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Windhorse Publi...

Interview with Vajragupta on Wild Awake: Alone, Offline and Aware in Nature

From Windhorse Publications on Thu, 19 Oct, 2017 - 09:23

Interview with Vajragupta on Wild Awake: Alone, Offline and Aware in Nature

From Windhorse Publications on Thu, 19 Oct, 2017 - 09:23

Vajragupta is ordained within the Triratna Buddhist movement, and the author of a couple of our bestsellers. Sailing the Worldly Winds and Buddhism: Tools for Living Your Life provide clear introductions and guidance to incorporating meditation and Buddhist practices into daily life. Vajragupta also wrote The Triratna Story, which provides perspectives on the Triratna Buddhist movement from its beginnings in the 1970s to the modern day.

Vajragupta is currently working on two books – Wild Awake, which we will publish...

Munisha's picture

Adhisthana Kula: an update on their work

From Orden i Sverige on Tue, 17 Oct, 2017 - 14:36

Adhisthana Kula: an update on their work

From Orden i Sverige on Tue, 17 Oct, 2017 - 14:36

Hej vänner!

Last month the Adhisthana Kula published an update on their work to resolve controversial aspects of Triratna’s past. This is a public post, so you can share it with Mitras and Friends if you think it would be helpful to them.…

Kram, Munisha

Munisha's picture

Triratna Amsterdam's new Buddhist centre

From Triratna News on Tue, 17 Oct, 2017 - 13:37

Triratna Amsterdam's new Buddhist centre

From Triratna News on Tue, 17 Oct, 2017 - 13:37

Gunabhadri writes from Amsterdam with a five-minute video about the Amsterdam Buddhist Centre’s move (by bicycle!) to new premises in an old hospital (also home to Mokshagandhi).

“On the full moon evening of Wednesday 6th September the new Amsterdam Buddhist Centre officially opened.

For the last time, we shared an evening meal in our old centre in the Palmstraat and then a lamp was lit and transported to the new location by bicycle, together with a painting of Akshobya...

Munisha's picture

Want to post to this Liaison space?

From Triratna in the Buddhist World on Tue, 17 Oct, 2017 - 13:17

Want to post to this Liaison space?

From Triratna in the Buddhist World on Tue, 17 Oct, 2017 - 13:17

If you work with other Buddhist groups where you are, you can post news to this Liaison space too! Just email me at munisha [at] with an idea about the kind of thing you want to post.


Munisha's picture

European Buddhist Union weekend 2017

From Triratna in the Buddhist World on Tue, 17 Oct, 2017 - 11:14

European Buddhist Union weekend 2017

From Triratna in the Buddhist World on Tue, 17 Oct, 2017 - 11:14

As the ‘Liaison Officer’ for Triratna’s European Chairs’ Assembly, I’m the person who looks after Triratna’s co-operation with other Buddhist traditions on matters of common interest. As part of this work, each September I attend the AGM weekend of the European Buddhist Union  (EBU) and the meeting of the Buddhist Teachers in Europe. This year both took place at the Benchen Katsang Retreat Centre just west of Warsaw, Poland. Next year will see them...

Dhammalata's picture

Metta in Crescent Heads

From Coogee Buddhist Group on Mon, 16 Oct, 2017 - 21:45

Metta in Crescent Heads

From Coogee Buddhist Group on Mon, 16 Oct, 2017 - 21:45

Sitting on my bed this morning in Crescent Heads. Up here with old surf buddies from Adelaide. Most of them are at that stage of life where collectively they’ve created a tribe of young kids. It’s actually a sort of father and sons gig and me, with my 26 year old lad back in Sydney, enjoying the limited freedom of being a friendly uncle.

So this morning I set myself up on my bed in the temporary quiet of dawn...

Candradasa's picture

Money Makes The World Go Round

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Fri, 13 Oct, 2017 - 17:47

Money Makes The World Go Round

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Fri, 13 Oct, 2017 - 17:47

What role does money play in our sense of identity, our self-worth and our feelings of personal security? This week we’ll be looking at what the Buddha’s pragmatic, ethical perspective on human happiness has to offer us in a world where money - or the pursuit of it - matters perhaps more than ever. Join us in exploring questions spiritual and economic with our guest speaker Amalavajra, visiting from the UK.

A former broker in London with J.P. Morgan, Amalavajra’s own journey...

Munisha's picture

Ordination in Dublin, Ireland

From Triratna News on Tue, 10 Oct, 2017 - 12:45

Ordination in Dublin, Ireland

From Triratna News on Tue, 10 Oct, 2017 - 12:45

We are happy to announce the first Triratna ordination in Ireland! Keith Hogan’s public ordination was held Saturday, 7th October 2017, at the Sophia Centre, Dublin, Ireland.

Keith Hogan becomes Rijumuni
meaning ‘Honest/sincere sage’
Private preceptor: Khemadhamma
Public preceptor: Saddhaloka

Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu!

Munisha's picture

Ordination at Tiratnanaloka

From Triratna News on Mon, 9 Oct, 2017 - 18:58

Ordination at Tiratnanaloka

From Triratna News on Mon, 9 Oct, 2017 - 18:58

We are delighted to announce the public ordination of Claire Walsh on Saturday 7th October, at the Manchester Buddhist Centre, amidst a gathering of over 100 sangha, family, and other friends.

​Claire’s private ordination took place at Tiratanaloka on Wednesday 4th October, during a retreat specially arranged so that her husband and their recently adopted baby could stay with her throughout.

Claire becomes Nischalasri
(acute accent over both s to be pronounced sh; second i is long)
meaning ’She whose radiance is unwavering’.

Ujumani's picture

Déclaration contre la violence bouddhiste en Birmanie

From Espace Sangha de Paris on Thu, 5 Oct, 2017 - 19:52

Déclaration contre la violence bouddhiste en Birmanie

From Espace Sangha de Paris on Thu, 5 Oct, 2017 - 19:52

Sangharakshita, le fondateur de l’Ordre bouddhiste Triratna, ont récemment fait la déclaration traduite ci-dessous, condamnant la violence perpétrée par des bouddhistes en Birmanie (Myanmar) contre les Rohingyas.

Tous les membres de l’Ordre bouddhiste Triratna qui animent le Centre bouddhiste Triratna de Paris ou qui y enseignent soutiennent entièrement cette déclaration et s’y associent.

Déclaration au sujet des violences menées par des bouddhistes contre la population musulmane en Birmanie (Myanmar), 2017

En tant que bouddhiste, je m’oppose totalement aux encouragements à la violence et...
