.

tejadhamma's picture

Red Light Area project visit of Khemadhamma

From People to People, Nagpur, India. on Sat, 4 Nov, 2017 - 10:45

Red Light Area project visit of Khemadhamma

From People to People, Nagpur, India. on Sat, 4 Nov, 2017 - 10:45

Khemadhamma, Greg and Jonathen (Australia) visited to our project on the corner of red light area named Kumbharpura where poor and underprivileged boys and girls are getting opportunity to continue their education regardless caste, colour and religion.

Here some Muslim girls are also getting benefit to continue their education under guidance  of our staff Nazmine Sheikh (Master in Social Work). On this...

tejadhamma's picture

Welcome of Khemadhamma

From People to People, Nagpur, India. on Fri, 3 Nov, 2017 - 18:29

Welcome of Khemadhamma

From People to People, Nagpur, India. on Fri, 3 Nov, 2017 - 18:29

Khemadhamma recently visited to Nagpur. PTP Nagpur welcomed him at Freelance Mitra Class.

Munisha's picture

Dedicating Adhisthana's new shrine

From Triratna News on Fri, 3 Nov, 2017 - 09:36

Dedicating Adhisthana's new shrine

From Triratna News on Fri, 3 Nov, 2017 - 09:36

The artistic pile of bricks and Buddharupas that formed the main shrine for Adhisthana’s first four years has been replaced by a remarkable piece of new Buddhist design. In Clear Vision’s latest NewsByte video Yashodeva tells the story of its creation and dedication, on 19th August at the UK and Ireland Area Order weekend.

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