Here are resources for anyone in the Triratna Buddhist Community thinking to start a residential community, or already living in one. It includes practical advice, inspirational material and Dharma resources; also ideas that may help in times of difficulty. It’s a collaborative effort between members of the Triratna Development team, and people from Triratna’s Young Buddhists Sangha.
Tenancy agreeement
The LBC uses an Assured Shorthold Tenancy agreement for those living in its communities; you can download a blank version of it it here. There is a schedule of responsibilities and duties available here.
Community Budgets
A spreadsheet for developing a Budget for your community is also attached. It can be used to create a budget and do your bookkeeping. Probably best to take a copy of it and enter your figures and generally adjust it to reflect your situation.
Ethos Statement
The LBC has developed an ‘Ethos Statement’ for its communities. Other working papers connected with managing communities have been developed by the LBC, which may be available on request – please contact the LBC ( if you are interested. These include an overview of community financing, a schedule of responsibility for various maintenance expenses, etc.