February 4 The Buddha's Last Days An evening of story telling and reflection regarding the last weeks of the Buddha's life.
February 13 Parinirvana Puja Being one of the holy days on the Buddhist calendar, Parinirvana is a time to reflect upon the passing of the Buddha, and death generally.
This just in! UPDATED February 19th: The Parinirvana Puja last week was so amazing that the team would like to continue exploring themes from the ancient sutta that tells the story around the Buddha's final passing into Nirvana. So this week, Februrary 20th, and next week, February 27th, Suddhayu will be our guide through this story rich in symbolism and meaning.
Next month we will launch a 10 week series with Suzanne and Viriyagita: Walking, Running and Stumbling along the Noble Eight Fold Path