Candradasa's picture

Meditation Thursdays Continue

From Online Meditators on Tue, 5 Feb, 2013 - 17:05

Meditation Thursdays Continue

From Online Meditators on Tue, 5 Feb, 2013 - 17:05Last week was our busiest sit so far as we continue this sweet experiment with meditative pioneers around the world, all of us taking time out in our days to sit together - wherever we are…

This Thursday we’ll be meditating again at the usual time of 11am EST, 4pm UK, 9.30pm Maharashtra. We’ll be doing the Metta Bhavana (‘Development of Loving Kindness’) practice - with a particular emphasis on bearing in mind all our...
viriyalila's picture

Meditation Immersion Practice Day

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Tue, 5 Feb, 2013 - 12:25

Meditation Immersion Practice Day

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Tue, 5 Feb, 2013 - 12:25Have you ever wondered what would happen if you meditated for a longer period than what you’re accustomed to? This is a great opportunity to find out! Meditation practice deepens and becomes more pleasurable when given the time and space to do so. We will have three meditation sessions with breaks in between, as well as a discussion session to explore issues in meditation.

Saturday, February 16th, 9 - 1 pm
Led by Dharmachari Suddhayu
Offered by donation, $25-40...
viriyalila's picture

February Sangha Nights

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Tue, 5 Feb, 2013 - 12:08

February Sangha Nights

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Tue, 5 Feb, 2013 - 12:08Join us for Sangha Nights, Wednesday evenings, 7 - 9 pm. Beginning with a meditation (guidance and support available for those who would like it) followed by a presentation and discussion on Buddhist study and/or practice. All are welcome, offered by donation: $10-5 suggested.

February 4 The Buddha’s Last Days An evening of story telling and reflection regarding the last weeks of the Buddha’s life.

February 13 Parinirvana Puja Being one of the holy days on the Buddhist...
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Confession and Craving

From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Tue, 5 Feb, 2013 - 00:00
This is the fourth talk in the series 'Evolution and the meaning of life'. To take the next evolutionary step, we need to purify the mind. This talk

continues the exploration of the mind, looking at the unskilful states relating to greed or craving, the skilful states free of craving, and the purifying process of ethical practice and confession which can lead us from one to the other.
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Going Forth and the Four Sights

From London Buddhist Centre on Tue, 5 Feb, 2013 - 00:00
Talk given at the LBC Womens' Night class Jan 24th 2013
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

The Journey and the Guide Wk3

From London Buddhist Centre on Tue, 5 Feb, 2013 - 00:00
The third in a series of eight talks given at the LBC's Dharma Night. An eight-week seminar exploring a practical path to Enlightenment using the five stages of spiritual life: integration, positive emotion, spiritual death, rebirth and spiritual receptivity. We'll be dedicating ourselves to day-to-day practice inspired by the Buddha's example.
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

The Journey and the Guide Wk2

From London Buddhist Centre on Tue, 5 Feb, 2013 - 00:00
The second in a series of eight talks given at the LBC's Dharma Night. An eight-week seminar exploring a practical path to Enlightenment using the five stages of spiritual life: integration, positive emotion, spiritual death, rebirth and spiritual receptivity. We'll be dedicating ourselves to day-to-day practice inspired by the Buddha's example.
Candradasa's picture

Triratna Timeline Video (Small Version )

From Community Highlights on Mon, 4 Feb, 2013 - 23:45
Here’s a small version (suitable for smartphones, etc.) of the Triratna Timeline video…
Candradasa's picture

The Triratna Timeline Video

From Community Highlights on Mon, 4 Feb, 2013 - 23:10

The Triratna Timeline Video

From Community Highlights on Mon, 4 Feb, 2013 - 23:10

Here’s an experimental timeline we made in 2011 to mark the launch of our new Buddhist Centre Online. It’s presented here as a multi-media slideshow (with integrated movies and audio). It’s a whopping 53 minutes long - so feel free to download from Vimeo and watch at your leisure (we’ve posted a smaller version too under resources!)…

The timeline starts in 1925 with the birth of Sangharakshita, the community’s founder, and ends...

lokabandhu's picture

European Chairs gather at Taraloka

From Triratna News on Mon, 4 Feb, 2013 - 06:13

European Chairs gather at Taraloka

From Triratna News on Mon, 4 Feb, 2013 - 06:13Lokabandhu reports from a recent gathering of Triratna’s European Chairs Assembly, saying - “Around 40 Chairs of Triratna’s European Buddhsit Centres recently met at Taraloka for the ECA’s biannual gathering and review of how things are going in the Triratna Buddhist Community across Europe. Here’s a short report of a very full and busy week!

After the usual hellos and introductions the meeting formally welcomed Aryapala, Maniraja, and Uddyotani, new Chairs of Padmaloka, Guhyaloka, and...
