In this talk Vadanya explores how we can turn the tables on pointless anxiety and limiting fears, and use these as fuel for our practice. Talk given on Men's Event at Padmaloka, June 2013.
Alokadhara's talk investigates how fear arises in dependence upon the delusion of there being a fixed, separate self and how the spell of that delusion can be broken by a clear seeing into the true nature of the five skandhas.
Talk Given on Men's Event at Padmaloka, June 2013.
From Triratna News on Tue, 2 Jul, 2013 - 15:36Big news is just in from Buddhafield: their Festival team is planning to take a break next year, ie 2014. It’ll be their first year off since the Festival started in 1996 and a well-deserved rest for all concerned! See below for their full statement - what it means in practice is, the Festival this year’s your last chance to come until 2015! It’s coming up soon, July 17-21 to be precise, tickets are available here, and the...
Sarvananda, author of 'Solitude and loneliness, a Buddhist view', talks about the relationship between solitude and spiritual friendship. Given as part of the Year of Kalyana Mitrata at the Cambridge Buddhist Centre.
From Triratna News on Mon, 1 Jul, 2013 - 20:42Over on Padmaloka’s space on The Buddhist Centre Online there’s a major new series of 8 talks by Subhuti entitled ‘The Five Aspects of Sangharakshita’s System of Dharma Life’, along with a question-and-answer session on the material.
This series was given by Subhuti on a recent ‘System of Practice’ retreat at Padmaloka for men who have asked for Ordination. In these talks, Subhuti delves into the fundamental principles behind ...