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Dharma Teaching - Beginners Buddhism: Basic Core Teachings (A Six-Week Course By Achala)

From Triratna Resources on Sat, 16 Jul, 2016 - 19:28

Here you can download the handouts for a six-week course, provided by Achala from New Zealand.

Please note that according to Achala further improvement of some of these handouts is needed! Please share your improvements in the comments.

NOTE: This is what Achala said about his intentions when designing this course:

I tried to construct a course such that it:

  • covers what an average human being needs to effectively practice Buddhism
  • doesn’t not have a scholastic bent (so a few Pali/Sanskrit terms seemed reasonable
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Centre Team

Dharma Teaching - Beginners Buddhism: Essentials Of Buddhism and Meditation (A Six-Week Course By The Glasgow Buddhist Centre)

From Triratna Resources on Sat, 16 Jul, 2016 - 19:23

This is a six-week course from the Glasgow Buddhist Centre. The course offers introductions to the basic meditation practices and covers the following topics:

Buddhism: the basics and the path

  • The Buddha, historical and ideal
  • Ethics, meditation, wisdom
  • The Sangha, the fellowship of practitioners,
  • The six emphases of Triratna.

Outline of the course 

Short course description including a commented reading list

  • Meditation: posture and body awareness
  • Buddhism: the basics and the path

Session 2

  • Meditation: awareness of the body and breath
  • Buddhism: the Buddha, historical and ideal

Session 3

  • Meditation: the mindfulness of breathing
  • Buddhism: the Dharma, part 1 – ethics
  • ...
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Centre Team

Dharma Teaching - Beginners Buddhism: What Makes You A Buddhist? (A Six-Week Course By Vajrapriya)

From Triratna Resources on Sat, 16 Jul, 2016 - 19:12

This is Module 1 of the Level 2 Buddhism Course by Vajrapriya used at Cambridge Buddhist Centre, UK (November 2007). 

The resources include: notes for the course leader (including learning objectives, guide lines for input and exercises, background information, suggestions for home practice), and handouts

Week 1: Sraddha – Faith within a Buddhist context
Topics: Grounds of faith; developing faith; faith and doubt; faith and inspiration; experiences of faith.

  • Notes for the course leader
  • Handout 1 (2 pages): Faith within a Buddhist Context
  • Handout 2 (1 page): Quotes on Faith

Week 2: Going for Refuge

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Dharma Teaching - Beginners Buddhism: Simple Dharma Handouts

From Triratna Resources on Sat, 16 Jul, 2016 - 17:58
  • A one-page Buddhism handout (by Lokabandhu, as used for the Buddhafield Festival)
  • A one-page handout introducing basic Triratna resources eg our main websites (Lokabandhu)
  • A 17-page booklet - the same but in much more detail, including Triratna websites, recommended reading lists and basic intros to meditation, Dharma, and Triratna. Also prepared by Lokabandhu
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Centre Team

Dharma Teaching - Introduction (2008)

From Triratna Resources on Sat, 16 Jul, 2016 - 17:48

Mokshini has prepared a great summary of how Triratna’s System of Practice (Integration-Positive Emotion-Spiritual Death-Spiritual Rebirth-Spiritual Receptivity links with the above levels. It’s attached here.

Please don’t hesitate to make suggestions for improvements and ask questions: add comments below. 

If you are interested in an overview about what is taught at urban Triratna centres, you can also download a survey prepared by the Dharma Teaching Coordinator for the Chairs Assembly in July 2008.

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Centre Team

Starting A Community (UK, 2010)

From Triratna Resources on Sat, 16 Jul, 2016 - 17:32

Here are resources for anyone in the Triratna Buddhist Community thinking to start a residential community, or already living in one. It includes practical advice, inspirational material and Dharma resources; also ideas that may help in times of difficulty. It’s a collaborative effort between members of the Triratna Development team, and people from Triratna’s Young Buddhists Sangha. 

Tenancy agreeement
The LBC uses an Assured Shorthold Tenancy agreement for those living in its communities; you can download a blank version of...

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Hearing loss advice for Buddhist Centres

From Triratna Resources on Sat, 16 Jul, 2016 - 17:18

Hearing loss advice for Buddhist Centres – a paper prepared by Jnanamitra.

I have also added some info supplied by Satyadakini from the Croydon Sangha 

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Centre Team

Response To Civil Emergencies, UK (2009)

From Triratna Resources on Sat, 16 Jul, 2016 - 17:14

Pandemics and other civil emergencies: how faith communities might respond
In recent years there have been a number of scares involving major civil disasters, from bird flu to terrorism. Obviously we hope none of these will ever happen, but they might. 

The UK Government has issued guidance for the role it would like Faith Communities to play in such situations. The Triratna sangha is of course part of this network of communities, and is kept up to date through its membership...

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Centre Team

Fire Safety, UK (2006)

From Triratna Resources on Sat, 16 Jul, 2016 - 16:53

Here is some information about the Fire Safety Order 2005, which came into force on 1st October 2006. As from that date, old fire safety certificates cease to be effective and new regulations for running a fire safety assessment come into operation.

There is a website (www.fire.gov.uk/Workplace+safety/) on which you will find information about the new regulations.

There may be exemption from some of the new fire regulations for religious residential communities i.e. less strict regulations apply than would in a...

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Centre Team

Faith, Health Care, and Dying (2011)

From Triratna Resources on Sat, 16 Jul, 2016 - 16:45

Faith, Health Care, and Dying (2011)

From Triratna Resources on Sat, 16 Jul, 2016 - 16:45

Faith, Health Care, and Dying – Some Points from a Buddhist Perspective
This is an article from Dayasara at Ipswich Buddhist Centre, looking at issues of health care and dying from a Buddhist perspective.

Geographical diversity of Buddhism
Sri Lanka, Thailand and Burma preserve the ancient Theravada form, with its characteristic yellow robed monks. The relatively later-developing Mahayana form(including Zen) is associated with Japan and China, Hong Kong, and Tibet. People from immigrant communities practising the religion of...
