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Free Buddhist Audio

The Journey and the Guide Wk4

From London Buddhist Centre on Tue, 12 Feb, 2013 - 00:00
The fourth in a series of eight talks given at the LBC's Dharma Night. An eight-week seminar exploring a practical path to Enlightenment using the five stages of spiritual life: integration, positive emotion, spiritual death, rebirth and spiritual receptivity. We'll be dedicating ourselves to day-to-day practice inspired by the Buddha's example.
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Parinirvana 2013

From Community Highlights on Mon, 11 Feb, 2013 - 15:35

Parinirvana 2013

From Community Highlights on Mon, 11 Feb, 2013 - 15:35This week Triratna Buddhist Centres all over the world will be marking the Buddha’s last days and Parinirvana. It’s a time when we come together to reflect on his life and death, and remember those we have known who have passed away. A chance to strengthen our practice of one of the most essential reflections in any spiritually healthy life - the recollection of impermanence - by engaging with the ‘purification’ practice of ‘...
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Just Listen

From Free Buddhist Audio on Mon, 11 Feb, 2013 - 12:54

Just Listen

From Free Buddhist Audio on Mon, 11 Feb, 2013 - 12:54Just Listen. Do you hear the Dharma in the wind? in the trees?

Just Look. Do you see the Dharma in your breakfast food? In the candle by your shrine?

Just Feel. Do you feel the Dharma as you dress? as you walk? as you sit?

Free Buddhist Audio thrives when it’s well supported! People all over the world are tuning in to our Dharma talks to help them find deeper connections and understandings of the Buddhist...
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She who was Dawn Pavli is "Hridayashri"

From San Francisco Buddhist Center on Mon, 11 Feb, 2013 - 05:06

She who was Dawn Pavli is "Hridayashri"

From San Francisco Buddhist Center on Mon, 11 Feb, 2013 - 05:06Hridayashri has been Ordained into the Tri Ratna Buddhist Order. She who was Dawn Pavli.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Jordgudinnan - Rötterna I Jorden

From Stockholms buddhistcenter on Mon, 11 Feb, 2013 - 00:00
Padmasurya berättar om jordgudinnan som symbol för vår förankring i kroppen och vår erfarenhet av verkligheten.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Upplysning Kontra Materialism

From Stockholms buddhistcenter on Mon, 11 Feb, 2013 - 00:00
This is an intruduction to the Sangha night theme of spring 2013 at the Stockholm buddhist centre; Myths, symbols and tales from the buddhist tradition.
viriyalila's picture

Reflections on Vajrasattva

From Free Buddhist Audio on Sun, 10 Feb, 2013 - 01:49

Reflections on Vajrasattva

From Free Buddhist Audio on Sun, 10 Feb, 2013 - 01:49Special NEMO Podcast: “Reflections on Vajrasattava” by Dhammadinna. Brought to you from the Free Buddhist Audio home-base, currently buried under two feet of snow!

In “Reflections on Vajrasattva: Purity, Confession and Death’ Dhammadinna shares her thoughts on Vajrasattva. His purity is not any sort of purity that can be attained – he is beyond space and beyond time.

Our Vajrasattva nature reminds us to wake up to...
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Free Buddhist Audio

The Mandala of the Five Buddhas - Talk 1 - Entering the Mandala

From Padmaloka Retreat Centre on Sun, 10 Feb, 2013 - 00:00
The first talk of Padmaloka's 2012 Winter Retreat. Vessantara introduces Mandalas, in terms of personal, symbolic and specifically buddhist representations.

He then invites us to enter the Mandala as a initiatory voyage of discovery and development, making reference to the System of Practice and the need to balance effort with openness.
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Free Buddhist Audio

The Mandala of the Five Buddhas - Talk 2 - Akshobya, Touching the Earth, Integration

From Padmaloka Retreat Centre on Sun, 10 Feb, 2013 - 00:00
Second talk of Padmaloka's 2012 Winter Retreat on the Five Buddhas. Akshobya touches the earth, as a symbol of confidence and self awareness. This links us back to the story of the Buddha's enlightenment, reminds us of our own potential and asks the question 'what is it that trips us up or holds us back ?'
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Free Buddhist Audio

The Mandala of the Five Buddhas - Talk 3 - Ratnasambhava and the Mandala

From Padmaloka Retreat Centre on Sun, 10 Feb, 2013 - 00:00
The third talk of Padmaloka's 2012 Winter Retreat on the Mandala.

We are reminded of the mandala as a model, though not an exclusive one. Ratnasambhava has the mudra of generosity, how does that develop from Akshobya ?

The system of practice can be mapped onto the 5 Buddhas, here we see the connections between abundance and positive emotion.
